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Thread: Newer bug list

  1. #1

    Engineer Bug List

    This is the Engineer professions current bug list.
    Post below any new bugs or discussion of the old ones.

    Green - Feedback from FC
    Orange - Status

    1. Pets

    a. Response times to pet commands can be very bad at times. Cases are medium sized PvP, 30+ people pande/apf raids. This happends when weapon attacks, perks and nanos run perfectly fine.
    After some time pets stop responding completly, and you start getting the message ": XXXX's pet, YYYY: No. I won't attack myself."
    Update November 2006: Lately this is reported in cases where there are as few as 8 people and 10-15 mobs around.

    b. pets will not attack some guards and guard-like mobs. some example are the omni lieutenant in trade, all guards in wa and sometimes sentries in missions.

    c. Pets get stuck in the floor inside a room in AI ships. Only way to get them out is by pet warp which is very slow. This happends almost exclusively in ships with several floors, where the top of the lift is located inside a big room. The pets get stuck in that room.
    Though this happends much for us, the testing team is having problems reproducing it. If someone could provide better information as to the exact room/situation it will help
    Information added 16/11/06

    d. Pets get caught in some places (pathing?)
    I. In CoH on the way to the door where the first Necromancer is.
    II. In aliens ships boss room, pets get stuck in the northern room
    III. In SL missions, pets don't climb the stairs in the boss room
    IV. In RK missions, bots are sometimes stuck in doors, appearing to go back and forth in and out of the door. Might happen more starting with 16.4.
    V. In the battlestation central area.
    IV added 29/10

    e. solved

    f. Snares hitting a flagged person produce a flag on the engi. An engi running snares that dies in PvP can be insta-ganked at reclaim if a flagged player is present because the aura will cause a new flag.

    g. Engi pets can be attacked by if the engi is flagged, without giving a flag to the attacker. This is true even if the attacker is teamed with the engi.

    h. Widowmaker will sometimes heal or nukes its target. It seems to cast Raze of Tantrum (heal) and Beckon for Grace (nuke). (nuke report, heal report, more)
    This only happens when the pet has full nano (like at cast time, or when a omni NM hits SB).
    Waiting for someone to provide a log file with this hapenning, as it is very rare and hard to reproduce
    Not reproducible, new information added 20/10/06, 6/1/07

    i. solved

    j. When pets are issued a /pet behind, and the engi gets attacked by some mob, pets immediately run off in a random direction at top speed, or run at the mobs and then stop, or do some other foolish manouver.

    k. In alien ships when you get warped pets sometimes start showing up as enemy mobs. This also happends in Primus Camp after warp to mob. Pet Warp seems to solve it. Setting bots on wait and then running out/returning back to their range also sometimes fixes it. In rare cases bots disconnect and dissapear.
    New Information 26/10/06, 6/1/07

    l. Solved

    m. Bots will sometimes dissapear in RK missions. The bots will continue to fight, but no damage messages appear, either by the bots or done to the bots. Mobs hit this way will appear to die with full HP (or with the damage done by other means only). This was only reported in building missions.

    n. combined with s below.

    o. A pet that is snared, even with a small snares, stops moving completly.

    p. On zoning, a snared pet might snare everyone, including unflagged people and the pet owner himself. This is even more common if the pet owner is flagged (or gets flagged due to the flagging by snare bug/issue).

    q. solved

    r. When fighting Ankari type Generals, pets sometime stop responding, and nothing will bring them back. This might be due to Viral Pet Trapper being cast on them, and them not coming back under control when it is removed. Pets do answer as if following commands, but they don't do a thing. They cannot be terminated either, so the only way to solve it is to relog.

    s. Pets sometimes attack the owner if the owner is flagged. They might also snare. Ways to reproduce:
    • Use biorejuvenation while attacking a guard or a player of the same faction. This heals the guard thus getting you on the pet hate list.
    • Trim the pet with AI trimmer or Avoidence trimmer, which damages the pet.
    • Use grenade (HSR hedgehog from shops, don't need to be high level) and do AoE damage.

    Guard example and other examples added 23-27 Feb 07

    t. When a pet is cocooned in apf42, and the engineer dies, the pet still keeps the cocoon nano, but not the cocoon. The main effect visible is 10% size. After the nano is removed, the pet might still remain small (10%).
    New 20/10/06

    u. In some rare cases, bots disconnect when issuing /pet wait. One way to see this is to issue /pet wait and run away. If you come back quickly, you see "Pet reconnection successful", otherwise, the pet will despawn after some time. This happens about once in 20 times. It is reported to be more often if you got warped often (i.e. primus camp).
    New 26/10/06

    v. Very similar to m, bots will sometimes dissapear in RK missions. In this case damage messages appear, and mobs do appear to take damage. When trying to buff bots you get "Target out of range for nano program." Zoning or pet warping fixes the problem.
    New from 16.4 29/10/06

    x. Pets cannot climb the warp platforms in the battlestation. This means that someone under attack can just jump on the platform and the pets cannot reach him.
    New from 17.0

    y. In the battlestation, you sometimes end up with a few extra pets which follow you around, but are not under your control. This happends when pets are charmed, and then you die. You can then start new pets, and when the charm is over the old ones will return to you. You see only two bars in the pet info window. If pets are rooted as well as charmed and the root stays in effect, you will receive the spam message your bots are out of range returning to you.
    New from 17.0

    z. RK dynas are doing unreasonable amounts of damage on pets, independent of level. For example, a "Horrorblood of the Hive" lvl 148 is doing 1K nukes, see logs here. This appears to be Shadow Touch, a pet specific nano. It might be quite an old thing meant to stop pet owners from soloing dynas, which no longer makes sense.
    Might be old, reported July 2007

    aa. If you run/fly across watery areas pets sometimes switch to swim mode when entering water area and forgetting to switch back to run mode once they leave water. It got fixed once pets are near you, but in case of them lagging way back behind and having aggro - only real solution to get them is to zone.
    Reported November 2007

    ab. Pets randomly runs out to 0,0 coordinates of playfiend on zoning. Neither /pet wait nor pet warp helps.
    Reported March 2008

    2. Nanos

    a-b. solved

    c. Sloughing Shielding Field and Sloughing Protective Field cannot overwrite themselves (i.e. cannot be refreshed). The program must be cancelled before it can be rebuffed.

    d. solved

    e. Offensive aura effects are of the same school, and the same as the generators. Thus casting Null Space Disruptor protects an engi from another engi's auras, and an engi can erase everyone's hostile aura (say blind) by casting another (say reflect).

    f. solved

    g. Empowered Reactive Harmonic Cocoon stops refreshing after 2 hours, unless you zone.

    h. solved

    i. The MM requirement on the nanos Lesser Software Hacking Shielding, Software Hacking Shielding, Advanced Software Hacking Shielding is inconsistent with the TS req on the parallel crat nanos. It is 1300, 1500 and 1900 instead of 900, 1200 and 1400 respectively.
    New from 17.3

    j. The requirement on the nano formula Masters Bidding are unreasonable: 1301 PM/SI. It seems like it was supposed to be a crat nano, and a parallel engi nano is missing.

    k-l. solved

    m. Isochronal Sloughing Combat Field requires a target, although it is a self nano.
    New from 17.x when the nano was introduced. Noticed July 07

    n. solved

    o. Composite Ranged Expertise stacks with Grenade Expertise and LR Energy Weapon Expertise.

    p. Philosopher's Stone doesn't stack with Engineer Composite Tradeskills.

    3. Perks / Perk Specials / Procs

    a. solved

    b. LE procs Cushion Blows and Personal Protection buff for very little, even considering the low research level required, 1 damage shield and 13 AC.
    New from 17.0.x

    c. LE proc Splinter Preservation overwrites other absorb shields such as cocoon. This is deadly if you run cocoon as a lifesaver.
    Can be solved by putting it in the same nanoline as BioCocoon (578) with 20 as stacking order, so it wouldn't override cocoon when it is up and would pop normally in other situations.
    New from 17.0.x

    d. One type 2 proc should have been type 1 since there are 7 type 2 and 5 type 1. Best candidate for it is Drone Missles since it would make running two DD procs possible.
    New from 17.0.x, reported only 25 Feb 07

    e. Perk Install Notum Depletion Device does not grey out after use.
    Old. Reported 31 Oct 07

    4. Trimmers

    a. Divert energy to health seems to not work properly (at least on SL bots). The health increases, but within a few seconds the pet loses all the health it gained from the trimmer. This is probably because the max health buff is done after the +HP one. It only works as a +4K heal.

    b. Divert Energy to Avoidance improperly buffs poison AC rather than duck.

    c. The tradeskill for the Trimmer - Improve Actuators is bugged in that any trimmer over ql 222 cannot be built due to requiring an Empty Trimmer Casing of ql 201 or greater, which doesnt exist.
    ql300 trimmers were added to the database in 16.4.4, but nothing above ql220 was found in game. Still not clear if this is fixed or not.

    d. If activating Energy to Avoidance causes the pet to have negative health, it doesn't die as it is supposed to. Instead it gets a huge HP bar.

    e. Using a Trimmer - Divert Energy to Avoidance in zones with guards makes the guards attack you and get a pvp flag.

    f. Using Trimmer - Fire/Energy/Cold Damage Modifier on any pet, causes it's HP bar to go to zero, and stop moving. Zoning fixes the problem.
    New 23/11/06

    g. Trimmer - Fire/Energy/Cold Damage Modifier does not work in the battlestation. Running it causes some health reduction on the pet, but does not change the damage type.
    New 10/6/07


    a. solved

    b. solved

    c. When the Hood of Black Waters is hotswaped to an Organic armour helmet and then hotswap back in, the engie will be wearing the hood of black waters but his face will be the look of the organic armour helmet. Mods might be of both helmets.

    d. solved

    e. Some Penultimate Ofab Engineer armor pieces are missing bonuses compared to Tier 3 armor. Body misses MC. Helmet misses NP and Tutoring. Sleeves miss Pharmaceuticals and Break&Entry.

    f. Spelling: "Star of Inguenity"
    New 18/04/07

    g. Ancient Skills Library is missing Psychology. Supposedly it should have included all Tradeskills.
    New from 17.3


    a. solved
    Last edited by kuznechik; Mar 31st, 2008 at 07:56:35.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  2. #2
    These are some old bugs which I removed after they were confirmed to be solved:

    1l. Bugged Pets:

    The cause of this does not seem to be bugged OE reqs. What causes it (for sure on one pet that I verified myself) is the nano creates a shell for the bot which is different in reqs from the nano, thus causing the "bugged" OE requirement. So the real bug is that the nano isn't creating a proper shell
    • Lesser Automaton - Should require 20 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 27 MC and TS.
    • Perfected Automation - Should require 64 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 69 MC and TS.
    • Patchwork Gladiatorbot - Nano Upload requirement is 241 MC and TS. Shell requirement is 245 MC and TS.
    • Lesser Gladiatorbot - Nano upload requirement is 258 MC and TS. Shell requirement is 261 MC and TS. Should require 207 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 220 MC and TS.
    • Inferior Gladiatorbot - Nano Upload requirement is 278 MC and TS. Shell requirement is 277 MC and TS.
    • Common Gladiatorbot - Nano Upload requirement is 317 MC and TS, cast requirement is 318 MC and TS. Should require 254 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 274 MC and TS.
    • Advanced Gladiatorbot - Should require 303 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 316 MC and TS.
    • Perfected Gladiatorbot - Should require 312 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 316 MC and TS.
    • Lesser Guardbot - Should require 352 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 367 MC and TS.
    • Inferior Guardbot - Should require 362 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is unknown (testing required).
    • Guardbot - Should require 405 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is unknown (415+ requires testing).
    • Perfected Guardbot - Should require 449 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is unknown (458+ requires testing).
    • Patchwork Warbot - Should require 493 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 514 MC and TS.
    • Lesser Warbot - Should require 507 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 518 MC and TS.
    • Common Warbot - Should require 545 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 552 MC and TS.
    • Advanced Warbot - Should require 562 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 567 MC and TS.
    • Military-Grade Warbot - Should require 578 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 584 MC and TS.
    • Patchwork Warmachine - Should require 588 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is unknown (testing required).
    • Flawed Warmachine - Nano upload requirement is 751 MC and TS. Shell requirement is 753 MC and TS. Should require 601 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 612 MC and TS.
    • Common Warmachine - Should require 608 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 611 MC and TS.
    • Military-Grade Warmachine - Should require 654 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 662 MC and TS.
    • Slayerdroid Protector - Should require 682 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is ~686 MC and TS.
    • Slayerdroid Sentinel - Should require 695 MC and TS to be within OE. Actual requirement is 698 MC and TS.

    1e. Pets randomly disconnecting / vanishing when zoning. This is now reported as very rare, and probably no more of a real issue.

    5d. Chosen helper has the wrong skin - it should be purplish, not orange.

    5b. The box of nanos given for finishing the Inferno Garden/Sanctuary sometimes does not produce a nano when clicked.

    6a. When an engi gets over 2K MA skill, his MA weapon template reverts instead of enhancing. You therefore do less damage when you get over 2K MA. The issue is more comilcated than just boosting the MA skill, and probably has to do with specific items/nanos. Full details were given here.

    2f. Most damage shield ripper auras (Disruptive Field Negator, Disruptive Shielding Negator, Disruptive Barrier Negator, Disruptive Retaliatory Negator) except the best one, rip chemical damage twice, and fail to rip cold.

    5a. Faithful Engineer Helper has incorrect appearance when equiped on nanomage females. It looks like a doc chest but seethrough.

    2h. Lesser Miniaturization which is supposed to be useful for level 80-150, is only castable on 201+ bots, so can only be used from level 201.

    2d. Isochronal Sloughing Protective Barrier has a bugged spec requirement, set to spec 4

    2l. Isochronal Sloughing Combat Field isn't available for clan side. It should drop from the box of nanocrystals that you receive as an award for the Inferno Garden Quest. Omni who do this get a box with QL equal to the level of the player, and have a chance of this nano dropping if the player is around level 212. Clan however, always get a QL230 box, and it doesn't drop from that QL.

    2b. Isochronal Sloughing Combat Field is not available in any of the SL shops - or anywhere at all.

    2a. Team Beacon Warp does not consistently warp all members of the party to the Engineers location. Frequently no members of the party make it to that spot.

    3a. Install Explosive Device (Demolitions Line) instead of attributing the damage to the player it instead attributes the damage to the mob (as if the mob has nuked itself). This one can be a particular problem because it can cause lost corpses and effect whether we get loot in OD situations if it's close.

    2n. The min healing/min on "A Makers Touch" is lower than the min healing/min on "Intricate Repairs", a nano lower in the line. Exact information here.

    1q. Buffing the 219 dog with anything more than 766 AOO causes it to do less damage. E.g. dog has Omni-pol, snare aura and SotOS on it, adding crat aura, or trimmer, causes it to do less damage.

    1i. Widowmaker has much worse pathing than any other pet. It gets stuck in walls and gets into wrong rooms much more than other pets. This might be due to a larger turn radius or some other specific pathing problem. Some ideas are here and here. Another suggestion is that this is related to the model, in which case another model might be the solution. More ideas here.

    2k. Isochronal Sloughing Combat Field does not show in NCU when cast, and stops refreshing if you zone. To be exact, the Main nano does not show, only the aura effect does, and it refreshes every 1 min until you zone when it stops.
    Last edited by muha; Dec 14th, 2007 at 15:08:57.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  3. #3
    Looking for feedback on:

    1b. Pets sometimes refuse to obey attack commands responding with cannot attack.
    Can someone provide exact scenario in which this happends?

    1c. Pathing:
    I'm thinking if we give specific situation in which this is apparent it might be better.
    I can think of two:
    In the boss room of SL missions, the pets cannot climb the stairs.
    In the AI boss room the pets remain stuck in the northern room sometimes.

    1d. Pets randomly disconnecting / vanishing when zoning. This has returned with patch 16.0.3 and is worse than ever.
    Does this still exist?
    Last edited by muha; Feb 26th, 2006 at 01:08:20.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  4. #4
    I don't remember my bots disconnecting in a long while, i.e. it might be fixed.
    Bug to be added: pets of all kinds (mobs too, some times) get stuck in the floor in alien ships. Temorary solution: reduce casting time on pet warp to something like 10 secs.
    I don't care what Funcom say (if they say it at all), but if someone attacks my pets I want to be able to retaliate in full.
    Guvernu RK 1 engineer... bored with SKing (already ffs)

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by muha
    1d. Pets randomly disconnecting / vanishing when zoning. This has returned with patch 16.0.3 and is worse than ever.
    Does this still exist?
    I've lost the doggy twice during the last couple of weeks, it just didn't zone with me and I noticed that too late. But this is nothing compared to those disconnects we had a few months ago though. So I'd say it's rare, but still there.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TheGovernment
    Bug to be added: pets get stuck in the floor in alien ships.
    Definitly, I hate this one.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  7. #7
    Please add Improved Rapid Weapon to the list.

    I want at least 1 improved nano, or something ;(
    Freshman Lord "Guojia" Buffbegsalot
    220 Neutral Solitus Engineer "Supreme Creator"
    First Neutral Engineer to reach Enlightenment Of Anarchy Online

    -= Just Visiting =-

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Guojia
    Please add Improved Rapid Weapon to the list.

    I want at least 1 improved nano, or something ;(
    I am putting this on the concerns and suggestions list.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  9. #9
    My doggy starts hitting harder when untrimmed, i want this fixed
    Silverado: L220 Omni Engineer (Rimor)
    Equipment - Screenshot

    Silverado's Little DD Guide for Engineers

    Silverino: L213 Omni Soldier (Rimor)
    Equipment - Screenshot

    Silverino's How to Equip a QL300 KMP5 for Soldiers

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Silverado
    My doggy starts hitting harder when untrimmed, i want this fixed
    Hmmm, do you REALLY want it added to the list? Can't we just forget this was ever mentioned?
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  11. #11
    Silverado: L220 Omni Engineer (Rimor)
    Equipment - Screenshot

    Silverado's Little DD Guide for Engineers

    Silverino: L213 Omni Soldier (Rimor)
    Equipment - Screenshot

    Silverino's How to Equip a QL300 KMP5 for Soldiers

  12. #12
    1. when the engi is flagged, any player within range, doesnt matter if they're flagged or not, can attack the pets.

    2. pets will not attack some guards and guard-like mobs. some example are the omni lieutenant in trade, all guards in wa and sometimes sentries in missions.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by TheGovernment
    I don't remember my bots disconnecting in a long while, i.e. it might be fixed.
    Bug to be added: pets of all kinds (mobs too, some times) get stuck in the floor in alien ships. Temorary solution: reduce casting time on pet warp to something like 10 secs.
    I don't care what Funcom say (if they say it at all), but if someone attacks my pets I want to be able to retaliate in full.
    I haven't seen my bots get disconnected and the only time they don't listen to me is when I get hit with Nano Shutdown from an MP (damn MC/TS debuff). I have had my pets get stuck in the floor, though. I didn't have to cast pet warp because I was right by the elevator, I just had to go down and back up. The MP with me had the same problem when we both zoned from the first floor to the 2nd, zoned back down and back up again then had no problems with the rest of the raid.
    Roccengi - Rimor Lvl 206/10 Solitus Engineer
    Roccourt - Rimor Lvl 46/1 Solitus Adventurer

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Roccengi
    I haven't seen my bots get disconnected and the only time they don't listen to me is when I get hit with Nano Shutdown from an MP (damn MC/TS debuff). I have had my pets get stuck in the floor, though. I didn't have to cast pet warp because I was right by the elevator, I just had to go down and back up. The MP with me had the same problem when we both zoned from the first floor to the 2nd, zoned back down and back up again then had no problems with the rest of the raid.
    It's not that they stop listening it's that they listen after like half a minute or so, when they reply with System Override: Not Atacking! beacause the mob is long dead. And in alien ships they tend to sink in the floor at specific spots and can't get out. Going to next level rarely helps as most often the raid hasn't found the button yet.
    Guvernu RK 1 engineer... bored with SKing (already ffs)

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by TheGovernment
    It's not that they stop listening it's that they listen after like half a minute or so, when they reply with System Override: Not Atacking! beacause the mob is long dead. And in alien ships they tend to sink in the floor at specific spots and can't get out. Going to next level rarely helps as most often the raid hasn't found the button yet.
    OK yeah, that's irritating. It doesn't happen too often with me, but if I'm in a full team taking on a QL220+ mish (we're all 150ish) then I have seen that problem quite frequently. And yes, I understand that you may not be near the lift I was just adding in that zoning may fix it, too, if it's an option. I was still in the same room with the lift so it was an option (and faster than pet warp) for me. It was funny seeing my slayer's torso sticking out of the floor, though.

    I do have another gripe about pathing, though. Sometimes when exploring caves (be it mish or static dungeons) they'll get stuck forcing me to cast pet warp. It's like there's an invisible step somewhere that they can't walk over. I remember it happening to me a lot in CoH on the way to the door where the first Necromancer is.
    Last edited by Roccengi; Feb 26th, 2006 at 03:30:09.
    Roccengi - Rimor Lvl 206/10 Solitus Engineer
    Roccourt - Rimor Lvl 46/1 Solitus Adventurer

  16. #16
    Pet lag in mass pvp should be mentioned too. Pet in mass pvp reacts VERY slowly. For example in mass pvp select tower, do /pet attack, then hit q. You start shooting in few seconds but it takes many minutes before pet starts attacking.
    "then again, it's also been said by funcom that theye'll try improving pathing again somethime in the 16.x series"

    "God I hope not. I don't know how many more improvements we can take."

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Bucckevin
    1. when the engi is flagged, any player within range, doesnt matter if they're flagged or not, can attack the pets.
    Is mentioned there under 1f, but I will break it down to several bugs to make it clear.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bucckevin
    2. pets will not attack some guards and guard-like mobs. some example are the omni lieutenant in trade, all guards in wa and sometimes sentries in missions.
    I assume that's a good explanation of 1b, putting it in as such
    Quote Originally Posted by Roccengi
    I remember it happening to me a lot in CoH on the way to the door where the first Necromancer is.
    Put it under 1d. If you can provide other places I'll list them too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Namel
    Pet lag in mass pvp should be mentioned too. Pet in mass pvp reacts VERY slowly. For example in mass pvp select tower, do /pet attack, then hit q. You start shooting in few seconds but it takes many minutes before pet starts attacking.
    That's 1a, I'll make it clearer
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  18. #18
    On pet pathing and the chickenbot, I've noticed, while soloing RK missions, that this bot seems to have a much larger turn radius then our dogs or slayers. This often results in the bot banging in to walls as it turns, often entering wrong rooms and hardly ever being in the spot it should be when it actually does attack. This is exascerbated by sync problems which often result in the bot and dog not being in the same room as the mob you are attacking while still doing damage to it and the dreaded "Target not in line of sight!" while trying to cast SotOS.

    Solution: Give the bot a smaller turn radius OR the ability to stop and turn to make more straight line movements to its target. Also some better syncing between client/server for pets would be nice.
    Spleenman Phear the Spleen!

    Proud member of Alpha Omega

    Quote Originally Posted by Jorji
    im not going to go as far as stabbing my eyes out.. im gonna remove them with a spoon, place in a jar and when such horrors never again grace a thread ill have them reattached..

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Spleenman
    On pet pathing and the chickenbot, I've noticed, while soloing RK missions, that this bot seems to have a much larger turn radius then our dogs or slayers. This often results in the bot banging in to walls as it turns, often entering wrong rooms and hardly ever being in the spot it should be when it actually does attack. This is exascerbated by sync problems which often result in the bot and dog not being in the same room as the mob you are attacking while still doing damage to it and the dreaded "Target not in line of sight!" while trying to cast SotOS.

    Solution: Give the bot a smaller turn radius OR the ability to stop and turn to make more straight line movements to its target. Also some better syncing between client/server for pets would be nice.
    Spleen, what you are asking for is, in essense, better pathing. Now do we really want to go that way again?
    As far as I know pet pathing and mob pathing are using the same mechanism. When they touch it - things go haywire. Unless we have a very specific location (I noted 3 already) where we can say that the system does not work, it will be very hard to get this fixed without ruining some other situation.
    Is there some specific location you can point as problematic? Maybe a screen shot of the map area/room type where this happends often? I think this would be more productive.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  20. #20
    an annoying one i forgot to mention. widowmaker will sometimes heal and nuke its target. the nuke is nice but the heal is not, heal should be taken out =p

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