Although there are a lot of people who know everything about the new playfields, there are also many who don't. I've looked everywhere and I could not find an up-to-date guide to the new alien playfields, so i decided to compile what i know. If you see that I'm missing anything, please post here and I'll add it. Thanks.
LOCATION: Whompah to ICC and head northeast through a small tunnel in the wall of the ICC headquarters. Continue through the tunnel into a small valley, and on past that until you reach a large paved square landing pad with Unicorns at each corner. At the far end of the landing pad, there is a Unicorn Landing Beacon. Wait here until a shuttle comes (every 10 minutes). At this time a blue circular portal will appear at the base of the Unicorn Landing Beacon - step in. Once in, head downstairs and across a bridge (or you can run straight ahead and jump off the downramp to arrive immediately at the elevator). Follow the signs by turning left after the bridge, and you will arrive at an elevator. Right-click the elevator controls and you are now in the "staging area" of the playfields. You can talk to the Unicorn here to see how long till the gates open.
Spawn Time: The gates open every 7 hours and they stay open for 10 minutes. So if the gates open at 2:00 PM then they will close at 2:10 PM and open again at 9:10 PM.
Generic Drops:
These items drop off of generals and can be turned in to the Omni-Tek Observer or the Clan Liaison by the bar in middle level of the new playfield for either tokens or credits.
There are 3 sectors in the alien playfields, so you have to choose which one you want to raid.
In this sector, you follow the NPC the rookie alien hunter. You follow him through a series of canyons loaded with groups of aliens. There are also several ambushes along the way. THE ROOKIE MUST STAY ALIVE UNTIL THE END! If the rookie dies, you must go back and get a new one, which is a major time waste because it is basicallyh redoing the whole sector. Also, along the way through the canyon, there are several laser fences blocking the way. Do not run into these, as they will insta-kill you. When you come to these, stay behind the rookie and he will disable them at which time they are safe to pass through.
BOSS: Embalmer Cha'Khaz
This boss spawns in the middle of the last section of canyon as long as the rookie is still alive (after this it doesn't matter if the rookie dies). Let a single character (the tank) attack the embalmer to build hate, and NO ONE ELSE. The boss will spawn several adds: Support Sentries, Alien Pods, and regular aliens. Kill these immediately, especially the support sentries as they can cast protection/heal nanos on boss. The pods are a real pain too as they "capture" someone inside them, rendering that person unable to do anything until the pod is killed. I recommend having everyone assist a caller on the adds while the tank is building aggro. Once the tank has sufficient aggro (1-1.5 bars of health), everyone should attack the embalmer. Keep in mind that adds spawn throughout the fight so everyone should re-assist the caller frequently to make sure the adds stay to a minimum. It seems that when the embalmer is almost dead he starts to wipe aggro and attack random people--be prepared for this, docs.
Kyr'Ozch Helmet ---- Turn this in to the Omni-Tek Observer or the Clan Liaison upstairs by the bar for the 2500 TOKEN BOARD
Inertial Adjustment Processing Unit ---- Makes Hadrulf's Viral Belt Component Platform and it can improve Diamondine Kick Pistols and Murder Mauls of quality lvl 250 or greater (automatically upgrades pistol or maul to ql 300 as well)
Notum Amplification Coil ---- Upgrades the Augmented Hellspinner Shock Cannon, Aquarius's Multitask Helper, or a Kyr'Ozch Carbine (Type 5, 12, or 13) of quality level 250 or greater (automatically upgrades carbine to ql 300 as well)
1. Stay with the rookie at all times! People get anxious and want to pull aliens from ahead, but this could leave the rookie open to one of the sudden ambushes that occur frequently.
2. If the rookie's health gets low, the only way to heal him is by putting MP heal pets on him.
3. Attacking and/or healing the rookie will result in insta-death. DO NOT ATTACK OR HEAL THE ROOKIE. AoEs have been fixed, the only ones that are not allowed are martial artist and fixer area hit special attacks (eg Cluster Bullets).
In this sector, you clear the whole are of the bugs - just run through and kill em all to get maximum AXP. Ignore the ship and the unicorn in the center of the sector for now. Once the sector is cleared, everyone should gather under the ship. Only the mission holder should speak with the Unicorn Field Enginner, at which time 3 towers will spawn around the ship (Don't attack or heal these towers as the result is insta-death). **If these towers die then the generals wont come**. Waves of bugs will come in at staggered times from every direction, successfully kill them and keep the towers alive. After the waves, the generals come.
BOSSES: Field Marshal Cha'Khaz and Field Support Cha'Khaz
Both of these generals come at the SAME TIME (recommended 2 tanks, one per general). Let tanks build aggro then attack the support general first. Do this because while the support general is alive, the field marshal will have a huge reflect shield and you will be hitting him for about 40-80 dmg. Once support is gone, kill the field marshal. These bosses spawn NO ADDS so don't worry about those. These bosses also do not wipe aggro.
1. Do NOT HEAL OR ATTACK THE TOWERS as the result is insta-death. The only AoEs NOT allowed are martial artist and fixer area hit special attacks (eg Cluster Bullets).