New idea of a new year. This thread is for everyone to share what's going on in his or her character's life at the moment. Big or small, it doesn’t matter. The intention is not to write an interactive story but just take a snapshot of Rubi-Kan life.
You can write your bit anyway you like, in the first person, like a diary entry ("Today I worked all day on my new robotic cook"), in third person mode as if it were a story ( "Dabblez worked all day on her new robotic cook." or even just in plain, factual terms ("My character, Dabblez, is working on a robotic cook"),whatever works best for you.
Likewise you may include things that are actually happening in-game like a tower battles or Council of Truth session, or stuff which is just imagined, like a trip to Omni-Prime or coaching a children's softball team.
The only rule is keep it short, easy to write, easy to read. Try to keep each entry within two or three standard paragraphs. You can always add further entries at a later date. Also, please put the character name in the title of the reply, just so those of us with multiple characters can keep them apart.
Finally, please remember that just because you may have read something here it does not necessarily mean your character knows about it. It’s just common sense, really.
So, on with “Meanwhile on Rubi-Ka…”