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Thread: Mongo Rage

  1. #41
    it would indeed be a nice design of a perk, only if it wasnt breed locked and be at least comparable in stat bonuses to any other breeds genome perks,,,

    lets make a fast comparison to just one solitus perk, wich comes handy in this case, since it gives aao aswell:

    sphere +100aao( and 100 aad) vs. +1.5kaao mongo rage

    15 times higher, breed locked bonus,,,

    the drawback, when it comes at the end of MR duration, is way to little of a drawback for such a huge boost, lets face it: +1,5k ar within ao's mechanics is huge
    so huge it allows to use ( with great success ) in some cases weapon/specials combinations you would never even dream of landing anything besides a on a backyard leet w.o MR

    if you compare the drawbacks to the stats gain and anything else in the DataBase, the drawbacks look minor at best, and that boost is in many sittuations gamebreaking ( not in all, but in enuff to deserve a redesign/tune down )
    Last edited by Insane666; Oct 21st, 2009 at 14:51:59.
    The most obvious MB on Rubi-Ka
    Insane666 ( 220/30/70 ) Solitus Soldier Insanity669 ( 220/30/70 ) NanoMage Doc Insanity699 ( 220/30/70 ) NanoMage MP
    Insanity696 ( 220/30/70 ) Solitus Bureaucrat Insane669 ( 220/30/70 ) Solitus Fixer Insanity666 ( 220/30/70 ) NanoMage NT

    Insane699 ( 164/22 ) Solitus Trader Insane969 ( 150/20 ) S10 Trox Smurf

    Hells Hero for a decade, now a Punk
    spreading insanity all over rk, since 2005

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Alternity View Post
    There is nothing wrong with MR
    MR being a breed specific perk is the main thing that is wrong with it. It is extremely overpowered in comparison to other breed perks, one cannot fully balance a profession (without giving everyone but troxes some silly compensation for the lack of MR) around it.
    Sphere, blinded by delights, survival are all just nice bonuses, hardly a deciding factor of who wins and who loses.
    If MR was a professions perk (agent, enf, shade, does not matter) it would have been a completely different story.

    Quote Originally Posted by Perskules View Post
    that sounds fun when NT says that who can 100% land they nukes to every1 who dont have nr8 perked.
    so why then NTs should keep their insane nr debuff? what can be used every few seconds and after that they can nuke/perk any1
    NT does not have great defense.

    Balance: Kills ~= Deaths. It is mostly true for NT. Same with docs - very little kills, but count of deaths tends to zero.
    220 Shade | 220 NT | 220 Crat | 220 Fixer | 220 Agent | 165 Adv

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Graftmage View Post
    NT does not have great defense.
    lolwut! NT can tank TR and PM perklines under nbg while also poxing two people with nukes!
    Solsfedaykin 220/70/23 Soli Adv
    Shivj00 220/70/30 Trox Shade
    Solsxtitan 150/x/x Trox Enfo

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Graftmage View Post

    NT does not have great defense.
    haha you good joke.

    if MR is so OP why pll still rolling other breeds?
    trox got very hard with alpha symbs. need farm all buffing items to get good equip. solis/opis dont need much to get top symbs on
    Perskules 220/30 Soldier
    Paholainen 220/30 Mp
    Vihu 220/30 Fixer
    Vihulainen 170/22 Fixer
    Persku 170/16 Doctor
    Rankeli 161/16 Tra
    Viikinki 150/20 Keep

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by -XeI20- View Post
    lolwut! NT can tank TR and PM perklines under nbg while also poxing two people with nukes!
    It does not last long enough to kill 2 people, especially if they know what they are doing plus it features a "nice" drawback. Shade vs NT is like.. who attacks first - wins, and since shades are better at hiding and surprise attacks, you can pick on NTs all day long as shade. I play both profs, I know what I am talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Perskules View Post
    if MR is so OP why pll still rolling other breeds?
    Do you see people rolling non trox shades for pvp?

    Quote Originally Posted by Perskules View Post
    trox got very hard with alpha symbs. need farm all buffing items to get good equip. solis/opis dont need much to get top symbs on
    Farming buffing items/equipping symbs is irrelevant. You do both things only once. Besides, good share or buffing items also happen to be pvp equip items (ability bracers). The only things that are kinda hard to get are high QL nodrop ability rings, but they are rarely needed anymore, even for trox's.
    220 Shade | 220 NT | 220 Crat | 220 Fixer | 220 Agent | 165 Adv

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Graftmage View Post
    Do you see people rolling non trox shades for pvp?

    so only 1 prof running with it. whats the big deal then?
    Perskules 220/30 Soldier
    Paholainen 220/30 Mp
    Vihu 220/30 Fixer
    Vihulainen 170/22 Fixer
    Persku 170/16 Doctor
    Rankeli 161/16 Tra
    Viikinki 150/20 Keep

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Graftmage View Post
    It does not last long enough to kill 2 people
    It does if you have a fixer helping take down the first person! I witnessed it myself!1
    Solsfedaykin 220/70/23 Soli Adv
    Shivj00 220/70/30 Trox Shade
    Solsxtitan 150/x/x Trox Enfo

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Perskules View Post
    so only 1 prof running with it. whats the big deal then?
    Judging from your comments, you are running with it too.
    220 Shade | 220 NT | 220 Crat | 220 Fixer | 220 Agent | 165 Adv

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Graftmage View Post
    Judging from your comments, you are running with it too.
    yeah using it on solja. needed to perk something on smg setup
    Perskules 220/30 Soldier
    Paholainen 220/30 Mp
    Vihu 220/30 Fixer
    Vihulainen 170/22 Fixer
    Persku 170/16 Doctor
    Rankeli 161/16 Tra
    Viikinki 150/20 Keep

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Perskules View Post
    yeah using it on solja. needed to perk something on smg setup
    So, it's not 1 prof already.

  11. #51
    Comparing breeds there is a huge difference in abilities. Trox has huge disadvantage against other breeds in sense/int/psy. Therefore he has less skillpoints in skills which are based on these (nanos,evades, nanopool, ...).
    And ofc trox has more twinking job all the time (not only once, but always when twinking tl2,tl3,tl4,tl5,tl7)
    So 1perk which has huge advantage compared to all probs what trox got is ok for me.

    If you think that perk is totally OP why you did not roll trox then ? I bet we know your answer....

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by EIS View Post
    If you think that perk is totally OP why you did not roll trox then ? I bet we know your answer....
    Man, not all want to reroll from breed to breed all the time.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by EIS View Post
    If you think that perk is totally OP why you did not roll trox then ? I bet we know your answer....
    Because I started this game as a sloob, and didn't really know about gamebreaking perks from a breed? We shouldn't be "punished" because we picked another breed.
    Dagger 220/30/70 Shade // Attempted 219/24/?? Enforcer // Canidae 180/0/0 Adventurer // World 185/26/32 Meta-Physicist// Cramp 150/20/35 Engineer
    Ya wanna fix something - give RK mobs better xp, make RK matter again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mamman View Post
    Give shades love or we will stop buffing people!!

  14. #54
    I have 3 220's (220x2 219x1 :x) who would benefit from having MR.
    But guess what only 1 of my 4x220 have MR and that's a conscious decision because I do not want the negative side effects MR brings along with it.

    Stop making it out as if everyone and their mother would go trox for MR if they could, because they would not.
    Darkempire 220/30/70 Agent
    {edited by Anarrina: see me if you have questions}
    When specifically asked for positive words, responding with a personal attack is incredibly rude and inappropriate. Please do not repeat such behavior.
    Quote Originally Posted by nums214 View Post
    If my wife never got preggo omni wouldn't have lost their fields. 2009 is pretty much when I quit.

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Alternity View Post
    Stop making it out as if everyone and their mother would go trox for MR if they could, because they would not.
    Ya. Makes no sense for NTs

    On a serious note, it's not a choice for most people. When I rolled Hacre (Soli Keeper) I didn't want the downsides that came with Atrox, despite being aware of Mongo Rage.

    Having said that, one Keeper nerfbat that was post LE later and I'd kill to have an MR like ability with an AS swap. That's not the fault of MR however, it's the fault of what has been allowed to happen to Keepers.
    Member of Spartans
    Hacre/Solitus/Keeper/220/29/70 - Ninpopotamus/Solitus/NT/220/30/70 - Charmming/Opifex/Crat/220/30/70
    Quote Originally Posted by randomalpha View Post
    in the end soldier is not Op or even near from that never was never will be just for the record only keepers are the ones before soldiers on the nerfest list
    Genius at work.

  16. #56
    I actually rerolled cos they haven't put in a rebirth setup yet, and NM was my choice from Soli.

    So if you want to give NM evil overpowered perks, then just make Notum Shield unbreakable and 30% reflects and I think we'll call it even. Or make Reject and Sword ridiculously powerful (+1000% nanocost debuff lasts for 1 min or something stupid) which I think isn't worth the effort since they suck that bad.

    Soli perks aren't too bad, I liked Survival when I had it, never really fooled around with Sphere (probably needs a boost) but Opi just need help in general. More damage or just removing the fail from their perk actions would probably be nice.

  17. #57

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Alternity View Post
    I have 3 220's (220x2 219x1 :x) who would benefit from having MR.
    But guess what only 1 of my 4x220 have MR and that's a conscious decision because I do not want the negative side effects MR brings along with it.

    Stop making it out as if everyone and their mother would go trox for MR if they could, because they would not.
    {edited by Anarrina: removed obscenity}

    Take a look around, and everytime you see a Trox PVP'er, ask if he uses MR.

    Now, look around and ask other breeds what they use for their 10 end game AI perks.

    Other breeds use either: 1, Primary genome 2, Secondary Genome, 3. CoNC or Conc+AIT3,

    the probablity of someone choosing any of those three is 1/3 or 33%. The same probability of a random selection is applied to Atrox.

    NOW: If there are more than 33% of Atrox using MR, you can safely say that it is MORE desirable than any other option at Endgame for PVP.

    Honestly? 33% is a {edited by Anarrina: removed obscenity} joke. I'd say close to 95% of PVPing atrox use MR.

    95%>>>>>>>>>>>>33%. Therefore: MR is OP'd

    And, for the record you haven't supplied ANY relevant information as to WHY you only use MR on 1 toon. If your other toons are Doctor/ nano user or TSer, your comparison is more full of crap than originally assessed.
    Last edited by Anarrina; Oct 22nd, 2009 at 04:53:49.

  18. #58
    Can we get a poll on how many people rolled their toons pre-AI vs. how many rolled post-AI, knowing full well what the genome perks added, and now want to change it? QQ

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by McKnuckleSamwich View Post
    NOW: If there are more than 33% of Atrox using MR, you can safely say that it is MORE desirable than any other option at Endgame for PVP.
    Honestly? 33% is a {edited by Anarrina: removed obscenity} joke. I'd say close to 95% of PVPing atrox use MR.
    95%>>>>>>>>>>>>33%. Therefore: MR is OP'd
    Usualy trox are using (if) MR after AI30. Because 10ai perks will go to primary or group perk line, another 10 will go usually to champion (heavy, light) and rest 10 troxes usually usualy spending on nano.champion coz lack of nano-skills.

    How many troxes play PVP ? For example I choose atrox coz more HP and better primary weapon skill. And atm i'm not using MR on any on my atroxes. Because while lvling up i need more nanoskills.

    So after all the time in game what i need to spent with twinking my skills up when i want wear something good what i got being atrox ? Only more work.....
    Finally after all atrox can get 1 perk (if he want go pvp, otherwise is useless) and all whining about it ? Go play trox first and after that you can talk....

    For example i will switch my atrox soldier to solitus (if it will be possible) because solitus rox atm. No need of nano.champ(or if using then going with NR perks).....healing perk.....easily wearing items....and possible to cast all end-game nanos without loosing so much skills. And i know also some pvp atrox shades which are sick of being rooted/snared so their MR sux and want go solitus.

    MR is not big win of being atrox...especially when you are not pvping and have only downsides of your breed.

    You want nerf MR ? Increase basic ablities (sense/int/psy) on troxes then.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by EIS View Post
    You want nerf MR ? Increase basic ablities (sense/int/psy) on troxes then.

    For the record, I've said before I've personally got no problem with MR, my problem is the other breed perks sucking by comparison (though I do love me some tacky hack).

    I don't quite get what Mongo-Rage-Noob-Basher button has to do with sense/int/psy or symbiants, or, anything really. MR isn't the only reason to roll Atrox.

    Like you spend the least amount of IP in base abilities, for example.
    Member of Spartans
    Hacre/Solitus/Keeper/220/29/70 - Ninpopotamus/Solitus/NT/220/30/70 - Charmming/Opifex/Crat/220/30/70
    Quote Originally Posted by randomalpha View Post
    in the end soldier is not Op or even near from that never was never will be just for the record only keepers are the ones before soldiers on the nerfest list
    Genius at work.

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