Please try to post "bugs" in this thread. Poorly implemented things in-game and/or numbers issues (If something is INSANELY hard to use, but gives little to no corresponding benefit for its difficulty to cast/use) can also be acceptable.
If you can add information on how to replicate bugs, please do so.
Feel free to post below so I may add more details/new "bugs"
Current Issues:
Your Enemy's Enemy is Your Friend - Has troubles finding combat mode when target is fighting, meaning it won't execute. - PvP and PvM.
Abolish AC Line - Not necessarily a "bug" but a very poorly implemented line. Abolish Bismuth, many times, is more useful than Abolish Polonium (the top AC debuff).
Due to the Program debuffing AC based on the target's total AC - lower level debuffs can become more effective. If target's AC is just below Polonium's max amount, it will step down to the next "level" - which debuffs LESS than Bismuth (target's AC's fall below 25000, but above 18,000) - making Bismuth more powerful (which really.. shouldn't happen)
A Solution?:
Rework AC's, or add a more unique feature for this line. (Drain AC's and give trader and his team a +damage amount, stackable with anything.)
Otherwise: Fix numbers and make Abolish Polonium truly the best "AC Debuff" - but from experience, this line is a bit crap.
Charm Line - Line is very poorly implemented. Not usable on many mobs. Stuns trader for entire duration.
A Solution?: Increase the number of mobs this can be used on (increase its psychology ability) and have it restrict weapon-use (Trader cannot attack anything), but allow movement and nano-casting.
Old Buglist - Trader Bug List - 2007