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Thread: Guide to General Perks

  1. #1

    Guide to General Perks

    This is to provide a summary of the perk line bonuses and perk specials and their effects, for the General category perks. It's not my intention to comment on the utility of the perk or what my opinion of it is, just to provide information on what it does and what the specials do, based on my personal database diving.

    1. Ambidextrous
    Available starting from level 10, this 5-tier perk line ends at level 150. There are no specials, only bonuses.

    Total Bonuses: +8 AddAllDef, +120 Multi Melee, +120 Multi Range, +20 (all damage types).

    2. Cartographer
    Available from level 20, this 5-tier perk line ends at level 100. It gives map nav bonuses and a number of teleportation specials that transport you to various cities on Rubi-Ka, with long recycle times. These teleports can be used anywhere, including the shadowlands, with targets all in RK proper.

    Total Bonuses: +200 Map Nav, +60 Adventuring.

    Elementary Teleportation 1: Available with Cartographer 1, this special will transport you to Tir, Newland City, or Omni-Ent depending on your faction. It has a recycle time of 4 hours, locking your Cartographer 1 perk for that time.

    Elementary Teleportation 2: Available with Cartographer 2, this special will transport you to Old Athen, Borealis, or Rome depending on your faction. Recycle time 4 hours, locks Cartographer 2.

    Advanced Teleportation 1: Available with Cartographer 3, this will teleport you to Tir, NLC, or Omni-Ent depending on your faction. Recycle time 3 hours, locks Cartographer 3.

    Advanced Teleportation 2: Cartographer 4, transports you to Old Athen, Borealis, or Rome depending on faction. Recycles in 3 hours, locks Cartographer 4.

    ICC Node Teleportation: Cartographer 5 - teleports you to Andromeda. Locks Cartographer 5 for 3 hours.

    3. Enhance DNA
    This is a 10 tier perk line that becomes available at level 10 and ends at level 190. It adds points to your base stats and has two specials.

    Total Bonuses: +45 Str, +45 Sta, +45 Agi, +45 Int, +45 Psy, +45 Sen +40 Body Dev

    Reconstruct DNA: Becomes available at Enhanced DNA level 5. This casts a HOT on the user that increases in power the more points you put into Enhanced DNA. It starts as a 25 point, 10 tick HOT with 6 second intervals at tier 5, and is a 190 point 10 tick HOT with 6 second intervals at tier 10. Using this special locks your Enhanced DNA perk for 6 minutes.

    Viral Wipe: Available with Enhanced DNA level 10. This special will remove any DOT programs running on the user, and locks Enhanced DNA 10 for 2 minutes.

    3. Enhance Health:
    A straight-up no-nonsense hitpoint boost perkline. There are 7 tiers, starting at level 30 and completing at level 201.

    Total bonus: +1500 hitpoints.

    4. Enhance Nano:
    A straight-up no-nonsense nanopoint boost perkline. 7 tiers, starting at level 30 and completing at level 201.

    Total Bonus: +2500 nano points.

    5. Explorer:
    A 4-tier perkline available from level 30 to level 140. This lineup has a small +%exp modifier, a runspeed modifier, and two teleport specials.

    Total Bonuses: +5% xp, +100 run speed.

    Exploration Teleportation 1: Available with Explorer 2, this special will teleport you to Tir County, Omni Forest, or Newland Desert depending on your faction. It locks your Explorer 2 perk for 4 hours.

    Exploration Teleportation 2: Available with Explorer 4, this special will teleport you to Avalon, Lush Fields, or Varmint Woods depending on your faction. Locks Explorer 4 perk for 3 hours.

    6. First Aid:
    A first aid and treatment buff perk line. It also includes a minor heal special.

    Total Bonuses: +100 First Aid, +100 Treatment.

    Heal: Heals the selected target for 20 hitpoints. That's it.

    7. Freak Strength:
    This is a 3-level perk lineup with some interesting combat specials. Freak Strength 1 opens at level 120, Freak Strength 3 opens at level 208.

    Total Bonuses: +20 Str, +20 Sta, +49 Body Dev.

    Grasp: This special, available at Freak Strength 1, requires that you be behind the target before it will land. Being a hostile special it has an attack and defense skill and can be resisted. The attack skill is Strength 100%; the defense is 50% Evade Close.

    When it lands, Grasp stuns the target and the user for 5 seconds. A "hit" with Grasp locks your Freak Strength 1 perk for 90 seconds; a "miss' locks your perk for 45 seconds.

    Bearhug: This is the Freak Strength 2 special. It requires that you first land a Grasp on the victim and are behind them. This special, like Grasp, stuns both the user and the victim for 5 seconds. Additionally, it inflicts a 90 damage hit, and 90 damage, 6 tick DOT on the victim. The attack skill is 100% strength, defense is 50% evade close; a hit locks your Freak Strength 2 perk for 90 seconds while a miss locks it for 45 seconds.

    Grip of Colossus: Freak Strength 3 special. It requires that you are behind the target and land a Bearhug first. This attack stuns both user and victim for 8 seconds, hits the victim for 215 damage, and inflicts an 8 tick, 215 point DOT on the victim. Like the other perks in this line it is attack 100% strength, defense 50% evade close; unlike the others a Grip of Colossus attempt will lock your Freak Strength 3 perk for 90 seconds regardless of if it hits or misses.

    8. Genius:
    This is a 3-tier perk line with intelligence and psychic bonuses, as well as nanopool and a nano regen special. Genius 1 opens at level 60; Genius 3 opens at level 190.

    Total Bonuses: +40 Int, +40 Psy, +120 Nanopool.

    Regain Nano: Available at Genius 2, this special gives you 200 points of nano immediately, then regens you at a rate of 5 ticks of 200 nano every 2 seconds. Total regen is 1200 nano. It locks your Genius 2 perk for 90 seconds.

    9. Kung-Fu Master:
    This is a +martial arts perk line with 5 tiers. Kung Fu Master 1 starts at level 50, and Kung Fu Master 5 opens at level 203. There are two special attacks as well. Kinda wish they had this when I was an MA Doc

    Total Bonus: +50 Martial Arts.

    Tremor Hand: Available with Kung Fu 3, this a direct-damage attack that can only be used with fists, and has a chance of stunning the victim for a short while. If the user is also effected by the Etheral Touch special, the damage and chance of stunning is increased.

    Without Etheral Touch, the special does 608-1128 damage and has a 45% chance of stunning the victim. With Etheral Touch, it does 942-1748 damage and has a 55% chance of stunning the victim. This perk has 100% martial arts as the attack skill, and 100% evade close as its defense. Hitting locks your Kung Fu 3 perk for 65 seconds; missing locks it for 33 seconds.

    Harmonize Body and Mind: This perk gives an immediate self-only heal, and also reduces the chance of being hit with a critical for a short while. It heals for 1437-3328 and has a 6% critical resistance for 25 seconds after use.

    10. Motorist:
    A 4-tier perkline starting at level 30 and finishing at level 140. There are no specials.

    Total Bonuses: +200 Vehicle Air, +200 Vehicle Ground, +200 Vehicle Water.

    11. NCU Extensions:
    An eight tier perkline with +NCU and +comp lit bonuses. Starts at level 40, ends at level 210; no specials.

    Total Bonuses: +130 NCU, +100 Comp Lit.

    11. Notum Repulsor:
    One of the more interesting perklines, this essentially gives you "anti nano" abilities in return for a total debuffing of all your nano skills (if you train much in this perk you'll be unable to cast anything until you untrain it). This is an 8-tier perk line that starts at level 30 and ends at level 207.

    Total Bonus: +20000 nano resist, -8000 all nano skills, 100% innate resistance to root, calm, snare, init debuff, damage debuff, 60% innate resistance to blinds and DoTs.

    Zap Nano: Available with Notum Repulsor 1. This drains an amount of nano from the victim that scales up when more points are used in Notum Repulsor. At Notum Repulsor 1 it drains 400 nano; at Notum Repulsor 8 it drains 1500 nano. It also debuffs the victim's nano skills by 60.

    The attack skill is 100% dimach, the defense skill is 35% nano resist. A hit locks your perk for 25 seconds; a miss locks for 13 seconds.

    Nano Shakes: Avaialble with Notum Repulsor 3. It requires that the special Big Smash being recently used on the target. This is a 4-second stun and 25-second 900 point nano init and 50% interrupt debuff to the victim. Attack skill 100% dimach, defense 100% nano resist. A hit locks your perk for 80 seconds, a miss locks it for 40.

    Strip Nano: This comes with Notum Repulsor 6. It requires that the special Blast Nano already have landed on the target. It drains 7000 nano from the target and wipes out most types of nanos under 55 NCU cost. Attack skill dimach 100%, defense nano resist 100%; a hit locks the perk for 60 seconds while a miss locks it for 30 seconds.

    Annihilate Notum Molecules: Notum Repulsor 8's special attack. It requires that the victim have Notum Overflow running, and is a massive 11752-23826 point nuke. The attack skill is 100% dimach, defense is 115% nano resist; a hit locks the perk for 6 minutes while a miss locks it for 3.

    12. Training Seminar:
    A perkline that just gives a +% exp modifier. 4 tiers, starting at level 20 and ending at level 150.

    Total Bonus: +7% exp.
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
    Knight of Unity of the Rose - Check out our AO Tools!
    The Doctor Guide to: Notum Wars Martial Arts Perks! Nano Controller Units
    The General Guide to: Auto-Combat General Perks

    Visit the Roses and check out the shops in our City, NE of ICC at 4500x1500 in Andromeda!

    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  2. #2


    Great guide, and a great tool. Really made my perk selection choices a breeze. Using this tool I have come to realize that perks are not just about statu mods, but also specials. Oh so very much about specials.

  3. #3
    Ooh, great stuff Jynne ..
    Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of Instability

  4. #4

    Grasp: This special, available at Freak Strength 1, requires that you be behind the target before it will land. Being a hostile special it has an attack and defense skill and can be resisted. The attack skill is Strength 100%; the defense is 50% Evade Close.

    When it lands, Grasp stuns the target and the user for 5 seconds. A "hit" with Grasp locks your Freak Strength 1 perk for 90 seconds; a "miss' locks your perk for 45 seconds.

    Bearhug: This is the Freak Strength 2 special. It requires that you first land a Grasp on the victim and are behind them. This special, like Grasp, stuns both the user and the victim for 5 seconds. Additionally, it inflicts a 90 damage hit, and 90 damage, 6 tick DOT on the victim. The attack skill is 100% strength, defense is 50% evade close; a hit locks your Freak Strength 2 perk for 90 seconds while a miss locks it for 45 seconds.

    Grip of Colossus: Freak Strength 3 special. It requires that you are behind the target and land a Bearhug first. This attack stuns both user and victim for 8 seconds, hits the victim for 215 damage, and inflicts an 8 tick, 215 point DOT on the victim. Like the other perks in this line it is attack 100% strength, defense 50% evade close; unlike the others a Grip of Colossus attempt will lock your Freak Strength 3 perk for 90 seconds regardless of if it hits or misses.

    Err yeah...

    I need to re-roll a pro wrestler twink now

    *edit, "It requires that you are behind the target and land a Bearhug first." They should call this one prison love
    Last edited by Ognom; Sep 13th, 2003 at 07:59:27.

  5. #5
    Y.A.A.J.G.! (Yet Another Awesome Jynne Guide)

    Awesome guide! You write the kind of guides I'd write if I were smart enough, had enough time to research it, and if I weren't such a frigging flake.

    One small critisism: I found my simple mind sometimes getting the Perk Line and Specials Names mixed up as they are both just bold text. Perhaps if you added some color and text size increases to your layout then you'd help simpleton's like me follow along more easily.
    Guide to Teaming With Docs! is the funniest post ever. | "Engie Got Bot" song spoof
    AO chat log of Titanic sinking is the second funniest post ever

    No matter how many levels I gain, the Lag Monster is always red to me.

    Currently playing The Secret World.

  6. #6
    Jynne, you rock
    Advisor of First Light
    Tradeskill How-To's, Engineer Profession Guides, and Jello Wrestling at The Tir School of Engineering
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    New to Engineering? Try HighOrbit's Engineer Guide. Thanks HighOrbit

  7. #7
    Great info, thanks
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorathon View Post
    Wouldn't it be better if all the attributes were combined into one skill called "goodness?"

  8. #8
    Will ALL +%XP effects in the game stack with eachother ?
    ex. side bonus + token board bonus + rign of luck + perks bonuses + jobe implants etc... ?

    So its possible to get around 50% xp modifier ?

  9. #9
    Great work Jynne
    ~Have you hugged your leet today?~

    F̶u̶n̶c̶o̶m̶ ̶l̶i̶s̶t̶e̶n̶s̶ ̶:̶)̶
    Thanks for "fixing" DM, Funcom, yeah, no really... thank you so, so much. I was missing having my toolset put back to 2007.

  10. #10
    Thanks for the great info Jynne!
    Metalhand - Soldier of Fortune (money, that is)

    My current armor setup.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by zerragon
    Will ALL +%XP effects in the game stack with eachother ?
    ex. side bonus + token board bonus + rign of luck + perks bonuses + jobe implants etc... ?

    So its possible to get around 50% xp modifier ?

    i've been told so..

    my MA has triple imped xp (14%) , 2 IQ rings (13%), token board (7%), those haloween glasses (1%), and the side bonus (i didnt bother training perks just for xp bonuses. They seem to all be stacking so far, i see no reason why the perk stat buffs wouldn't stack on top.

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