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Thread: SL Slayer Bot performance Stats

  1. #1

    SL Slayer Bot performance Stats

    I think this needs a new thread all it's own since the list HO made is somewhat buried in the 213 vs 200 thread. That being said I have copied HO's list and am posting it here to get this up and running so we have a good record of just what these new bots can do.

    Originally posted by High Orbit:

    Wanted a record of the bots if possible.

    In each case after Minimum damage, whether it always hits for minimum in SL, estimated HP and whether or not it holds aggro when trimmed with QL200 Increase Aggressiveness and QL100 Positive - Aggressive-Defensive.

    Additionally, these numbers are those achieved against 210 hecklers in Adonis. These mobs were chosen for the test mobs as they are the most commonly fought for SK to the best of my knowledge.


    Shield of the Obedient Servant
    Intrusive Aura of the Humble Servant
    Omni-pol Pacifcation Logic System
    Sympathetic Entropy Infusion


    Slayerdroid Guardian (for comparison)

    Minimum damage: 1067
    With Deconstruction: 1067
    HP: 43721

    Slayerdroid Annihilator

    Minimum damage: 1037
    With Deconstruction: 1037
    HP: estimated at 20-25K please help me with more firm numbers

    In raids on RK, numbers seem quite higher than those of the Guardian, including up to 2.3K regular hits on Obedience Enforcer with Decon running at -4600 ACs

    Devastator Drone

    Minimum Damage: 1119
    With Deconstruction: Up to 1250
    HP: Estimated at about 20Kish, but definately less than the 201

    At mercs, with trader debuffs running numbers exceeded 3.3K regular damage

    Battlefield Devastator Drone

    Min Damage: 1179; my numbers gave 1215 as base damage against 210 hecklers

    Max Damage~3800

    Crit at 4020 against Female Blade in OA with only half my buffs running on him

    Damage up to 1500 with -5600 Decon running on 210 hecks

    Fieldsweeper Devastator Drone

    Min Damage: 1340; got second number from Collinar at 1400ish

    Desolator Assault Drone

    1499-2650ish on 210 hecklers

    Widowmaker Battle Drone

    1100-1600, 2800 crit.

    Note to FC, The damn dog does BETTER damage that the Wikdowmaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dog OD'ing Slayer=Design Flaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Advanced Predator M-30

    904 vs 210 hecks

    Marauder M-45

    933 vs 230 hecks

    Semi-Sentient Predator M-30

    1006 vs 230 hecklers also heard 990 on same mobs

    My personal tests give 1010 vs Tchu and also 210 hecks

    Military-grade Marauder M-45

    770 on 230 hecklers according to first report.
    Second submission gives 1178;

    big difference here, I'm curious if the first numbers were unbuffed ones.

    Military-Grade Marauder M-45

    hit Heckler with 1000-2700 meele Damg / 4700 Crit
    Coutesy of Aleph our first 220, Big Grats!

    Are the higher ql mechdogs hitting faster than the lower ones by chance? So maybe less per hit but more hits making better overall damage?

    Please post your own test numbers and what mobs you've fought with them below, I will try to keep the thread updated.
    Last edited by Rusty; Apr 1st, 2004 at 04:29:36.
    Rustybolts, 220 Supreme Creator
    Kofiannan 220 Dictator
    Aalant, 210+ Savior
    Jeffcorwen 201+ Adv
    Rustyblades 204+ Enf

  2. #2
    Thanks Rusty
    Highorbit - Supreme Creator - Atlantean - 205 - Armour
    Andrele - Sorcerer - Atlantean
    Simarion - General - Atlantean - 200
    Zendia - Doctor - Atlantean
    Roanna - Preserver - Atlantean
    Littleorbit - Priest - Atlantean

    Shameless Self Advertising: Engineer Guide

  3. #3
    Maybe we could get a sticky for this so we can have easy reference until the numbers are in and tallied?
    Rustybolts, 220 Supreme Creator
    Kofiannan 220 Dictator
    Aalant, 210+ Savior
    Jeffcorwen 201+ Adv
    Rustyblades 204+ Enf

  4. #4
    Going to add into the issues thread and to feedback, so bump only for now
    Highorbit - Supreme Creator - Atlantean - 205 - Armour
    Andrele - Sorcerer - Atlantean
    Simarion - General - Atlantean - 200
    Zendia - Doctor - Atlantean
    Roanna - Preserver - Atlantean
    Littleorbit - Priest - Atlantean

    Shameless Self Advertising: Engineer Guide

  5. #5
    So basically, from what we can tell now, the Annihilator is worse than Guardian, and the first bot in the next line isn't any better, except with deconstruction running?

    Phhht. Hope they have a lot more HP.

    Oh, and does HighOrbit really want to have her name abbreviated as "HO"?


  6. #6
    Semi-Sentient Mechdog QL207: 1006 pts of damage (with QL184 offensive trimmer), vs L230 hecklers. Does 2.3k normal hits on Tertius mobs on RK without Deconstruction.
    -Ward 'Kzak' Hereda, Clan L220, AL15 'Competent' Supreme Creator on Rubi-Ka 1. Equipment setup.

    Life is like a box of chocolates. Except, you know, the brown stuff in the box? That's not chocolate.

    Doing his part to make the world a more interesting place since December 2001.. but not any more. Account cancelled, playable until 2006-11-13 19:25:49. See you in Age of Conan!

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Vepr
    So basically, from what we can tell now, the Annihilator is worse than Guardian, and the first bot in the next line isn't any better, except with deconstruction running?

    Phhht. Hope they have a lot more HP.

    Oh, and does HighOrbit really want to have her name abbreviated as "HO"?

    Hehe it's my own fault really, should just change it to High
    Highorbit - Supreme Creator - Atlantean - 205 - Armour
    Andrele - Sorcerer - Atlantean
    Simarion - General - Atlantean - 200
    Zendia - Doctor - Atlantean
    Roanna - Preserver - Atlantean
    Littleorbit - Priest - Atlantean

    Shameless Self Advertising: Engineer Guide

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Vepr
    So basically, from what we can tell now, the Annihilator is worse than Guardian, and the first bot in the next line isn't any better, except with deconstruction running?

    Phhht. Hope they have a lot more HP.

    Oh, and does HighOrbit really want to have her name abbreviated as "HO"?

    Actually, they have a lot less HP....
    Rustybolts, 220 Supreme Creator
    Kofiannan 220 Dictator
    Aalant, 210+ Savior
    Jeffcorwen 201+ Adv
    Rustyblades 204+ Enf

  9. #9


    Time to cry pfft! /me sniffles. What hell is Funcom thinking u need 4th spec for Slayerdroid Annihilator and it does less dmg then a usall bot got less hp, doesnt that just speak for it self FUNCOM.

    Digets Mp 218 gimp nanomage "am gone end up in museum"
    Copyright Crat 220 Trox for tha WIN!!
    Kiroshars Ma 205 my old beloved ma...
    Ilfixit Fix 204 Fix it!
    Its just how it is, isnt it? >>><<<

  10. #10
    Thats nice, our SL bots.....that we need for SL are only more effective than our slayers on RK?????

    Hopefully min dmg and hp is just a typo.....
    Bill "Rudeboyz" Clinton Nobel Prize Winning Engineer, Crusader for Duct Tape and Reclaim Inspector General of Rubi-Ka Gear

    Freshman Bob "Spookyrudy" Dole Buff Dispenser, Sexy Atrox, Master of The Atrox Monkey Love Arts

  11. #11
    Hopefully min dmg and hp is just a typo.....
    Sadly, no.
    Maimgara - Supreme Creator, The Renaissance - RK2
    [Thedeacon]: As for the "high level n00b" part....Hey, I don't care if they level up....puts them in pvp range quicker.

  12. #12
    Hehe, if anyone fancies helping these are the best ways to get numbers:

    Min damage: Hit a Heckler (obvious)
    Max damage: Hit a leet (has no AC, max damage is useful to know).
    HP: Run damage dumper and let a 230 Heckler kill a bot (bot must be fighting or the vast HP regen will play with the results). Make sure you can outrun a Heckler first hehe
    AC: Hmmm not sure how you'd figure it out. Perhaps possible to determine how much more AC one has than another from the damage taken differences...

    I'd help out, but I don't have Specialization 4, or any desire to spend the rest of the month camping it
    Highorbit - Supreme Creator - Atlantean - 205 - Armour
    Andrele - Sorcerer - Atlantean
    Simarion - General - Atlantean - 200
    Zendia - Doctor - Atlantean
    Roanna - Preserver - Atlantean
    Littleorbit - Priest - Atlantean

    Shameless Self Advertising: Engineer Guide

  13. #13
    I'd like to help, but I can't bring myself to log in ever since I got these new bots...
    Apprentice Raidea - Lv 215, Supreme Creator - Setup
    Veteran of Nemesis

    NightGhost: Perhaps it doesn't take two to make an idiotic argument, altho you have proven for a fact, that one man indeed, can make two idiotic arguments.

    Bero: I think, I made my point, there is no noticeable difference between lvl 165 and 190 and even between 160 and 200, the difference is small…

  14. #14
    Hm, I can let the hecklers kill off my bots the next time I go SKing, might give some more info about the HP ranges.

    207 mechdog vs. a leet? I predict a 3k+ crit.
    -Ward 'Kzak' Hereda, Clan L220, AL15 'Competent' Supreme Creator on Rubi-Ka 1. Equipment setup.

    Life is like a box of chocolates. Except, you know, the brown stuff in the box? That's not chocolate.

    Doing his part to make the world a more interesting place since December 2001.. but not any more. Account cancelled, playable until 2006-11-13 19:25:49. See you in Age of Conan!

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Kzak
    Hm, I can let the hecklers kill off my bots the next time I go SKing, might give some more info about the HP ranges.

    207 mechdog vs. a leet? I predict a 3k+ crit.
    ./pet hunt and hope one of them isn't a crit?

    Hard to determine otherwise, a higher level mob, but something that can be AC nerfed into oblivion.
    Highorbit - Supreme Creator - Atlantean - 205 - Armour
    Andrele - Sorcerer - Atlantean
    Simarion - General - Atlantean - 200
    Zendia - Doctor - Atlantean
    Roanna - Preserver - Atlantean
    Littleorbit - Priest - Atlantean

    Shameless Self Advertising: Engineer Guide

  16. #16
    L207 Semi-Sentient M-30 Predator vs. L1 leets and assorted backyard mobs: 3756 (crit).

    Was unable to get anything but crits here. The mechdogs have a much lower crit-modifier than the slayerdroids, so I give an estimate that the mechdog's normal hit vs. leets is in the 2800-3000 range with the buffs above.

    L201 Slayerdroid Annihilator vs. backyard mobs: 3824 (crit). A guess would put the 201 droid's max damage in the 2.5k range.

    L205 Devastator Drone vs. backyard mobs: 4164 (crit). Anyone got an idea about the max damage, feel free to suggest.

    L209 Battlefield Devastator Drone vs. backyard mobs: 4539 pts of damage (crit).


    These results suggest that the maximum damage has increased nicely, as expected, with the new pets. However, from experience, the minimum damage leaves more than a little to be desired. Also, the new slayers are known to be single-hitting instead of double-hitting, which lowers their damage output compared to the 200 slayer considerably.
    -Ward 'Kzak' Hereda, Clan L220, AL15 'Competent' Supreme Creator on Rubi-Ka 1. Equipment setup.

    Life is like a box of chocolates. Except, you know, the brown stuff in the box? That's not chocolate.

    Doing his part to make the world a more interesting place since December 2001.. but not any more. Account cancelled, playable until 2006-11-13 19:25:49. See you in Age of Conan!

  17. #17
    If you could get the number for your 209 slayer on hecklers too it would really help out Kzak. That being said, let's estimate the 209's max damage at about 3800 for now. That sound about right to you?
    Rustybolts, 220 Supreme Creator
    Kofiannan 220 Dictator
    Aalant, 210+ Savior
    Jeffcorwen 201+ Adv
    Rustyblades 204+ Enf

  18. #18
    Bumping this to the top as I'm moving tomorrow halfway across the world to Korea and am not sure when I will be back online. Should be within a couple weeks to be in-game, probably sooner to reach the boards.
    Rustybolts, 220 Supreme Creator
    Kofiannan 220 Dictator
    Aalant, 210+ Savior
    Jeffcorwen 201+ Adv
    Rustyblades 204+ Enf

  19. #19
    This all does seem a bit weird HP and damage wise on the new pets. and hte spec req.

    mind you i can kinda see that FC would of had a bit of trouble filling in pets from 201-210 say.

    A fully buffed slayer droid nearly beats urolok on adonis hecklers add in the dog and its a white wash. sooo if they had of scaled HP and damage then the annhilator alone would have whopped urolok plus the new dog = some 1.6+ times the damage.

    against a slayer i nearly lost with urolok alone, hell i even had 8 points in Channe Rage and buffed me pet with the +5 dam add buff from the normal store nanos.

    i have no problem at all with engies OD'ing MPs, they do already and thats your roll.

    Take this scenario though.
    Engie pets scaled as with slayer droid. OR even close to scaled. by scaled i mean the current 195 pet increased just like all the other pets, more dam, hps and ar.

    201 pet hits for more and faster than 195 slayer, new dog hits for more and faster. both have more hps

    that would be nearly double ettus damage (MPs 201 pet does 10-15% more damage than urolok) and people are already complaining that urolok does too much. then imagine your pets at 210 and 220.

    i know that new pets shouldnt have less hps and less damage dont get me wrong, and im sure it could have been handled better its just if your new pets did above and beyond the slayer by much at 201 well, i guess engies wouldnt need anyone else.

    if the 210+ pets are a shambles then i for one will join the requests for better stats. But judging by the hps on the 220 pet i dont think you guys have anything to worry about, that must have well over 100k. The HP bar was massive!!!

    im gathering 210+ pets will really start to shine and be easily the highest dam pet on their own. and remember you have the doggie biting away at the ankles of mobs as well. and they are not gimped at all. quite often i see the doggie way up their in the damage table.

    our pets lose hps on the way past urolok and ours only go to 212 so just wait and see how the top end ones go. and i know now that urolok hits faster than the slayer, yet the slayer does more dam. so dont compare min damage compare total damage over a given period.

    because urolok hit for 989 and crits for around 1300, on the same hecklers the slayer was critting for well over 2k.

    you guys are already the top pet damage dealers by a long way.

    next time im with logain i will run DD again and record and post the stats. and its not just 10% more either i would say around 35-45%. and we are roughly the same level.
    Last edited by Betc; Feb 19th, 2004 at 01:29:22.
    220 Adv, 220 Doc, 216 MP, 215 Crat, 215 Enf, 162 Fix - Scooby Ka 2

  20. #20
    Originally posted by Raidea
    I'd like to help, but I can't bring myself to log in ever since I got these new bots...

    Blarg! If Rimor's highest level Engineer refuses to log in because of the craptacular pets, then the Engineers on Rimor....are doomed.

    Oh well, Spec 4 is next to impossible to get anywho, I won't have to worry about the Annihilator and all that until much later one.

    ~ The Tradeskill Gimp
    |\Applepai - Level 220 Engineer -Rimor-Tradeskiller Extraordinaire/|

    Builder of 5 Gem Arul Sabas and more!

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