If you're looking for a small-medium sized friendly and well-regarded guild, then Nocturnal Fear may be just what you're looking for.
Formed 4 years ago, NF has always strived to be more of a family than an organisation. We offer a relaxed and mature playing environment, with plenty of opportunity to take part in raids, pvp and other guild activities - but always following our favorite rule - to have fun! In Nocturnal Fear you will find a group of like-minded people, always willing to help and further our own and each others enjoyment of AO.
We are currently looking for new members to join our family and further the Nocturnal Fear spirit. Please feel free to visit our forums, and if you like what you see and feel you would fit in with our spirit and style of play, do not hesitate to apply for membership.
Kind Regards,
The Nocturnal Fear Recruitment Team.