I think this needs a new thread all it's own since the list HO made is somewhat buried in the 213 vs 200 thread. That being said I have copied HO's list and am posting it here to get this up and running so we have a good record of just what these new bots can do.
Originally posted by High Orbit:
Wanted a record of the bots if possible.
In each case after Minimum damage, whether it always hits for minimum in SL, estimated HP and whether or not it holds aggro when trimmed with QL200 Increase Aggressiveness and QL100 Positive - Aggressive-Defensive.
Additionally, these numbers are those achieved against 210 hecklers in Adonis. These mobs were chosen for the test mobs as they are the most commonly fought for SK to the best of my knowledge.
Shield of the Obedient Servant
Intrusive Aura of the Humble Servant
Omni-pol Pacifcation Logic System
Sympathetic Entropy Infusion
Slayerdroid Guardian (for comparison)
Minimum damage: 1067
With Deconstruction: 1067
HP: 43721
Slayerdroid Annihilator
Minimum damage: 1037
With Deconstruction: 1037
HP: estimated at 20-25K please help me with more firm numbers
In raids on RK, numbers seem quite higher than those of the Guardian, including up to 2.3K regular hits on Obedience Enforcer with Decon running at -4600 ACs
Devastator Drone
Minimum Damage: 1119
With Deconstruction: Up to 1250
HP: Estimated at about 20Kish, but definately less than the 201
At mercs, with trader debuffs running numbers exceeded 3.3K regular damage
Battlefield Devastator Drone
Min Damage: 1179; my numbers gave 1215 as base damage against 210 hecklers
Max Damage~3800
Crit at 4020 against Female Blade in OA with only half my buffs running on him
Damage up to 1500 with -5600 Decon running on 210 hecks
Fieldsweeper Devastator Drone
Min Damage: 1340; got second number from Collinar at 1400ish
Desolator Assault Drone
1499-2650ish on 210 hecklers
Widowmaker Battle Drone
1100-1600, 2800 crit.
Note to FC, The damn dog does BETTER damage that the Wikdowmaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dog OD'ing Slayer=Design Flaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Advanced Predator M-30
904 vs 210 hecks
Marauder M-45
933 vs 230 hecks
Semi-Sentient Predator M-30
1006 vs 230 hecklers also heard 990 on same mobs
My personal tests give 1010 vs Tchu and also 210 hecks
Military-grade Marauder M-45
770 on 230 hecklers according to first report.
Second submission gives 1178;
big difference here, I'm curious if the first numbers were unbuffed ones.
Military-Grade Marauder M-45
hit Heckler with 1000-2700 meele Damg / 4700 Crit
Coutesy of Aleph our first 220, Big Grats!
Are the higher ql mechdogs hitting faster than the lower ones by chance? So maybe less per hit but more hits making better overall damage?
Please post your own test numbers and what mobs you've fought with them below, I will try to keep the thread updated.