Thread: Null Space Disruptor

  1. #221
    One time at a tower battle an enforcer/shade/advy found me when my coon was down and killed me. I should start a thread about nerfing their perks because they cause me to die.
    Waiting for a cure.

  2. #222
    Quote Originally Posted by Livesangry View Post
    a rootgraft slows you down for 1-2 secs, you have 8 more secs to live....
    The next question would be, why do you run alone, 38 seconds from the next friendly player? I don't run up to the next ranged Advy either, and expect to survive.
    Neophyte Nerf"Shareida"Batted First Order
    Freshman Jefferey"Bailan2"Ginsberg - Retired
    Shareidah - First Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazy View Post
    it's written in the bible.
    Matthew 23:13 "and the trader hath casteth bulk trader at the young age of 14. and it was good. and so he hath an extra 260 comp lit and he hath equippeth better ncu's. and it was good too.
    A Producer's point of view

  3. #223
    Quote Originally Posted by Mostadio View Post
    One time at a tower battle an enforcer/shade/advy found me when my coon was down and killed me. I should start a thread about nerfing their perks because they cause me to die.
    i support this idea!
    ~Techmagos -220/30/70 Engi
    ~Aasimi -220/21/xx Agent
    ~Nyrlathotek9 -174/14/xx Sold


  4. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by Shareida View Post
    So you tell me an Engie can pop 40k+ dmg on a 220 sol in lesser as 30 secs? Even if you stand still that'd be hard.
    Shar, he is not joking. I killed a 220 soldier in BS with my pets alone in about that time (prolly longer though) with Don at 216. And you know how gimped he is. NSD is extremely powerful vs soldiers. He couldnt have been a very good soldier, but then again I was an extremely crappy engie and 4 levels below. Granted knowledge of profession and general PvP tactics do play a role, but not that much.
    General of First Order

  5. #225
    Quote Originally Posted by Doniger View Post
    Shar, he is not joking. I killed a 220 soldier in BS with my pets alone in about that time (prolly longer though) with Don at 216. And you know how gimped he is. NSD is extremely powerful vs soldiers. He couldnt have been a very good soldier, but then again I was an extremely crappy engie and 4 levels below. Granted knowledge of profession and general PvP tactics do play a role, but not that much.
    Thank you for providing an honest statement. The game would do well if people would just admit exactly how powerful some things can be.
    Leave "Marinegent" AScar - 220/23/65 Atrox Agent
    Wakeup "Marinesold" Screaming - 220/30/70 Nanomage Soldier
    "Moonmarin" - 220/30/80 Solitus Martial Artist
    "Marinekeep" - 215/18/4x Atrox Keeper
    Quote Originally Posted by CuisinartBlade View Post
    to be fair, 2.8k ar is enough to perk anyone except fixers, mas, advs, shades, nt's that blinded you, shield mps, bow mps that landed dazzle, def docs, crats, or marinesold

    so all in all it's a fairly viable setup

  6. #226
    Like how powerful AMS is without the presence of an engi right?

    Lemme pose this question, what's more balanced? One offensive aura that lowers one defence, or one defence that pretty much negates a number of offences?
    Last edited by Adva; Sep 15th, 2010 at 04:09:12.

  7. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by Adva View Post
    Like how powerful AMS is without the presence of an engi right?

    Lemme pose this question, what's more balanced? One offensive aura that lowers one defence, or one defence that pretty much negates a number of offences?
    I would say the offensive aura in this case because:

    This is literally the soldier's ONLY defence, there is nothing else we can do to survive (unless you count One more hit healing...but at TL 7, ( 200-300 is hardly a "defence" when you can avoid 0 perks and without AMS most profs can alpha us.

    As far as "one defence that pretty much negates a number of offences"
    1.) There are multiple profs that have a way around this; not only for themselves, but for other people attacking the solja too:
    -Traders: Borrow reflect-> Lowers Effectiveness of the reflect by a fair amount
    -Nt: Doubles/Tripes -> Pierce Reflect drops ALL reflects for a short time on the target, which means that anyone attacking that target at that time, has nothing reflect wise blocking them.
    -Engineers: NSD-> Lowers effectiveness of the reflect by a lot

    2.)Yes, a soldier's AMS is very strong versus physical attacks and non reflect piercing nanos but soldiers are VERY easy to crowd control and simply attacking a soldier until he AMS's, and then kiting him (seemingly little known fact-> soldiers have crap for RS), rooting him, snaring him until he goes down is VERY easy.

    3.) As much as everyone seems to hate to believe it: Soldiers are by far one of the easiest professionals to beat in pvp.

    Soldiers do 3 pvp setups:

    Assault rifle+AS weapon,SMG/AS weapon, Carbine or upgraded beast rifle

    Assault rifle: pretty high AR, however they are easily outhealed by healing profs with low hp setup (exception of docs who have high hp typically) and very easy to tank if you have decent evades.

    SMG/AS weapon: Low AR by soldier standards meaning that pretty much the only thing that evade profs will get hit with is AS (unless MR is popped and even then it's iffy being that the perks (aside from tracer) is 100% defence check) Easy to out heal if you know what you're doing as a doc, evade healers (advy for example) have a EASY time v these setups as they basiclly just have to deal with Aimed shot. No one who knows what they are doing is going to have a issue with them.

    Carbine or upgraded beast rifles: Definition of AS noobs. Healers of any sort have 0 issue with killing these, docs have 0 issue killing these. Only hard part about them comes from evade profs with low heals and even then if you know what to do they aren't hard.

    This PoV is coming from a TL 7 soldier, a TL 5 soldier as well as a TL 7 Shade, and a TL 5 MA. They aren't hard to beat, NSD is honestly just overkill on a prof that's squishier than engineers without reflects.
    RK 2
    Captian 220 soldier
    Ownsauce 220 Shade
    Captiansma 170 MA twink *RIP*
    Various other gimps

    RK 1
    Ownsauce 220 crat
    Paink47 150 soldier twink *nearly finished*
    Critmonster 150 MA twink *WIP*

  8. #228
    I propose that the root of the problem get addressed rather than asking for something to get nerfed. I've been saying for years that soldiers need something that IS NOT tms. How do you honestly justify giving someone a secondary defense when their primary defense negates 75-85% of all damage that isn't LE nukes? There's no way to beat it down like absorbs/blockers; it simply runs until it's finished.

    I'd much rather soldiers have a set of milder defenses with a 10-15 second TMS for emergency situations coupled with a 30-45s cooldown and no nanoskill debuff. That sounds a lot better than 80 seconds of lolmode.
    Waiting for a cure.

  9. #229
    a 216 engi has 5 blockers every 50 seconds, that musta been one gimp ass soldier... (7x30 spec blockers are 218+)

    besides that: funny stuff, keep posting the entertainment!

    Darkellarisa 220/30/70 Engineer equipment pvp // Alien Deaths: 353
    Crazyella 220/30/70 MP equipment // Alien Deaths: 90
    Stabbingella 220/28/67 Shade equipment // Alien Deaths: 45
    Farming alien deaths since 2006!

    Quote Originally Posted by Solidstriker View Post
    And Ella said, "Let there be robots," and there were robots. Ella saw that the robots were good, and he separated the light from the dark. Ella called the light "Slayerdroids," and the dark he called "Gladiatorbots." And there was Automations, and there was Warmachines- the second day.

  10. #230
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellarisa View Post
    a 216 engi has 5 blockers every 50 seconds, that musta been one gimp ass soldier... (7x30 spec blockers are 218+)

    besides that: funny stuff, keep posting the entertainment!

    True.. but either way, when I catch a soldier on my 220 engi, he doesn't last more than 10 secs, and there's nothing the said soldier can do, when snared, blinded, and NSD'd.

    Makes you laugh? Good for you.

  11. #231
    Quote Originally Posted by Ocene View Post
    True.. but either way, when I catch a soldier on my 220 engi, he doesn't last more than 10 secs, and there's nothing the said soldier can do, when snared, blinded, and NSD'd.

    Makes you laugh? Good for you.
    Ocene. Let me duel your tradeskill engi that you have.

    I'll fraps it. We can post it here and /thread.
    Leave "Marinegent" AScar - 220/23/65 Atrox Agent
    Wakeup "Marinesold" Screaming - 220/30/70 Nanomage Soldier
    "Moonmarin" - 220/30/80 Solitus Martial Artist
    "Marinekeep" - 215/18/4x Atrox Keeper
    Quote Originally Posted by CuisinartBlade View Post
    to be fair, 2.8k ar is enough to perk anyone except fixers, mas, advs, shades, nt's that blinded you, shield mps, bow mps that landed dazzle, def docs, crats, or marinesold

    so all in all it's a fairly viable setup

  12. #232
    NSD and snare aura break blinds...

    this thread is entertaining because of the amount of bullpoo that both sides defend themselves with.

    Darkellarisa 220/30/70 Engineer equipment pvp // Alien Deaths: 353
    Crazyella 220/30/70 MP equipment // Alien Deaths: 90
    Stabbingella 220/28/67 Shade equipment // Alien Deaths: 45
    Farming alien deaths since 2006!

    Quote Originally Posted by Solidstriker View Post
    And Ella said, "Let there be robots," and there were robots. Ella saw that the robots were good, and he separated the light from the dark. Ella called the light "Slayerdroids," and the dark he called "Gladiatorbots." And there was Automations, and there was Warmachines- the second day.

  13. #233
    Quote Originally Posted by Marinegent View Post
    Ocene. Let me duel your tradeskill engi that you have.

    I'll fraps it. We can post it here and /thread.
    My TS engi, has 5K hp.. no weapon skills nothing. PU perks and he is dead.

    No, I'll duel you on my very classic 20K HP engi, with Troa'ler, and all the angels' halleluyas. You won't last 10 secs.

  14. #234
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellarisa View Post
    NSD and snare aura break blinds...

    this thread is entertaining because of the amount of bullpoo that both sides defend themselves with.

    I am sorry, Ella, but chemical blindness does not break and is something that good engies use very effectively.
    Eroz, finally 220/26/70 Adventurer & proud General of Regulators on ex-RK2 (outdated) equip
    Rokroland, 170 Engineer No more crab for j00 Northern Front on ex-RK2
    Ranged roxxorz!
    Sig last updated properly when West Athens still had people sitting about the subway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Siahanor View Post
    Complaining about the realism of height changing mechanics in a game that has people who can channel their anger to make huge killer meatballs.

  15. #235
    oh right, forgot about that one.
    werent they changing def check on that though?
    i'll just keep quiet and be entertained

    Darkellarisa 220/30/70 Engineer equipment pvp // Alien Deaths: 353
    Crazyella 220/30/70 MP equipment // Alien Deaths: 90
    Stabbingella 220/28/67 Shade equipment // Alien Deaths: 45
    Farming alien deaths since 2006!

    Quote Originally Posted by Solidstriker View Post
    And Ella said, "Let there be robots," and there were robots. Ella saw that the robots were good, and he separated the light from the dark. Ella called the light "Slayerdroids," and the dark he called "Gladiatorbots." And there was Automations, and there was Warmachines- the second day.

  16. #236
    NSD is annoyance to anyone enjoying reflects, not just for soldier dude. Shorter duration, longer recharge on tick and maybe a percentual debuff like -25% reflects would make things more bearable.
    Taranide 220/30 fixer RK2 and now also RK1! Wait a second...
    Might have other characters too but I'm not so sure, always leave them camping something and there they are for few months.

  17. #237
    I think NSD is tool how to let soldiers move and not just stand in one place trying to tank whole world around. I think its good in a shape it is.

    I think it would be better improve soldier toolset in another area to diversify their defensive abilities more to not only being depending on reflect + hp (as it was already suggested by others).
    Philty - main, engie, proud member of allmighty CzA
    Philtynurse - backup heal
    Philtysaurus - rising from the ashes

  18. #238
    Quote Originally Posted by Ownsauce View Post
    2.)Yes, a soldier's AMS is very strong versus physical attacks and non reflect piercing nanos but soldiers are VERY easy to crowd control and simply attacking a soldier until he AMS's, and then kiting him (seemingly little known fact-> soldiers have crap for RS), rooting him, snaring him until he goes down is VERY easy.
    Yeah kite him for 1:20 sec then when his AMS almost runs out, he runs the other way/whompa hops/runs in a backyard? That's funny. While he can be immortal within that time and there's nothing you can't do in that time to the sold.

    Oh and I forgot, everyone in the game has snares and roots right?

  19. #239
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellarisa View Post
    a 216 engi has 5 blockers every 50 seconds, that musta been one gimp ass soldier... (7x30 spec blockers are 218+)
    Actually I had 6 blockers with no refresh. More than enough. Assumption is a bitch.
    Last edited by Doniger; Sep 16th, 2010 at 18:40:59. Reason: Typo.
    General of First Order

  20. #240
    Quote Originally Posted by Weltall View Post
    Oh and I forgot, everyone in the game has snares and roots right?
    Yes, that is correct. You are catching on. Well, granted that those who go full out NR, prolly dont though.
    General of First Order

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