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Thread: New line of Nanos to help PVP

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Docya View Post
    So when are you sharing your godly wisdom about Nano.Init ?

    because i can`t even insta cast 205 heal at full defense.. Either you are a liar or funcom thinks that everyone has to go with hamiini`s setup for pvp to be able to cast nano`s effecient enough for countering anything.

    Hamini.. do you have other 220 charecters? because you seem to hate the idea that doctors should be decent in pvp... is it because you have 5 other 220 toons that you can have fun with and dont really care for docs in pvp as long as you can kill them easly with those? Because this just hits me evertime you open your mouth.
    I believe I've shared it a few times already. I have a 220 shade. Doctors are far more than decent in PvP, I just understand my role as a doctor in PvP better than most. My setup is in my profile link EVERY SINGLE TIME I POST. You claim I have problems opening my mouth, I think you have problems opening your eyes.
    Olivia "Haminie" Nguyen - Current Setup - 220 Doctor
    "Intrauterine" Device - Current Setup - 220 Shade

    Haminie - Slightly less than twice as uber as Chanelle

    To [Destromane]: I'm not a horrible player ;p
    [Destromane]: just a horrible person

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Haminie View Post
    My setup is in my profile link EVERY SINGLE TIME I POST. You claim I have problems opening my mouth, I think you have problems opening your eyes.
    well excuse me for not knowing you had a profile link. No i don`t think you have problem opening your mouth.. quite opposite. But you are entitled to your oppinion also. It`s just that you are fighting other doc`s so hard that im starting to be curious to why that is. The 220 shade explains alot..

    Not everyone has two or more 220 toon`s , nor can you expect that people have to have all the endgame equipment possible, to get instacast result at defense, and that only the 216 heal? Cmon.. if anything we should be experts at nano casting.

    These are the descriptions for profession academies:

    Exchange (Trader)
    Trading of products, and more personal assets.
    Administration (Bureaucrat)
    People management and assistant droids.
    Workshop (Engineer)
    Manufacturing tools, weapons and robots.
    Medical Lab (Doctor)
    Physical manipulation, to heal or to harm.

    If you look at those description, doc one atleast mention that we are able to inflict harm(no we dont..). Yet the other ones do WAY better damage then doctors. Whats your problem with doctors being able to "harm" in pvp.. i agree with you , we can do some damage in pvm.. but not pvp! That is what counts in BS. If you would only like to heal there.. fine.. go ahead, it will never change, after all we are doctors. But for those who wish for the increase in chance to kill.. should they not have that? After MP`s, Traders, Crats, and basicly every other profession got something besides the research and armor.

    Or are you to affraid that your shade will be ganked by doctors, so you reject everything that has to do with improvements to the doctor profession , because you simply made your doctor for healing purpose and the shade for damage purpose? So you won`t settle for others simply what everyone else allready have got.
    And i dont see why you worry about changes to unbalancing PvM , because the shen sticks are allready out there.. and they sounds like a good option for pvm, it just doesnt help doc`s in pvp.

    personally i made my doctor in the hope that i would do better then just being a regular doctor,that i would exceed the limits of expectations.. but only to discover that im being held back by people with your attitude! ("doctors are only suppose to heal").

    If you want to choose nanoinit setup at the expense of HP, that is your choice to make, but you cant expect everyone to go down that road just for casting 216 heal at defense? If they changed it you perhaps might have made it to cast 218 while others was stuck on 216 heal.. wouldnt that be something? but no.. of course you dont think so, docs are "perfect"..

    I think you are the one that has trouble with opening you eyes..

  3. #23
    ♥ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ♥ Voyvovoy's Avatar
    100% agree docya

    Quote Originally Posted by Ober View Post
    Post equip please

    Counting heal proc?
    Last edited by Voyvovoy; Mar 31st, 2007 at 04:15:18.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Voyvovoy View Post
    Looks very much like mine really, except the 300 symbs (doubt I'll be able to do full 300 ever, due to putting on silverback, heh, and not beeing interested in dedicating my life to getting BoC).

    The major differences I see in nanocinit is: Calc (working on getting that next clan week), nanoinit in eye (using pm there). pants (I'm using ofab for fling/hp, to get closer to capping fling on silverback), and symbs.
    Amounting to a total of 182 difference in nanoinit from me :x

    I'm curious tho, how does your evades > nanodelta setup work? You feel the evades help you alot? And how much you got?

  5. #25
    Doctors with evade setups are completely worthless. It's not going to save you from attacks like Sneak Attack, Aimed Shot, Full Auto and certainly not perks. And you'll always get screwed by nano debuffs (NSD, Drains, UBT, etc...). I would focus on a nano resist build and do your best to stay away from stuns. Otherwise, you'll always be able to out heal any special/perk attack on you providing there aren't a ton of people on you at the same time.

    I would think at this point you could even be insane enough to be NR8 as a doctor and function pretty well in PvP solo (which is what most doctors seem to want to do these days, screw everyone else!) and just keep yourself up with Perk Heals. Enhanced Heal, Team Heal, Reconstruct DNA, Survival (for those of us who are Solitus) refresh often enough, /shrug. Stick with an AS weapon, Ithaca, Silverback if you were smart enough to equip one before the nerf, Saph Bow. You'd be pretty much immune to stuns (which screw docs the most) and any kind of debuff/nano attack there is with the ability to remove them with Specialist Healer JUST in the incredibly unlikely event that someone does manage to land an attack like that on you.
    Olivia "Haminie" Nguyen - Current Setup - 220 Doctor
    "Intrauterine" Device - Current Setup - 220 Shade

    Haminie - Slightly less than twice as uber as Chanelle

    To [Destromane]: I'm not a horrible player ;p
    [Destromane]: just a horrible person

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Ober View Post
    except the 300 symbs (doubt I'll be able to do full 300 ever, due to putting on silverback
    Nya-ha-ha, IN YOUR FACE

    Seriously, nice setup Vov. Ql 300 symbs are too much of a hassle for me.


    "I just understand my role as a doctor in PvP better than most."

    - Haminie

    Yeah sure. Us other docs must be wrong then for asking to be able to do the things all other profs do. I respect your experience, but LE has changed pvp enviroment, alas, everyone should be able to join the fun that is 'killing'.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Leyanne View Post
    Nya-ha-ha, IN YOUR FACE

    Seriously, nice setup Vov. Ql 300 symbs are too much of a hassle for me.


    "I just understand my role as a doctor in PvP better than most."

    - Haminie

    Yeah sure. Us other docs must be wrong then for asking to be able to do the things all other profs do. I respect your experience, but LE has changed pvp enviroment, alas, everyone should be able to join the fun that is 'killing'.
    LE hasn't changed the PvP environment. Do you even know what you're talking about? I said better than most, not all. ;p And by "us other docs" you must be referring to the collective group of 10-12 docs who actively participate on the forums that just happen to disagree with me. And yes you're wrong for asking to be able to do what all other professions can do. What would be the point or uniqueness of that? Instead of screwing up something that ain't broken, the focus should be made more on the overpowering ability some other classes have when it comes to PvP. You want to make a critical, but necessary change to PvP? Remove the ability to use Aimed Shot from all other classes except Agents and do the same for Full Auto only giving it to Soldiers and maybe Fixers (since I guess they have Full Auto buffs now ;p ).

    The only thing people EVER seem to bitch about, especially whiny-**** doctors is "Omg I can't PvP as well as other classes do!" WAAAAH, know your f-ing role and do your job as a doctor in the mass pvp arena. Wanna kill people? Hey guess what! There's THIRTEEN OTHER CLASSES YOU COULD ROLL! Stop whining that the White Mage isn't as completely destructive as the Warrior and Black Mage cause that's all that I see from your mindless and constant jabbering that Doctors need more killing power in PvP.

    I don't roll an NT and complain that I can't heal as well as Doctors can in PvP. I can't seem to understand why you rolled a Doctor and then complained that you can't kill as well as a soldier/agent/NT. This is a primarily PvM game. Funcom TRIED to integrate PvP as well as they could, but its really never going to be that. I'm not saying that its not possible, its just not possible in AO.
    Olivia "Haminie" Nguyen - Current Setup - 220 Doctor
    "Intrauterine" Device - Current Setup - 220 Shade

    Haminie - Slightly less than twice as uber as Chanelle

    To [Destromane]: I'm not a horrible player ;p
    [Destromane]: just a horrible person

  8. #28
    Someone I've had conversations with lately stated...

    "Well just understand people will only tolerate people with high standards for so long. People with high standards just have to be put in there place sometimes."

    I'm getting this feeling more and more from players in the game. Want things handed to them, want things easy, want their points in their meaningless raid bots where they need neither skill nor brain power to accomplish the task. I just happened to have high standards when it comes to the Doctor class, so please forgive me when I feel just a little bit insulted when noob retards like you drag my class through hell just because YOU suck at playing the game. I expect no less than amazing, God forbid you play a class thats challenging. Instead you whine and whine asking for Funcom to hold your delicate, quivering hand while you use the other to stroke your ePenis.

    "Oh daddy Funcom, ya just like that. Mmmm ya!"
    Olivia "Haminie" Nguyen - Current Setup - 220 Doctor
    "Intrauterine" Device - Current Setup - 220 Shade

    Haminie - Slightly less than twice as uber as Chanelle

    To [Destromane]: I'm not a horrible player ;p
    [Destromane]: just a horrible person

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Docya View Post
    personally i made my doctor in the hope that i would do better then just being a regular doctor,that i would exceed the limits of expectations.. but only to discover that im being held back by people with your attitude! ("doctors are only suppose to heal").
    how can anyone else prevent you from doing your best? If by being the best you meant you expected FC to make everything ez-mode for you then i'm afraid you'll just be disappointed. If by being the best you meant making the most of what was given to you, then you are failing pretty horribly.
    Last edited by TheRealRayne; Mar 31st, 2007 at 21:34:06.
    teh fool :: Raynefists :: playing since beta 3 (sort of)

  10. #30
    To be honest most people get in an argument with you Haminie because you can't keep yourself from flaming the other person and calling their oppinioins "worthless", "retarded". Details get lost in the crossfire, and you assume all those people want is killing the other person; more powah; godmode.
    But.. the world isn't black and white.

    This will prolly look like a flame to you, but i assure you it's not my intent. The whole "discussion" stretching through the doc board swallowing up other topics that are discussed and drawing them into the mud fight is what is starting to annoy me.
    I respect your oppinions, there are many parts i agree with you with. But can you respect mine? There's no need to agree with other docs about things, but they have a right to express their oppinions and doing so doesn't make them retarded.

    At the original topic:
    I don't think a new line of nanos that are unaffected my heal eff is the way to go.
    Certainly the heal debuffs are annoying and kill the doc but making new heals that ignore it makes all those new content for these proffessions worthless.
    Looking at epsilon purge - I don't want that for other professions.
    And seeing that funcom decided to give them the abillity to nerf healing to 50% our best chance would rather be discussing strategies solutions to cope with it.For example making them into one Nanoline so they don't stack with each other.
    Or ways to make our Nanoresist work better - but.. we have many threads on that allready ;P
    Last edited by XenonDe; Mar 31st, 2007 at 22:08:06.
    Deadly Whisper - RK1
    too many alts for to little space

  11. #31
    ♥ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ♥ Voyvovoy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ober View Post
    I'm curious tho, how does your evades > nanodelta setup work? You feel the evades help you alot? And how much you got?
    pre le felt alot (1,8k dodge) - lots of missed, not more the 500 burst dmg and alot missed full auto. was a god mode pre le against range :-D
    less nano deltadelta works for heal only.

    but suxx now - 217 soldiergimp hit you for 3500 burst 8000 full auto 2000 crit 1000 hit - 215 gimp agent hit you for 8000 aimedshot /dmg.
    you died of wtfoverpowered le dmg - need mp/adv debuff?
    Last edited by Voyvovoy; Mar 31st, 2007 at 23:22:52.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Haminie View Post
    The only thing people EVER seem to bitch about, especially whiny-**** doctors is "Omg I can't PvP as well as other classes do!" WAAAAH, know your f-ing role and do your job as a doctor in the mass pvp arena. Wanna kill people? Hey guess what! There's THIRTEEN OTHER CLASSES YOU COULD ROLL! Stop whining that the White Mage isn't as completely destructive as the Warrior and Black Mage cause that's all that I see from your mindless and constant jabbering that Doctors need more killing power in PvP.
    Can I pay you 500 USD to level a fixer to 220/23 for me, and get me appropriate amount of gear?
    Sorry, but I got a life, job etc, and don't have time level another toon to 220, just to watch pvp changed again 2 years from when my new toon hits 220.

    Quote Originally Posted by XenonDe View Post
    Certainly the heal debuffs are annoying and kill the doc but making new heals that ignore it makes all those new content for these proffessions worthless.
    Not really, still agents, advs, keepers, traders, mp pets(!?), ma's left.
    Not to mention everyone using heal stims, and everyone having heal perks.
    And it would still effect our heal perks, heal stims, IS book, etc.
    Last edited by Ober; Mar 31st, 2007 at 23:30:24. Reason: forgot agents, duh!

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealRayne View Post
    how can anyone else prevent you from doing your best? If by being the best you meant you expected FC to make everything ez-mode for you then i'm afraid you'll just be disappointed. If by being the best you meant making the most of what was given to you, then you are failing pretty horribly.
    Since when did things become ez-mode? If you are refering to we being able to solo mobs in pvm.. I think all the other profession doing the same job nowadays, but faster. And if your thinking about pvp, i just know you are joking.

    FC seems to listen to their players because its growing thin and they should care.. and when im saying that i feel robbed with the 1k AR nerfing, slow casting, 0 resist, no weapons, nothing at all except heals and boosting all other profession. And 90% of the other docs are saying the same, they should listen. Or they will loose more.. What we got to start with was not a final thing.. its been changing and for docs for a worse.
    In that way I/we are being held back of where we wish to be. Why didn`t you go flame trader,mp,nt`s forum when they wanted something new? What they got now is matching that of DD oriented classes and docs still left behind gathering dust.

    For you a 220 doctor might just be someone who is a good healer, for me its someone who knows every molecule in your body and knows what hurt them the most. If we don`t get weapons to rip you apart then give us the poison to do it. (DoT`s are poor poison made from kitchen cleaning materials, I want the laboratory stuff..)
    And if you don`t agree with that, its also a way im being "held" back, because you rather just have me heal your behind all the way to 220 and go hide because im a doctor.
    Some peoples definition of a doctors keeps me/us from being anything more then a healer.. but it never stopped engineers from being more then builder or trader for more then a moneyhunter or crats to be more then calculeets. They are not damage oriented professions either.

    And if you like to complain about your own profession, your in the wrong forum.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Ober View Post
    Can I pay you 500 USD to level a fixer to 220/23 for me, and get me appropriate amount of gear?
    Sorry, but I got a life, job etc, and don't have time level another toon to 220, just to watch pvp changed again 2 years from when my new toon hits 220.
    Then gee I don't know ummm play another game? But sure, my email is I'd be happy to level a character to 220/23 for you.
    Olivia "Haminie" Nguyen - Current Setup - 220 Doctor
    "Intrauterine" Device - Current Setup - 220 Shade

    Haminie - Slightly less than twice as uber as Chanelle

    To [Destromane]: I'm not a horrible player ;p
    [Destromane]: just a horrible person

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Haminie View Post
    Then gee I don't know ummm play another game? But sure, my email is I'd be happy to level a character to 220/23 for you.

    Other games got those gay elves in them, and I cba learning another set of rules before AoC anyways (and not playing healer there, that's for sure).

  16. #36
    Haminie you keep saying "know your roll", but really, do you really know the doctors roll? Just because you're happy using ONE HALF of our toolset doesn't mean everyone else is wrong. As a doctor our roll has NEVER been to only stand in the background and heal if needed. Sure it's our primary skill and what we should focus on, but that is still only one half of the toolset FC gave us. So please stop that nonsense. Doctors should do damage, of course among the weakest in the game, but I havn't seen anyone suggest anything else. No one is asking for a wtfpwn alpha.

    And why should we run around using the 216heal? That's like saying agents shouldn't be allowed to use a ql300 rifle. We are 220 and should be able to use the toolset available to us.
    Last edited by Looke; Apr 1st, 2007 at 03:06:38.


  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Looke View Post
    And why should we run around using the 216heal? That's like saying agents shouldn't be allowed to use a ql300 rifle. We are 220 and should be able to use the toolset available to us.
    Actually to be most effective in pvp, an agent will not be using his ql 300 rifle :P

    Rakhabit 220/20 Agent FINALLY
    Halfempty 220/16 Engineer/Evade Negator
    Primatene 168/20 Original Doc Twink

    Myyah "Read" Hawwa
    Shadow Dominion

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Rak View Post
    Actually to be most effective in pvp, an agent will not be using his ql 300 rifle :P
    Hehe, he doesn't wear a ql 250 version of the same either tho

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Ober View Post
    Hehe, he doesn't wear a ql 250 version of the same either tho
    Nope, just a weapon that's been in the game since 11.0

    Rakhabit 220/20 Agent FINALLY
    Halfempty 220/16 Engineer/Evade Negator
    Primatene 168/20 Original Doc Twink

    Myyah "Read" Hawwa
    Shadow Dominion

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Rak View Post
    Nope, just a weapon that's been in the game since 11.0
    Like CH, Ithaca, Sup sapp and 30-50% of the implants in 220 doc endgame setup?

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