Model Chozo-1064
Copyright © 29458, 29464, 29470, 29478, 29483-29488
CXJ^2 Corporation
All rights reserved
Real memory = 8192 TB
Available memory = 32768 TB
Primary Cache : 512GB
Primary Installed Cache : 768GB
Secondary Cache : 32768GB
Login: C.X.J.^2
Code: ******
>Unit -dvl -a
Read… “C. X. J.”
Read… “C. S. V.”
Broad-range Eye Camera
Ultra-sensitive Voice Recognition System
Voice Generation System made by Rubi-Ka Universal Robots
Accumulative Energy Generator
Micro-fusion Fuel Tank
Central Joint-controlling System
Energy Amplifier
Variable Weapon System
Gyroscopic Stabilization System
Emergency Acceleration System
Emergency Flight System (Optional)
Reactive armor skeleton which reduces damage by 93 percent.
Lightweight “Titanniular” alloy.
“Perennium 220”
“Kevlar 2303”
Christopher slowly pulled a hand down his face and groaned quietly. He had been at the console for 216 hours, and hadn’t gotten far in terms of progress. However, finally, at least he had gotten the new bios to accept his login and read his files, but, now there was this warning.
“C.S.V.” is the first of a new generation of robots which contain an innovative new feature - The ability to think, feel and make their own decisions. It also appears to be spawning its own Artificial Intelligences, who are very near “real” intelligence. This ability could be very dangerous. If “C.S.V.” were to break the first rule of robotics, “A robot must never harm a human being”, the results would be disastrous and we fear that no force on Rubi-Ka could stop it.
So far, we have registered the activity of three (3) intelligences within its systems, thanks to our outer liaison.
The intelligences are categorized as follows:
- Chozo (Chõjin-zoku)
Rank: Unknown- Sigma (Sigmatism/Shiguma)
Rank: Comm. Class- Vile (VAVA)
Rank: S-A 17 Class
Approximately 30 years will be required before we can safely confirm its reliability. We need to seal it in a capsule, which will test its internal systems until its reliability has been confirmed. We highly recommend that the capsule is not disturbed until that time. “C.S.V.” possesses great risks as well as great possibilities. We can only hope for the best.
Unfortunately, we do not have it in our possession. Therefore we recommend a public search for it, and his creator. His creator, known as Christopher Junior, is a former Omni-Tek employee and we have detailed reports about his past in our records.
October 29th, 29488
Christopher reclined back in his chair and stared at the terminal. “They knew in October..?” He rested his head into a hand and glanced sideways towards the android shell hooked up to the wall and its idling eye. “They know this much…” He frowned and leaned towards his console.
Search: T.Bright
The “Searching…” text blinked slowly on the screen. The entity calling itself “Vile” had only made itself known a few weeks ago. It didn’t seem to be as hostile as Sigma, and yet not as friendly as Chozo. It claimed to be the strongest of the three, keeping the other two intelligences from having control of the android shell. It had yet to show any physical strength.
“Physical strength…” Christopher muttered and eyed the shell again. A machine was only as strong as its components, and he had made a strong machine. Chozo was using it at ninety-percent capacity, up to ninety-five if he really had to. Sigma on the other hand, was using the body above its potential, which should have been physically impossible. A hundred-and-thirty-seven percent. The body would start to show strain after a prolonged demonstration of this, of course, but still; how did the artificial intelligence push the gears, wires and circuits to such a powerful degree? These were the questions and thought process of Christopher when the terminal stopped its search.
Search: T.Bright
Search results: 03 Matches...
- Thomas L. Bright
Solitus, 51 years old, male. Missing.- Theodore C. Bright
Solitus, 14 years old, male. Student.- Matia Bright
Solitus, 23 years old, female. Café employee.
Command: Open;Thomas L. Bright
Opening file: Thomas L. Bright…
Lastname: Bright
Firstname: Thomas L.
Race: Solitus
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Status: Missing
Employment: Robot Institute of Technology at Solaria; Solaria III
- Graduated Omni-Tek Private High School:
Years: 1: M.C.L.- Graduated ICC Robotics University:
Years: 3: Ph.D.- Graduated Andromeda Robotics & Tech University:
Years: 3: Ph.D.- Lead Researcher at Tau Ceti; Aurora
Years: 14- Lead Programmer at Tau Ceti; Aurora
Years: 16
Christopher stood up while he read the terminal over and over again. This was certainly a person who knew his robotics. He looked over to the android shell again, curious as to how and why this information had gathered within. Was Chozo investigating something? Or any of the other two. Who was Thomas L. Bright, and who was this “outer liaison”?
Christopher tapped the terminal, put on his coat and left his workshop, taking just his briefcase with him.