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Thread: Beach Party!

  1. #1

    Talking Beach Party!

    I think someone should throw together a beach party to end all beach parties! Has to be sometime after Wednesday, though...'cause if it is, maybe I'll bring some Ancarim Sun Tan Lotion for everyone, as well as a few pair of Monster Sun Glasses for those who get itchy eyes from the twin-suns, or maybe, just maybe, we can have a swimsuit competition.

    You never know, the winner might get a prize or two

    Last edited by Ammicus; Dec 10th, 2002 at 17:34:08.

  2. #2
    i want a santa hat! gimme
    Omni-Pol intelligence report for Peregrinus Praecautus
    Known applicant of Third Faction
    Warning! Record is being accessed by an external source of unknown origin.
    Recovering file

    be on your guard pilgrim
    File ends

  3. #3

    Yeah, I plug for Wednesday's patch Still, for once, we're getting funky content!!

  4. #4
    You must have gone to college with that law degree that you have, Alamexis. Didn't you go to parties then? I imagine that it was an ivy league college with all that law-language so they must have been fancy, expensive parties. I can picture you in your younger days funnelling Hit the Floor Jack and streaking while singing/slurring "Piano Man." Plus, as a lawyer, you must have some organizational skills to put together something. You're the man for the job! I'm sure that Devil's Advocate would be willing to give you a hand or at least some pointers.
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  5. #5

    Awwww Nevver....

    Originally posted by Nevver
    You must have gone to college with that law degree that you have, Alamexis. Didn't you go to parties then? I imagine that it was an ivy league college with all that law-language so they must have been fancy, expensive parties. I can picture you in your younger days funnelling Hit the Floor Jack and streaking while singing/slurring "Piano Man." Plus, as a lawyer, you must have some organizational skills to put together something. You're the man for the job! I'm sure that Devil's Advocate would be willing to give you a hand or at least some pointers.
    ((OOC: Hehehe...glad to see I've fooled everyone so well! /me is 24 and still studying for his B.A. in economics, has no law degree, and hasn't even spent a day in law school!

    That was just a shameless plug for some really cool gizmos that'll hopefully sneak in to the patch tomorrow (just like the whole "environmental warning" thing). I'm no party planner, either - better to leave that to the pros. We can just imagine the turnout for a beach party throw by the Law Society....

    "shuffleboard prizes!"

    "debate contests!"

    "pin the lawsuit of Issidra Derousse!"

    Yeah. That would be a WILD time indeed....

  6. #6

    Re: Awwww Nevver....

    Originally posted by Alamexis
    I'm no party planner, either - better to leave that to the pros.
    Nevver does her best Bridgette Fonda impression and tussles Alamexis' hair.
    Come on! You're Malcom Alamexis Age, lawyer! Girls dig that stuff! You're a happening guy!
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  7. #7
    Hi Malcom,

    Theres a nice place somewhere down in Clon****. I dont have the exact location, but I will send them to you on your comm later tonight. Oh, and you will need a yalm or an engineer that would be able to warp us there.
    Randa "Lesentia" Forejt

    Whisper's Edge

    "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill..."
    -Cypher, The Matrix

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