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Thread: To Fix Lag in BS..

  1. #1

    To Fix Lag in BS..

    Heres what i was thinking, BS is real laggy, because there are so many buildings in such a small area, and computers are trying to load all of these buildings, in such a small time frame. Well, what if Funcom, made all of those buildings, part of the level?, like mountains are, because if your in a hilly or mountainous region, you dont get too lagged. Make the city, and all cities for that matter, load when you zone into them. Id sacrifice 15 secs of loading time to have a reduced lag area, and i think you Dev guys should give this a try on test server, maybe.

    Just an idea, bump, flame, flame with bumps, bump with flames.

  2. #2
    Personally I'd like them to play movies during long zones.
    Lvl 215 Rubika 1 Omni Bureaucrat

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  3. #3


    I thought BS was laggy till yesterday I went to Tara and there was a war while I was there (finnaly). I got about 15 frames in a good 5 min. My ping went to about 250k...

  4. #4
    To fix your dissatisfaction with the lag in BS:

    Get out and see Rubi-Ka. There is a whole planet out there.


  5. #5
    I notice that BS is even more laggy if thunder is going on.

    Maybe a good idea to change the weather there a bit, to have less thunder storms?

    (Though deserts have burning sun most of the time, not thunder storms)
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  6. #6
    Originally posted by Blix
    To fix your dissatisfaction with the lag in BS:

    Get out and see Rubi-Ka. There is a whole planet out there.

    please dont say that like ive never been out, i had explored nearly all of rubi-ka in a ql 57 kodaik when i was lvl 46. I know theres a whole planet out there, and i love every inch of it, but so many people whine about the BS lag (including me) that i thought a ncie suggestion would point FC in the right direction.

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