I'm fully aware that Funcom does not support Linux.
Has anyone figured out how to run AO now with this new AwesomiumProcess.exe?
AO crashes for me now with the following as a bug report.
Code:Exception code: 80000003 BREAKPOINT Fault address: 00FCAFF0 01:008A9FF0 C:\Program Files\Funcom\Anarchy Online\Awesomium.dll Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:00000010 ECX:0637E664 EDX:00000000 ESI:0637E85C EDI:0637E864 CS:EIP:0073:00FCAFF0 SS:ESP:007B:0637E7F4 EBP:0637EA78 DS:007B ES:007B FS:0033 GS:003B Flags:00000246 Fpu control: 0x9001f Stack: From adr 0637E7F4 00A3AA9C 00000000 02ED98C0 02EDA000 02ED98A0 00738E41 0637E860 0637E85C 0637EA78 00000000 00000000 00000061 00A3B080 02EB5360 02ED9860 02ED98C0 02EDA000 00000061 0000008E 1E03E84B 013846B3 02EDA000 000003E5 00000000 02ED9860 00000032 00000004 01A3BE58 01A3BE1C 02ED98A0 Call stack: Address Frame Logical addr Module 00FCAFF0 0637EA78 0001:008A9FF0 C:\Program Files\Funcom\Anarchy Online\Awesomium.dll 7BC70030 0637EB48 0001:0005F030 C:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll 7BC78625 0637F398 0001:00067625 C:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll GetLogicalAddress failed for 7818496E <end>