The Leviathan Movement is on the lookout for new members. Here's what we have to offer:
-A large city in Southern Fouls Hills with ql300 large HQ, mining ops, swimming pool, grid house, landing pad, and silo.
-An org bot. We use Vhabot to link the chat of The Leviathan Movement with Megadodo Publications, our subsidiary organization.
-Friendly and helpful members. Most of our active players are TL7 but we have people in all level ranges and we're always willing to help out new players.
-Regular org raids on Hollow Island, Mercs, Dust Brigade, Alapaa, AI raids, APF, Albtraum, etc.
-A ventrilo server. It's not required that you use it, but it's available. Many of our active members use it.
-Here's our information:
-No minimum level required to join.
What are we looking for?
We want nice people. Many of you know us from teams or have seen us around. If you have teamed with us or talked to us, you know that we are nice and we try to surround ourselves with people that represent us well. Our growing org is full of people who are here because they like the friendly atmosphere, and we occasionally get people who come to us because they don't like being in organizations that tell them how to play the game. We won't make demands on you that you pvp, or that you level at a certain pace, or restrict you from bringing in alts. In return, we expect that all of our members respect the laid-back atmosphere that we try to cultivate.
So, if you are looking for an org for the first time or you are tired of being in organizations that demand too much, please consider joining us.
Here's how to apply:
1.) Go to and submit an application on our forum there. Tell us what appeals to you about our organization and why you left your previous org(s), if any.
2.) Contact one of our recruitment officers. Idree and Peepeebedee will be glad to answer any questions you may wish to ask. They will also be able to give you more details about how we operate. If you are not able to reach them, try contacting me on Rockempire or Etrier. You can also send me a private message on this forum.
Thanks for reading!
P.S. If you like our style and you think you might go apply, please bump this thread.