Ok, Tier 3 Armor is outdated and poor, compared to the other options we have nowadays. And id love to see The chosen/faithfull armor with new life again, either as "Improved/upgraded" Chosen/Faithfull armor, or as a new "Tier 4" set.
The timing EDIT 1:"Was" perfect. With the new pande content beeing made, add some new drops from the boss/bosses of that new content, either in the form as a new glyph, or any other form of "upgrade" item, which can easily upgrade your Chosen/faithfull armor. My suggestion is "Black Glyph of Aban\Enel\Ocra". Sounds both mysterious and nasty
The Pros of this:
-Its PvM friendly. Many people dont do BS for Ofab, cause they are not pvp`ers, or just dont enjoy the BS at all. Other people dont have time to gather enough credits or have the time to farm bots for AI armor such as Combined.
So it will be a good Armor option for people enjoying the pvm content of the game.
(edit: yes i Know Ofab is buyable, yet another good reason for a alternative armor set for people who dont want to spend a bunch of creds on gear).
-It will drop from a content that is coming, which will really ****e up Shadowlands again. not just pande, but the hole SL expansion.
(Well, since gauntlet didnt implent this up first, maybe It could be added?)
-Cheaper armor , cred wize. (tho the droprate should be low, to make it unique).
So you still had to do some raiding for it, or best thing: do some questing for it!
-New shiney armor (if a hole new Tier set is made), make it look damn awesome for every class!
-An alternative: This is important. The "hole" set shouldnt be the absolute best, but some pieces should be TOP end game gear, the very best. The set should be a nice Alternative to AI/Ofab. (ty Mireiawen, i forgot to add that this set should be a nice choice to the allready existing armor out there)
-Server Economics improvement , More end game armor available to the masses, prices on AI armor etc may drop some.
EDIT 2: Well, Again, server Economics. What Is a piece of Alien armor now, 1b per piece? Insane. Hence one of the reasons for bringing this thread back to life. With a new set of high end gear like Tier 4, which should be cakewalk for the dev-team to implent, Even alien armor might go back or slightly back to a more avrange price again.
Also: Lore: SL has a beautyfull Lore to It, Its a shame to not take a bit further, get people activated in Inferno again. Make Tier 4 questable?
Any thoughts?