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Thread: Current Trader Buglist - 2009

  1. #1

    Current Trader Buglist - 2009

    Please try to post "bugs" in this thread. Poorly implemented things in-game and/or numbers issues (If something is INSANELY hard to use, but gives little to no corresponding benefit for its difficulty to cast/use) can also be acceptable.

    If you can add information on how to replicate bugs, please do so.

    Feel free to post below so I may add more details/new "bugs"

    Current Issues:

    Your Enemy's Enemy is Your Friend - Has troubles finding combat mode when target is fighting, meaning it won't execute. - PvP and PvM.


    Abolish AC Line
    - Not necessarily a "bug" but a very poorly implemented line. Abolish Bismuth, many times, is more useful than Abolish Polonium (the top AC debuff).

    Due to the Program debuffing AC based on the target's total AC - lower level debuffs can become more effective. If target's AC is just below Polonium's max amount, it will step down to the next "level" - which debuffs LESS than Bismuth (target's AC's fall below 25000, but above 18,000) - making Bismuth more powerful (which really.. shouldn't happen)
    A Solution?:
    Rework AC's, or add a more unique feature for this line. (Drain AC's and give trader and his team a +damage amount, stackable with anything.)
    Otherwise: Fix numbers and make Abolish Polonium truly the best "AC Debuff" - but from experience, this line is a bit crap.

    Charm Line - Line is very poorly implemented. Not usable on many mobs. Stuns trader for entire duration.
    A Solution?: Increase the number of mobs this can be used on (increase its psychology ability) and have it restrict weapon-use (Trader cannot attack anything), but allow movement and nano-casting.

    Old Buglist - Trader Bug List - 2007
    "Ignorance is bliss."
    Phat'est Trader on Rimor
    Phat = Pretty Hot and Tempting.
    Entrepreneur Grandmaster "Chacapo" Baiter - Forever Nerfed
    Also known as 'Poir'
    Clanners will be crushed!
    Omni-Tek shall prevail!
    One of the First Traders on Rimor To Have Nanobot Defense and Grand Theft Humidity

  2. #2
    Abolish line of nanos has a nano effect that while casting, shows purple dots moving into the Trader. It's a cool effect... which you can also make happen by targeting any player in the game and spamming the nano on the shortcut bar. Even if it does absolutely nothing you can spam it to eternity and create this nano effect, to where it ends up as a small pinkish "sparkle" effect. The bug is only client side, so perhaps it's nothing more than a little visual curiosity, but up to the others as how to interpret it.
    [[ RYUAHN | 220/21 Opifex Trader
    == Proud Member of Core ==
    [[ ALASTROPHE | 220/15 Solitus Martial-Artist

    Quote Originally Posted by Raggy View Post
    There is literally nothing wrong with {Shutdown Skills} in it's current incarnation. What should be being looked at is the reason why it's needed so much. E.g, the incredible amount of Alpha being thrown around and the fickleness of Evade profs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cratertina View Post
    I walk in to BS... could not perk people... with 3704 AR and 300 AAD drain... NT facerolled me, shade instagibbed me, after a few minutes I just decided not gonna bother.

  3. #3
    Is it intentional that trader are casting 'My brain for you brain' while being charmed by Deranged Xan inside 12m?

    I dunno on what/who i casted it, but I ended without any pets i could free and of course with the awesome 'You are not allowed to do anything for 30 minutes, not even logout except you alt-f4 twice...but this doesn't help anyway, so please take a break for half an hour or do a /terminate. Thanks a lot for playi...err...watching AO' hostile debuff.

  4. #4
    Oh wow, seriously?

    K, I'm forwarding that, unless they plan to kill our charms


    so we'll see what happens.
    [[ RYUAHN | 220/21 Opifex Trader
    == Proud Member of Core ==
    [[ ALASTROPHE | 220/15 Solitus Martial-Artist

    Quote Originally Posted by Raggy View Post
    There is literally nothing wrong with {Shutdown Skills} in it's current incarnation. What should be being looked at is the reason why it's needed so much. E.g, the incredible amount of Alpha being thrown around and the fickleness of Evade profs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cratertina View Post
    I walk in to BS... could not perk people... with 3704 AR and 300 AAD drain... NT facerolled me, shade instagibbed me, after a few minutes I just decided not gonna bother.

  5. #5
    Yep, syyriously...goes hand in hand with the 'charming a calmed mob' which results in the same effect, stunned and no pet. You can free yourself in this situation by calling an orgmate to kill the mob.

    Yesterday I was too busy raging so I didn't try to find out who or what was running the 'My Brain for your brain nano' buff, as I was supposed to be on my way to DB1/2 to get two more buffs for the PvP tournament and fight right after that...

  6. #6
    Another bug with major severity and hopefully very high priority to fix, although it dates back to the 12.8 update line:

    Trading mogul is self only. This isn't wrong. What's wrong is the always funny discussion with new players that think they know the game better than I do. My trader just died to Arachnis because a little doc tried to argue with me about it, since the nano crystal clearly says that it buffs the target and not the trader...and as me dieing is not acceptable, please fix this and while you are at it maybe a disclaimer in huuuge letters, explaining that trader will get very grumpy if you ask them for a comp.lit buff, might be appropiate

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Syyceria View Post
    Another bug with major severity and hopefully very high priority to fix, although it dates back to the 12.8 update line:

    Trading mogul is self only. This isn't wrong. What's wrong is the always funny discussion with new players that think they know the game better than I do. My trader just died to Arachnis because a little doc tried to argue with me about it, since the nano crystal clearly says that it buffs the target and not the trader...and as me dieing is not acceptable, please fix this
    Soon as the document for Trader nanos comes up I'll string that through the pipeline :>
    [[ RYUAHN | 220/21 Opifex Trader
    == Proud Member of Core ==
    [[ ALASTROPHE | 220/15 Solitus Martial-Artist

    Quote Originally Posted by Raggy View Post
    There is literally nothing wrong with {Shutdown Skills} in it's current incarnation. What should be being looked at is the reason why it's needed so much. E.g, the incredible amount of Alpha being thrown around and the fickleness of Evade profs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cratertina View Post
    I walk in to BS... could not perk people... with 3704 AR and 300 AAD drain... NT facerolled me, shade instagibbed me, after a few minutes I just decided not gonna bother.

  8. #8
    Another highly annoying bug is with GTH. Sometimes when you cast it on yourself, you get the negative effect instead of the positive nano refill. And sometimes, when you land GTH on someone, their nanopool isn't drained, and you don't get any nano hot either.

    No idea what is causing this, but a place to start would be all the % GTH resist from items that people are able to obtain. As well all know, casting a hostile nano first check the innate % resist from gear, before it checks versus nano resist. Maybe there is some funny stuff going on which leads the game to think you've landed GTH and get the "nanoprogram executed succesfully", get the 1 min cooldown on GTH whilst no harm is done to your target's nanopool.
    Kintaii: Genele is more hardcore than you, your guildmates, and anyone else you've ever played with...

    My pvp stats: Duel wins: 945 / losses: 368 - Solo kills: 5632 / team: 7511

    My org mate: Solo kills: 24 933 / Team: 683

  9. #9
    I'd define the ability to cast GTH on yourself as a bug personally. It seemed stupid (rather, close to being an exploit - not sure I ever got an answer to the question I asked customer support about the issue) back when it was first introduced; it still hasn't been addressed.
    "Many hamsters died to bring you this post.

    The servers are up and running." - Pharamond

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Strupstad View Post
    Another highly annoying bug is with GTH. Sometimes when you cast it on yourself, you get the negative effect instead of the positive nano refill. And sometimes, when you land GTH on someone, their nanopool isn't drained, and you don't get any nano hot either.

    No idea what is causing this, but a place to start would be all the % GTH resist from items that people are able to obtain. As well all know, casting a hostile nano first check the innate % resist from gear, before it checks versus nano resist. Maybe there is some funny stuff going on which leads the game to think you've landed GTH and get the "nanoprogram executed succesfully", get the 1 min cooldown on GTH whilst no harm is done to your target's nanopool.
    The positive effect has a higher stacking order as the negative. But the negative only takes 1 NCU, the positive does take 130.

    So. YOu cast GTH on yourself, have not enough NCU. Bam.

    Quote Originally Posted by Radia View Post
    I'd define the ability to cast GTH on yourself as a bug personally. It seemed stupid (rather, close to being an exploit - not sure I ever got an answer to the question I asked customer support about the issue) back when it was first introduced; it still hasn't been addressed.
    It is intended. To counter the effects of nanobot shielding.
    Neophyte Nerf"Shareida"Batted First Order
    Freshman Jefferey"Bailan2"Ginsberg - Retired
    Shareidah - First Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazy View Post
    it's written in the bible.
    Matthew 23:13 "and the trader hath casteth bulk trader at the young age of 14. and it was good. and so he hath an extra 260 comp lit and he hath equippeth better ncu's. and it was good too.
    A Producer's point of view

  11. #11
    Neophyte Nerf"Shareida"Batted First Order
    Freshman Jefferey"Bailan2"Ginsberg - Retired
    Shareidah - First Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazy View Post
    it's written in the bible.
    Matthew 23:13 "and the trader hath casteth bulk trader at the young age of 14. and it was good. and so he hath an extra 260 comp lit and he hath equippeth better ncu's. and it was good too.
    A Producer's point of view

  12. #12
    Here's an entertaining bug.

    "You were attacked with nanobots for 435 points of energy damage.
    You died of nano program damage!
    Nano program executed successfully.
    Nano execution aborted because either you or your target is teleporting.
    Wait for current nano program execution to finish.
    You gained 95 PVP Team Score."

    Guess what that 435 damage was?

    Oh yes; scroll up a bit and you find the culprit:

    You were attacked with nanobots for 435 points of energy damage.
    You were healed for 1900 points.

    Its Improved Health Haggler at work. Killing myself with my own heal gave me PVP score. (Ok, it might be co-incidence, but still a funny one. )
    Last edited by Radia; Oct 10th, 2010 at 23:06:04. Reason: Get your own nanos right Radia!
    "Many hamsters died to bring you this post.

    The servers are up and running." - Pharamond

  13. #13
    One more to Improved Health Haggler:

    (13:23) Someone's reflect shield hit you for 110 points of damage.
    (13:23) You were attacked with nanobots for 483 points of energy damage.
    (13:23) You healed Pipetka for 1900 points of health.

    Quite annoying to not only take the 483 damage, but also my own reflects on top of that. Maybe we could have it changed to unknown or nano dmg.
    Why play melee when crat pets can do your job?
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldebeast View Post
    Simple, why the melee hate?
    Quote Originally Posted by Means View Post
    ...Melee people/pets are needed...

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