Building cults of personality around individual FC staff is so 2007
Electronite: FFA also destroyed Clan hegemony when it comes to tower wars. Ironically the downfall was started by the most active pvpers. Another ironic thing is that the downfall happened due to pvm conflict. Silirrion: (We have pretty good anti-troll filters by now though) Means: Thong-wearing troxes will always be a part of this game and a point of AO pride. Keldros: Obviously reall trolls don't use conditioner Marlark: If this forum was Swedish in it's language .. id pawn you any day. 220 NT: tl7 is a joke most of the time. 90% of the people are double double dead. some are worth debuffing tho. Mastablasta: you guys are right and I'm wrong. Ebag: No. You alpha me'd due to the stat bug. More Ebag: I don't have any twinks currently, nor do I participate much in mass TL7 PvP (though I do go occasionally, usually just to watch). Questra: an MP in sneak eNSDed me and did about 20k damage in 10-12 seconds
I an only agree, it should not say "This is Means, the game director of 2008 to ... etc."
AO devs have through the development of Rubi-Ka shown there skills in subtitle-ness.
A normal sized statue, in a remote location. Like mini-galway, Sir. Galahad statue, Marvin, Will To Fight, Notum Cannons...
There are many wonders on Rubi-Ka, that you have to travel to see, descretly putting in a nickel statue of an astronaut pointing to the stars, with the plate and description saying:
"When the stars burn out and I find I lack the strength to of YOU wil pick up the flag and carry it forward. This really isn't a corporate product belongs to all of us. Where it goes it up to us."
I think would fit Rubi-Ka / AO, and it will make a great story for those to come.
Newcommers hear of the Black Sunday, the occupation of Borealis, read the time line and generally see that Rubi-Ka is a dynamic world.
GMs and ARKs have had there names on things for years.. so why not a subtile statue, in an undisclosed location, showing the spirit of the Rubi-Kan population, our thrive for the future.
Kind regards
PS. Just to explain further: Rubi-Ka is leased by Omni-Tek and therefor IS a "corporate product", the statue would show, that not all of us think of it like that anymore, it is our home.
Yes even Omni-Tek emplyees can go soft-hearted, look at Ross.
Last edited by ArienSky; Dec 14th, 2008 at 07:55:25.
Bring back the Arrival Hall, and replace the eremite statue with a nickel Means statue
ZeePhonz :: 220/30/70 Adventurer
ZeeMedic :: 220/30/70 Doctor
ZeeDaKeep :: 220/30/70 Keeper
Cratscan :: 220/30/70 Bureaucrat
ZeeStabbie :: 220/30/65 Shade
ZeeInstein :: 220/21/60 Engineer
President of A.R.S. (Athens Recovery Service)
Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says "If an emergency, notify:" I put "DOCTOR".
I'd rather see statues of the first devs of AO fighting leets/reets/rollerrats/etc.... in the Arrival hall ^^.
(I have always wanted to see the first team that made AO(RK)
weird responses.....
Means already said they will not be bringing back the original arrival hall and that it was removed because of new player feedback.
Anyhow... I still think this would be fun.
Proudly Serving Omni-Tek since Beta 4, June 2001
Pelican 220 / 18 Opifex Bureaucrat
Eleetthief 220 / 18 Opifex Fixer
Pelf 202 / 5 Solitus Trader
Eleetist 112 / 0 Solitus Adventurer
Proud Member of The Renaissance
OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTO|||||||||||||||||||||Serve Omni-Tek
Unfortunately Means definitively said no the reinstating the arrivals hall. I personally would love to have something there to give a bit of AO history, also loved the idea of having statues of all of the AO dev team in there somewhere too.
Anyway, perhaps we could get the nickel statue in the middle of that platform in ICC?
Forek 220/30
Dreadoc 220/27
Mellifluous 220/27
Forefix 178/18
Strange to think that this is already a historical post.
The greatest quotes that showed kindness and dedication of our current Game Director and other players are gone.
At least this bit of the quote survived, and the meaning behind it still stands strong.
Even more reason to get that statue up.
I begin to see the point of having it in a rather public place, at it would make it easy to see for newcommers, but as I mentioned before, I would rather have it to be in a remote area, where you would have to search out for it, like El33tist mentions.
One of my favorite areas is the Omni-Tek mining museum in Clon****. There are no guards, so everyone can come there, and it has a grid exit very near.
(the museum displaying the first piece of notum found, a drilling suit and the drilling machine to find the first notum is at little bit north of the Clon**** grid exit)
on the other hand I would not like it to be in a sided area, as the statue is something for all of us.
Then again, if it is in neutral territory it would become neutral propaganda.
Hence a remote area would be very fine, somewhere, where it is not displaying an official proclamation of a city or faction, but the dedication of a single man/woman/person.
There are many placed on Rubi-Ka that are visited very seldom, one of those towns (accessible by all factions) could host that statue.
And a final argument for this suggestion:
Some people just deserve a statue.
A statue of Dipsy!, the green teletubbie in the middle of a neutral territory, Newland city maybe (only a few peeps will understand )
You survived...You prevailed....Yet a bird's flight knows no end...
Reality is a momentary dream but a dream is a reality for an eternity.
Kawaii "Koizumi" Akira - 220/25/70 soon-to-be-Berserk MA (refreshing!)
Deadalus "Yumeno" Proxy - 220/30/70 Former stunwhore
One "Namichan" Piece - 220/30/68 Drainwhore
Aj Ar "Spawara" Triplenab - 220/24/45 Nuke-Welder
IOmnomnomjoor "Emohatetellz" - 2/0/0 TL5 killer in progress
and when you bow down and pray to the statue, it gives and xp buff
(just kidding) bump
Proudly Serving Omni-Tek since Beta 4, June 2001
Pelican 220 / 18 Opifex Bureaucrat
Eleetthief 220 / 18 Opifex Fixer
Pelf 202 / 5 Solitus Trader
Eleetist 112 / 0 Solitus Adventurer
Proud Member of The Renaissance
Google cache ftw.Originally Posted by Means
I'll support the statue if it stands on top of the main platform of phasefront..
About 100ft high.. and it has Means doing /disco... around it has a ton of leets wiggling around "Devleets"
When you "use" the leets they say:
Dubble AS tigress plox
amg nerf advys
nts sploit nbs!!
omgs frikin code is brokan!
I luvs transformers rawr!
Engy lub nao!!!
Voltron powar!
Hugs me.. I'm cold.
wth u want?
Is it friday yet?
*screams* damn server!
stfu or i logs my gm to pwn joo!
^^ <3 means
Kaze (RK1):
Eltaco238 - 220/30/70 Adventurer -- Mptaco238 - 220/27/70 Meta-Physicist
Engytaco238 - 220/30/70 Engineer -- Crattaco238 - 220/30/70 Bureaucrat
Leet Snuggle Club (RK1): ~Have you hugged a leet today?~
Leetums - 200/0/0 Fixer -- Fuzzyleet 200/0/0 Agent - Rangytaco238 200/0/0 Trader
Leet Version plox!
Enter the Information Age
Proc Descriptions
Hunt, and be hunted: The Hunting Grounds | Alien Tower Field :Aliens, that really invade!
Pet argo management: Servants Protection | Expand the Notum Silo :Make it worthwhile
Tesgri - 220|17|58 (Omni Agent)
Leara - 220|25|62 (Omni Doctor)
Ponygirl - 220|25|56 (Omni Bureaucrat)
Means: "We have done way dumber things than this..."
well, perhaps the arrival hall wont be put in place for new players/toons, but how hard would it be to put that same bit of code in Bor just for so we can reminisce a bit? It can be filled with fun stuff like a means statue and other stuff. Slap a new door somewhere in Bor and call it a done deal...
prob not gonna happen, but who knows...
OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTO|||||||||||||||||||||Serve Omni-Tek