This is an open map design suggestion for Rubi-Ka cartographers.
One of the most notable things I have observed during my time spent exploring Rubi-Ka, and helping guide others lost on their travels, is that many Rubi-Kans are unable to fully grasp the numerical coordinates system currently used as travel directions. No matter how hard you try to teach them or how hard they try to learn, they are just unable to apply the use of numerical coordinates for travel. And it is not because these people are stupid, it is simply because their brains are wired differently.
So while not everyone can get a handle on the numerical coordinates system, the one thing most people are capable of handling is - a simple flat visual mapping reference. Whenever brains are not wired for trigonometry or spatial perception, it is almost always assured they can handle the opposite - visual cognition.
So to aid travel around Rubi-Ka, I propose the integration of a simple alpha-numerical X,Y-axis grid that overlays the planetmap. Anyone is capable of understanding the simple concept of 'move from square A1 towards square C4'.
A faintly-lined grid of squares is the key element that helps to imprint a 'visual mental map' which their brains can grasp easily whereas travel directions like "go to 2025x758 SAV" would have been disorienting.
It is my hope that such a simple concept as an alpha-numerical X,Y-axis reference overlay like this will help to improve travel for many Rubi-Kans and make it a more enriching experience.
Safe journeys, fellow Rubi-Kans. I look forward to the day we can say something like: "let's meet in A5, Southern Artery Valley".
Inocybe Matusz