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Thread: Disable Guild names Feature fc

  1. #1

    Disable Guild names Feature fc

    Ever since this new feature was implented there has been nothing be major lag. Newland goes down every 15mins now.

    even when its not on you can notice there is more lag there than normal.

    and pls fix the "Show All names" feature, its really annoying to have to turn it off every time i zone.
    ~I am the Virtual Virus

  2. #2
    simple text does not cause lag. there is something else wrong for you. duno if you're on rk1 or something, but newland does not go down at all on rk2. nlc is a bit laggy mainly cause all the freaking omni who like to camp there.

    if you have the guild name option turned off... well.. its not being shown.. and hence.. will not cause you any problems... (i.e. read my 2nd sentence of this post).

    as for the "show all names"... never heard of it.. so aint going to comment.

    i happen to love the show guild names option.. just wish they could squeeze in faction somewhere there too.

    Level 1 to 300 in 8 Years! Pwn!
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  3. #3
    Guild names are NOT simple text.

    Guild names, guild rank are all Que`d from a database, There not Tacked on to your character like some other things, such as you name.

    I have a alt guild. meaning all my alts are in a guild, and that guild only has my alts.

    if i long on account #1 and account #2 both alts in that alt guild.

    I can change the name on account #1 and on account #2 i wont see this update until i either move out of range and reenter or target the character on account #1.

    There for its not simple text. It might be sql but Sql does have limitations and is prone to slowing down when used on a massive scale as were.
    ~I am the Virtual Virus

  4. #4
    simple: turn guild names off

    you have the power, use it
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
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    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  5. #5
    Originally posted by Xyberviri
    Guild names are NOT simple text.

    Guild names, guild rank are all Que`d from a database, There not Tacked on to your character like some other things, such as you name.

    I have a alt guild. meaning all my alts are in a guild, and that guild only has my alts.

    if i long on account #1 and account #2 both alts in that alt guild.

    I can change the name on account #1 and on account #2 i wont see this update until i either move out of range and reenter or target the character on account #1.

    There for its not simple text. It might be sql but Sql does have limitations and is prone to slowing down when used on a massive scale as were.
    well, if you want to get technical about it.

    if the guild name is stored in a db, then of course, the name of the character is as well. have you ever looked in the prefs folder of AO? it doesnt just list "yournick" for each of your characters, its got a long string of numbers. logically, these numbers are the ID's for the data in the db. and there is a data field for each user thats for "organization". so, simply, when it looks up a player's name, the organization name is right there, no additional lookups are needed.

    none of us, except the developers know what all is "tacked onto your characters", so stop thinking that.

    as for the not viewing a change on a character.. eh.. what can i say but "well duh". your client caches that information you see, it has no reason to constantly update it. i've seen this problem before.. in battles, etc. a player may just be "Nick", but if i click on them it suddenly changes to "Freshman Nick".

    the information for the guild works a tad bit differently, as it tells the clients to update right then if a user leaves/joins/changes a guild. i know.. i've recruited people that were in other guilds. the character didnt have to leave my view-field for the guild info to update under their name, it changed instantly.

    still.. this whole argument is a moot point considering it is an option you can disable. and no, if its not being displayed that means your client is not requesting that information [at the same time of requesting character's name] if you disable the option.

    Level 1 to 300 in 8 Years! Pwn!
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    AO WIKI!

  6. #6
    i mean its not Attached to the same database as the player info.
    ~I am the Virtual Virus

  7. #7
    There are 2 very very laggy places - Newland and Trade.

    That is most likely not because of Guild names but another issue.
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