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Thread: Newer Bug List 8/12/09

  1. #1

    Newer Bug List 8/12/09

    This list is copied from the thread here, if you have anything to add to it please say, I have removed things that I know have been corrected since the list was made.

    Quote Originally Posted by muha View Post
    This is the Engineer professions current bug list.
    Post below any new bugs or discussion of the old ones.

    Green - Feedback from FC
    Orange - Status

    1. Pets

    c. Pets get stuck in the floor inside a room in AI ships. Only way to get them out is by pet warp which is very slow. This happends almost exclusively in ships with several floors, where the top of the lift is located inside a big room. The pets get stuck in that room.
    Though this happends much for us, the testing team is having problems reproducing it. If someone could provide better information as to the exact room/situation it will help
    Information added 16/11/06

    d. Pets get caught in some places (pathing?)
    I. In CoH on the way to the door where the first Necromancer is.
    II. In aliens ships boss room, pets get stuck in the northern room
    III. In SL missions, pets don't climb the stairs in the boss room
    IV. In RK missions, bots are sometimes stuck in doors, appearing to go back and forth in and out of the door. Might happen more starting with 16.4.
    V. In the battlestation central area.
    IV added 29/10

    g. Engi pets can be attacked by if the engi is flagged, without giving a flag to the attacker. This is true even if the attacker is teamed with the engi.

    j. When pets are issued a /pet behind, and the engi gets attacked by some mob, pets immediately run off in a random direction at top speed, or run at the mobs and then stop, or do some other foolish manouver.

    k. In alien ships when you get warped pets sometimes start showing up as enemy mobs. This also happends in Primus Camp after warp to mob. Pet Warp seems to solve it. Setting bots on wait and then running out/returning back to their range also sometimes fixes it. In rare cases bots disconnect and dissapear.
    New Information 26/10/06, 6/1/07

    m. Bots will sometimes dissapear in RK missions. The bots will continue to fight, but no damage messages appear, either by the bots or done to the bots. Mobs hit this way will appear to die with full HP (or with the damage done by other means only). This was only reported in building missions.

    o. A pet that is snared, even with a small snares, stops moving completly.

    r. When fighting Ankari type Generals, pets sometime stop responding, and nothing will bring them back. This might be due to Viral Pet Trapper being cast on them, and them not coming back under control when it is removed. Pets do answer as if following commands, but they don't do a thing. They cannot be terminated either, so the only way to solve it is to relog.

    s. Pets sometimes attack the owner if the owner is flagged. They might also snare. Ways to reproduce:
    • Use biorejuvenation while attacking a guard or a player of the same faction. This heals the guard thus getting you on the pet hate list.
    • Trim the pet with AI trimmer or Avoidence trimmer, which damages the pet.
    • Use grenade (HSR hedgehog from shops, don't need to be high level) and do AoE damage.

    Guard example and other examples added 23-27 Feb 07

    t. When a pet is cocooned in apf42, and the engineer dies, the pet still keeps the cocoon nano, but not the cocoon. The main effect visible is 10% size. After the nano is removed, the pet might still remain small (10%).
    New 20/10/06

    u. In some rare cases, bots disconnect when issuing /pet wait. One way to see this is to issue /pet wait and run away. If you come back quickly, you see "Pet reconnection successful", otherwise, the pet will despawn after some time. This happens about once in 20 times. It is reported to be more often if you got warped often (i.e. primus camp).
    New 26/10/06

    v. Very similar to m, bots will sometimes dissapear in RK missions. In this case damage messages appear, and mobs do appear to take damage. When trying to buff bots you get "Target out of range for nano program." Zoning or pet warping fixes the problem.
    New from 16.4 29/10/06

    x. Pets cannot climb the warp platforms in the battlestation. This means that someone under attack can just jump on the platform and the pets cannot reach him.
    New from 17.0

    z. RK dynas are doing unreasonable amounts of damage on pets, independent of level. For example, a "Horrorblood of the Hive" lvl 148 is doing 1K nukes, see logs here. This appears to be Shadow Touch, a pet specific nano. It might be quite an old thing meant to stop pet owners from soloing dynas, which no longer makes sense.
    Might be old, reported July 2007

    aa. If you run/fly across watery areas pets sometimes switch to swim mode when entering water area and forgetting to switch back to run mode once they leave water. It got fixed once pets are near you, but in case of them lagging way back behind and having aggro - only real solution to get them is to zone.
    Reported November 2007

    ab. Pets randomly runs out to 0,0 coordinates of playfiend on zoning. Neither /pet wait nor pet warp helps.
    Reported March 2008

    2. Nanos

    e. Offensive aura effects are of the same school, and the same as the generators. Thus casting Null Space Disruptor protects an engi from another engi's auras, and an engi can erase everyone's hostile aura (say blind) by casting another (say reflect).

    g. Empowered Reactive Harmonic Cocoon stops refreshing after 2 hours, unless you zone.

    i. The MM requirement on the nanos Lesser Software Hacking Shielding, Software Hacking Shielding, Advanced Software Hacking Shielding is inconsistent with the TS req on the parallel crat nanos. It is 1300, 1500 and 1900 instead of 900, 1200 and 1400 respectively.
    New from 17.3

    j. The requirement on the nano formula Masters Bidding are unreasonable: 1301 PM/SI. It seems like it was supposed to be a crat nano, and a parallel engi nano is missing.

    o. Composite Ranged Expertise stacks with Grenade Expertise and LR Energy Weapon Expertise.

    p. Philosopher's Stone doesn't stack with Engineer Composite Tradeskills.

    3. Perks / Perk Specials / Procs

    b. LE procs Cushion Blows and Personal Protection buff for very little, even considering the low research level required, 1 damage shield and 13 AC.
    New from 17.0.x

    d. One type 2 proc should have been type 1 since there are 7 type 2 and 5 type 1. Best candidate for it is Drone Missles since it would make running two DD procs possible.
    New from 17.0.x, reported only 25 Feb 07

    4. Trimmers

    a. Divert energy to health seems to not work properly (at least on SL bots). The health increases, but within a few seconds the pet loses all the health it gained from the trimmer. This is probably because the max health buff is done after the +HP one. It only works as a +4K heal.

    c. The tradeskill for the Trimmer - Improve Actuators is bugged in that any trimmer over ql 222 cannot be built due to requiring an Empty Trimmer Casing of ql 201 or greater, which doesnt exist.
    ql300 trimmers were added to the database in 16.4.4, but nothing above ql220 was found in game. Still not clear if this is fixed or not.

    d. If activating Energy to Avoidance causes the pet to have negative health, it doesn't die as it is supposed to. Instead it gets a huge HP bar.

    e. Using a Trimmer - Divert Energy to Avoidance in zones with guards makes the guards attack you and get a pvp flag.


    c. When the Hood of Black Waters is hotswaped to an Organic armour helmet and then hotswap back in, the engie will be wearing the hood of black waters but his face will be the look of the organic armour helmet. Mods might be of both helmets.

    e. Some Penultimate Ofab Engineer armor pieces are missing bonuses compared to Tier 3 armor. Body misses MC. Helmet misses NP and Tutoring. Sleeves miss Pharmaceuticals and Break&Entry.

    g. Ancient Skills Library is missing Psychology. Supposedly it should have included all Tradeskills.
    New from 17.3
    "A whole new place to run around for ages in then die suddenly without warning."

    "I know who coded pet pathing... and when I see him I say "/follow" and I start waling in to walls :P"

    The "Trolls" option is incorrect. The term trolls is not used to describe the gathering of information on the Internet.

    <@Kintaii> L2P

  2. #2
    - People attacking pets now get flag however they dont get a flag for debuffing them.

    - DVP doesnt break 100% if other profs run certain nanos on npcs
    (tech i swear this happens man, dont listen to macrosun!)

    - Viral Pet Stealer or wtf its called has no nano effect, can see it being cast when pets/people interupt the casting of it, otherwise pets just stop, hard to tell if its bug/lag w/e

    - Pets run opposite to the way you teleport on BS (is the 0,0 bug this?, idk)

    - Pets can't attack certain faction guards.

    - Root/snare Resist on pets ineffective? (not sure on this one, but with 76% resist they still land over and over)

    - AI doggy's dot proc kills people after you finish dueling them if its running and you get em to 1hp (i lol every time but i get h8 for it)

    - Mines useable in decon

    - Pets still get terminate message when entering BS, but dont die, dunno but I just forsee this reactivating itself unexpectedly :P

    - Certain Debuffs dont get removed on entering decon 100%, NT blinds(esp optic plague), crat init debuffs, shade aao/aad drains

    - People can kill our pets after we die in bs, not sure about other places

    - After I die i execute every perk I q'd (not engy specific like above but im sick of using coon in decon only to spawn at A with clan spawncamping)

    - Boosted Tendons gets overwritten by soldier damage auras, annoying, would be easier the opposite way i think.

    - /pet hunt in areas with doors/walls doesn't work well, the pets go for the closest straight line target, often passing 3-4 other mobs to get to it. Seems a hard one to fix to me, maybe impossible.
    Last edited by MassDebater; Dec 8th, 2009 at 13:24:51.
    This was what I was wearing. Tell me I asked for it

    Quote Originally Posted by Marinegent View Post
    Soldier reflects just flat out need to be much stronger all the time (70%~ at level 220 at all times...)
    Quote Originally Posted by shadowgod View Post
    the day our pets last forever, like yours, is the day your reqs will be lowered.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obtena View Post
    To be fair, you are lucky the mods are as forgiving as they are.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obtena View Post
    your an idiot

  3. #3

    One that i find annoying ...

    Workboy and my equip

    and my equip

    Quote Originally Posted by Pomidor View Post
    History of great experiences during Anarchy Online timeplay:

    2001 - I just saw a player!
    2002 - I was in huge battle!
    2003 - I have Made first twink!
    2004 - I have made first quest in Shadowlands
    2005 - I dinged 220
    2006 - Was that an Alien? Holy Mothership...
    2007 - I own my first ql 300 CSS!
    2008 - We did Beast with just 3 guys!
    2009 - Damn, that Xan weapons LoX... erm Rox!
    2010 - Finnaly first character fully geared with all best stuff.
    2011 - Battlestations are so much zerg wars
    2012 - I have made set of twinks for new level ranges, they rocks!
    2013 - I made few 220 characters to level other characters...
    2014 - I saw a player!

  4. #4
    I will be editing this and making it a sticky post later on in the week, as the dev team directly asked us to create a new bug list for them.
    "A whole new place to run around for ages in then die suddenly without warning."

    "I know who coded pet pathing... and when I see him I say "/follow" and I start waling in to walls :P"

    The "Trolls" option is incorrect. The term trolls is not used to describe the gathering of information on the Internet.

    <@Kintaii> L2P

  5. #5
    1) My grenade gun misses in PvP and so do all of my perks
    2) My pets miss targets in pvp
    3) My widow can get killed by a soldier with 48% reflect and a 9k heal
    4) There are no QL 300 trimmers in game
    5) The way more pet NCU was included was terrible and they should just be buy-able from yuttos in pen.
    6) Pet user agro is the most fubar thing I have ever seen, ping-pong agro is terrible. Why does my pet generate agro for me?
    7) Boom-Boom needs to be something more exciting than just another damage perk
    8) The pet damage buffing trimmer should include a visual component on pet to give me a visual cue of when I need to refresh it
    9) Pet chance to interrupt nanos should be increased
    10) +damage buff and AAO buff should be rolled into one to save on NCU
    11) I has no improved auras
    12) boosted tendons should be moved into ranged init line
    13) Null Space Disruptor, Disruptive Void Projector and Disruptive Retributive Negator should all be given the same stacking order so instead of going through my NCU to cancel manually it in the middle of combat I can just cast another one and have the game re-write the old aura for me.

    More emo to come!
    Last edited by Takun; Dec 9th, 2009 at 20:54:07.
    Grenadearchy Online
    Takun - Grenade Engineer [Equipt] - Crit Monster - Overlord of Mortar Kombat
    Grenades - Grenade Engineer [Equipt] - Leveling Monster - Advisor of Mortar Kombat

    Grenade Infos
    Pure DPS - [Setup] - 1701 Fling to cap Sloth - 1% crit is equal to ~28+ damage
    Agg/Def: 100% - 1440 Nano Init to insta cast Isotos - 150 Ranged Init to cap Sloth
    Agg/Def: 0% - 2640 Nano Init to insta cast Isotos - 1650 Ranged Init to cap Sloth

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Takun View Post
    1) My grenade gun misses in PvP and so do all of my perks

    More emo to come!

    This is simply your own inadequacy.

    Oh, wait all my perks/hits miss people too
    This was what I was wearing. Tell me I asked for it

    Quote Originally Posted by Marinegent View Post
    Soldier reflects just flat out need to be much stronger all the time (70%~ at level 220 at all times...)
    Quote Originally Posted by shadowgod View Post
    the day our pets last forever, like yours, is the day your reqs will be lowered.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obtena View Post
    To be fair, you are lucky the mods are as forgiving as they are.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obtena View Post
    your an idiot

  7. #7
    I hear having more than 1100 AR is helpful for landing perks.
    Pre-18.0 Crat Fear...
    Quote Originally Posted by Sterva
    phear my ubar as dimach combo you sloughing fiend!
    Grenadearchy Online
    Grenades - Grenade Engineer [Equipt] - Leveling Monster - Peon of Mortar Kombat
    Hakun - Pistol Crat [Equipt] - Totem Monster - Peon of Mortar Kombat

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Grenades View Post
    I hear having more than 1100 AR is helpful for landing perks.

    i have 1200 offhand ty
    This was what I was wearing. Tell me I asked for it

    Quote Originally Posted by Marinegent View Post
    Soldier reflects just flat out need to be much stronger all the time (70%~ at level 220 at all times...)
    Quote Originally Posted by shadowgod View Post
    the day our pets last forever, like yours, is the day your reqs will be lowered.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obtena View Post
    To be fair, you are lucky the mods are as forgiving as they are.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obtena View Post
    your an idiot

  9. #9
    1. Soft zone from dying in BS, causes snare aura and trimmer effects to cancel.
    2. Haven't tested, but I'm sure Gadgeteer procs are still ****ed. They stop proccing after you zone with pet, introduced when snare aura was made to cancel on zone.
    3. Would be nice to have Reactive Harmonic Cocoon (RK version) overwrite the 3 minute SL version on teammates, so they can wander away from engineer and still have reflect.
    4. BS shells are useless just remove them. What's the point of low reqs on BS shells when you have to swap more nanoskills for the pet buffs than you do for the normal pets.
    5. I consider the fact of engineer having to buff two sets of blockers a bug, 1 for self and 1 for team.

    5. My engineer's pets never attack teammates when I am under the influence of mind control in 12m. I buff them Master's Bidding hoping they will kill someone, but they always just continue attacking Deranged Xan. Engineers could be getting team kills in this scenario.

    12) boosted tendons should be moved into ranged init line
    Then it wouldn't stack with our own ranged init buff, better to just have it in damage but not overwritten by soldier aura.
    New Engine - Announced: June 2007 ETA: Soon™ I'm speechless (June 2015)
    Rebalancing - Announced: January 2009 ETA: December 21, 2012 Started! (April 2015)
    New TL7 Pets - Announced: March 2009 ETA: Uh...
    AS Changes - Announced: July 2009 ETA: TBA
    Parry/Riposte - Announced: October 2009 ETA: ??? Did it! (April 2015)
    Perk Changes - Announced: October 2009 ETA: Right after server merge Started! (April 2015)
    Breed Change - Announced: November 2009 ETA: Hell freezing They did it!!! (Oct 2012)
    Beta Server - Announced: January 2010 ETA: Pigs Flying Did it! (Feb 2014)

  10. #10
    My scenario:
    +142 damage +205 ranged inits

    Current scenario:
    +107 damage +133 ranged inits

    Retard scenario:
    +35 damage +338 ranged inits

    math is hard
    Grenadearchy Online
    Takun - Grenade Engineer [Equipt] - Crit Monster - Overlord of Mortar Kombat
    Grenades - Grenade Engineer [Equipt] - Leveling Monster - Advisor of Mortar Kombat

    Grenade Infos
    Pure DPS - [Setup] - 1701 Fling to cap Sloth - 1% crit is equal to ~28+ damage
    Agg/Def: 100% - 1440 Nano Init to insta cast Isotos - 150 Ranged Init to cap Sloth
    Agg/Def: 0% - 2640 Nano Init to insta cast Isotos - 1650 Ranged Init to cap Sloth

  11. #11
    1. damage will become less important after the AS nerf, and noone cares about DD whores
    2. Range init saves IP
    3. It makes sense because other profession specific damage buffs also work this way, see MAs, Traders, Advs.
    Last edited by Quitter123; Dec 9th, 2009 at 08:57:03.
    New Engine - Announced: June 2007 ETA: Soon™ I'm speechless (June 2015)
    Rebalancing - Announced: January 2009 ETA: December 21, 2012 Started! (April 2015)
    New TL7 Pets - Announced: March 2009 ETA: Uh...
    AS Changes - Announced: July 2009 ETA: TBA
    Parry/Riposte - Announced: October 2009 ETA: ??? Did it! (April 2015)
    Perk Changes - Announced: October 2009 ETA: Right after server merge Started! (April 2015)
    Breed Change - Announced: November 2009 ETA: Hell freezing They did it!!! (Oct 2012)
    Beta Server - Announced: January 2010 ETA: Pigs Flying Did it! (Feb 2014)

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Quitter123 View Post
    1. damage will become less important after the AS nerf, and noone cares about DD whores
    2. Range init saves IP
    3. It makes sense because other profession specific damage buffs also work this way, see MAs, Traders, Advs.
    Pretty much this, yeah.

    BS shells have a flawed logic behind them, that needs to be fixed especially. (It goes like: "Damn, they killed my bot after I died..oh neat, I've got a shell! *rooted* Your Material Creation is required to be 2147! Your Time and Space is required to be 2147! *engineer hulk smash*)
    Solidstriker 220 Soldier- Pewpew Galore | Markerz 220 Engineer- Widowmaker
    Speedyadvy 165 Adventurer- PvP Gimp | Cruellia 164 Bureaucrat - Puppies!
    Nerf 219 Agent - From the Shadows | Swishswash 157 Fixer - Vector Tap
    Northaurora 85 Nano-Technician - Shimmering Light

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Quitter123 View Post
    1. damage will become less important after the AS nerf, and noone cares about DD whores
    Just like how no one cares about the 114 ranged init you want to save on... ip? Your talking about nerfing our damage in all team encounter and solo content for the sake of... 123 ranged init so you can go full def easier? Like what.

    2. Range init saves IP
    FYI 1050 ranged init is serious business, moving your agg/def bar over 10% must totally kill your NR. not to mention that I can get 1050 ranged init with AI scope on with out even putting ranged init to half. How badly does your attack time go down if you use 936 ranged init and full def? .1 seconds?

    3. It makes sense because other profession specific damage buffs also work this way, see MAs, Traders, Advs.
    Uhm... wut? The problem here is boosted tendons has +damage and +ranged init on it. You seem to value ranged init higher than you do actual damage for some odd reason.

    Gazump +107 damage 160stacking

    I assume for traders you mean Fine Tuning(lol)
    Fine Tuning + 18 damage +45 ranged init 39stacking

    I have no idea wtf you mean for advents and MA-s on this point.. advents have 1 damage buff (stacking212) (which they don't use FYI) and changes their damage to poison. As for MA-s their damage nanos are stacked above soldier aura because they change their AC damage type which is a core part of their class to take advantage of the lowest AC of their target (and their fireAC debuff thing)

    Offensive Steamroller +133 inits +30 fling
    Entropy Weapon +20 damage
    Boosted Tendons +35 damage +205 inits
    Gazump Fight +107 damage
    Rapid Weapon +114 ranged inits

    Solo Current: +35 damage +319 ranged init
    Team Current: +107 damage +133 ranged init +30 fling

    Solo My idea: +55 damage +205 ranged init
    Team My idea: +142 damage +205 ranged init

    Solo Your idea: +35 damage +319 ranged init
    Team Your idea: +35 damage +338 ranged init +30 fling

    Quote Originally Posted by Solidstriker View Post
    Pretty much this, yeah.
    I thought soldiers had to be competent about weapons and damage? Oh wait nevermind you just faceroll with the best DD special in game, my bad. Lets not try to damage the game with your lowbie alt opinions pl0x.

    Some lolproblems with the current list:

    o. Composite Ranged Expertise stacks with Grenade Expertise and LR Energy Weapon Expertise.

    It also stacks with heavy weapons, but I see that as justifying the terrible support grenade, RE and heavy weapons gets.. not to mention none of these where included on the comps the first time around so this is imho a moot point and funcoms own mistake.

    p. Philosopher's Stone doesn't stack with Engineer Composite Tradeskills.

    Another lolbug. Comp tradeskills covers [Nanoline: Chemistry/Pharm Buff] Of which philosophers stone is, which is also the only chemistry buffline in game (apart from expertise) The +200 chemistry overwrites philosophers stone +62 chem as the +200 mechanical engineering overwrites the +125 Mastery buff.
    Last edited by Takun; Dec 9th, 2009 at 21:04:11.
    Grenadearchy Online
    Takun - Grenade Engineer [Equipt] - Crit Monster - Overlord of Mortar Kombat
    Grenades - Grenade Engineer [Equipt] - Leveling Monster - Advisor of Mortar Kombat

    Grenade Infos
    Pure DPS - [Setup] - 1701 Fling to cap Sloth - 1% crit is equal to ~28+ damage
    Agg/Def: 100% - 1440 Nano Init to insta cast Isotos - 150 Ranged Init to cap Sloth
    Agg/Def: 0% - 2640 Nano Init to insta cast Isotos - 1650 Ranged Init to cap Sloth

  14. #14

    *Visual hp bug on pets after using Alien Invasion damage modifying trimmers. Fire/Cold/Energy. Their hp bar is visually that of a lvl 1 nano mage in the gui after you use the trimmer on them. When the effect wears off, their hp bar is visually stuck at around 35-75% "ish" of a normal full hp bar until you do a hard zone. Pets hp bar visually getting stuck at somewhere less than 100% hp in the gui after the effect wears off, happens less in BS for some reason unknown to me. Using elevators maby? Unlikely since its a soft zone. But it may be because of dmg. Never paid much attention to this and what the cause may be.

    - Offensive Aura, Pet hate list and flagged allies is something i am used to. But i wouldn't mind this getting fixed too.

    DVP doesnt break 100% if other profs run certain nanos on npcs. I have seen the DVP nano stick in the hostile ncu window. (tech i swear this happens man, dont listen to macrosun!)
    But does it actually set the mobs AR to -1210? Its pretty common to see icons of old nano programs running in my pets ncu after they have been removed, even though they aren't actually there and working. DVP has like 200-300 higher stacking order than any other blind in the same nano school. If macrosun says it isnt working, then it isn't working. It should stay the way it is imo, so people think we contribute to the team (psst: even if it works we shouldnt ask to fix it, but improve DVP <3 )
    Last edited by Fuglskremsel; Dec 10th, 2009 at 19:28:32.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Fuglskremsel View Post
    But does it actually set the mobs AR to -1210?
    Its still debatable if its bugged out or not, we did a small batch group testing of it and Metaing was watching the target but we're not sure still if it was bugged or not as while the effects seemed to be gone from the target I was still evading the target, and dvp refreshed while it was canceled on me.

    I'll put it into the list to have it looked at still, since even if its an Icon error its still a bug that needs to be taken care of.
    "A whole new place to run around for ages in then die suddenly without warning."

    "I know who coded pet pathing... and when I see him I say "/follow" and I start waling in to walls :P"

    The "Trolls" option is incorrect. The term trolls is not used to describe the gathering of information on the Internet.

    <@Kintaii> L2P

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Quitter123 View Post
    1. damage will become less important after the AS nerf, and noone cares about DD whores
    Explain this logic to me please. I'm dying to hear how noone cares about our damage when it's the best thing we bring to a team.

    2. Range init saves IP
    I think I see your problem. You have IP in ranged init.
    Last edited by Majoroutage_; Dec 10th, 2009 at 21:24:57.
    Because Race Yalm

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Majoroutage_ View Post
    Explain this logic to me please. I'm dying to hear how noone cares about our damage when it's the best thing we bring to a team.
    Any pistol engineer already ODs 80% of the average raidforce. With all common raids instanced, DD wars mean nothing. So, let's focus on useful areas of improvement.
    New Engine - Announced: June 2007 ETA: Soon™ I'm speechless (June 2015)
    Rebalancing - Announced: January 2009 ETA: December 21, 2012 Started! (April 2015)
    New TL7 Pets - Announced: March 2009 ETA: Uh...
    AS Changes - Announced: July 2009 ETA: TBA
    Parry/Riposte - Announced: October 2009 ETA: ??? Did it! (April 2015)
    Perk Changes - Announced: October 2009 ETA: Right after server merge Started! (April 2015)
    Breed Change - Announced: November 2009 ETA: Hell freezing They did it!!! (Oct 2012)
    Beta Server - Announced: January 2010 ETA: Pigs Flying Did it! (Feb 2014)

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Quitter123 View Post
    Any pistol engineer already ODs 80% of the average raidforce. With all common raids instanced, DD wars mean nothing. So, let's focus on useful areas of improvement.
    DD wars meant nothing before instancing too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Means View Post
    Dirty Underpants of Bungerman
    Runspeed: - 1989
    Sense: -314
    Intelligence: -50

    These befouled undergarments are painfully confining having previously belonged to a detail-oriented individual with much smaller genitals. Walking is difficult...running is impossible. Stains of a dubious nature adorn both the front and back of these "tighty-whities". Noxious fumes make your eyes burn and your nose run while wearing these. One can only imagine what you are doing wearing them.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by bungerman View Post
    DD wars meant nothing before instancing too.
    Maybe on RK2. On Atlantean DD wars used to determine who gets 30% of all Beast spawns. Amongst other things.

  20. #20
    Yeah, I miss the days of some DD wars they were fun, I like pushing Ace hard to win them.

    Anyways back to topic, Anyone else have any more bugs to add? I'd like to get this updated come next monday and root it for the devs to look over.
    "A whole new place to run around for ages in then die suddenly without warning."

    "I know who coded pet pathing... and when I see him I say "/follow" and I start waling in to walls :P"

    The "Trolls" option is incorrect. The term trolls is not used to describe the gathering of information on the Internet.

    <@Kintaii> L2P

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