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Thread: Law Society Response to the Departure of Monilith

  1. #1

    Law Society Response to the Departure of Monilith

    ROME (Law Society of Rubi-Ka) - December 6, 29476

    In order to eliminate any ambiguity or confusion regarding the statements issued by the former Chair of the Law Society's Judicial Subcommittee, the Law Society of Rubi-Ka feels it necessary to respond to Mr. Reynaldo "Monilith" Griffel's statement of today's date.

    Foremost, the Law Society hereby disclaims and denies the assertation by Mr. Griffel that he continues to act as Chair of its Judicial Subcommittee. In recent weeks, Mr. Griffel has become increasingly militant and resentful of Omni-Tek of Rubi-Ka Corporation ("OTRK"), its departments and its employees. As a number of Omni-Pol officers, members of the Kaviera Family Mafia, as well as passive witnesses can testify, his actions in Rompa Bar in Omni-1 were often quite disrespectful and not conducive of his role.

    Furthermore, Mr. Griffel has consistently and pervasively demonstrated his inability to act and to think objectively. He has openly stated his lack of respect for the members of Omni-Pol, based solely upon his personal interactions with a handful of its officers. He has consistently been overheard preaching of alleged "corruption" within OTRK and its departments, and has failed to produce sufficient evidence to justify these statements in a social context, let alone in a court of law.

    These actions, and above all the entrenchment of these opinions, are not characteristic of someone tasked to develop and supervise a Judicial structure.

    It is thus at great regret that the Law Society is forced to terminate its contract with Mr. Griffel as a result of the above, effective immediately. The Law Society will now begin a search for a new Chair of its Judiciary, and applications are now being accepted in that regard.

    Until a replacement is found for Mr. Griffel, his former responsibilities and duties will be assumed by the Law Society's Director and General Counsel, Malcom Alamexis Age. All media and citizen inquiries are to be directed accordingly.
    Last edited by Ammicus; Dec 7th, 2002 at 03:28:04.

  2. #2
    Last edited by devuped; Dec 7th, 2002 at 03:55:57.
    Reynaldo "Monilith" Griffel

  3. #3
    Last edited by Ammicus; Dec 7th, 2002 at 04:07:42.

  4. #4

    If its a problem, ill take it out. I honestly couldnt remember if you ever mentioned it IC or not. And, Monilith is deleted so I dont think it will matter much. ))
    Reynaldo "Monilith" Griffel

  5. #5
    She sat up in bed, and rubbed her eyes. Her head felt as if it were stuffed with wool, and her throat was all scratchy. She groped around her nightstand until she found the packet of pills they had sent her home with. She took two of them, washing them down with a glass of water. She leaned her elbows on the nightstand and rested her head in her hands, thinking about her visit to the emergency room..

    She had been attending a dinner party, the night before last, at an acquaintance's house. There had been a pet cat, a charming little thing, with silvery striped and pale green eyes. She'd petted and fussed over it, when suddenly she found herself unable to breathe. All the air seemed to squeeze itself out of her lungs, her throat started to swell up, she couldn't get any air back in. She recalled somebody with a needle, a doctor, giving her an injection, and her heart starting to pound hard. Then in the emergency room, having some mask strapped to her face, more injections.

    Then she had slept for a day and a half.

    She saw her comm-link flashing on the nightstand, and picked it up, pressed a button. Several messages. One from the doctor, telling her she was definitely allergic to cats, and instructions on the medication he'd prescribed. One from Edwin, letting her know he was on a recon mission, that he would be home soon. And several from Alamexis...

    As the fog in her brain lifted, she listened to the messages, somewhat shocked. She'd known for some time that Rey was becoming increasingly disaffected and disenchanted with how things were going at Omni-Tek, and with the various departments. He'd been mistrustful of everyone, almost to the point of paranoia, and she had been worried about him. And now he had apparently disappeared, his insurance records missing. She fervently hoped he was safe, and happier, wherever he had gone to...

    She took a hot shower, dressed, poured a cup of coffee, and picked up her comm-link. She punched in Alamexis' code.

    "Malcom? It's Kiyoko... I'm sorry I haven't been in touch sooner, I've been ill... so tell me, what happened to Rey?"
    "Dixie" - Young adventurer, anthropologist, marketing rep for R.U.R.

    Kiyoko "Barlau" Grebel - Martial Artist, PR Director, Law Society of Rubi-Ka

  6. #6
    ((OOC: For the sake of roleplaying this out, here we go. Im still not quite sure how to go about this, but we'll see how it plays out. This is the final RP from Monilith.))

    The glow of the empty apartment shattered his eyes, a strong odor of its previous owner wandering around in an invisible cloud. He glared outside, the vague moonlight slightly lighting the outside. People hustled and bustled outside, moving to get somewhere yet not having an idea of where they were headed.

    He looked at his Commlink, slowly slipping it from his wrist and setting it on the ground next to him, still glancing out the window. Those dark glasses which so gracefully rested upon his nose for so long were taken off, the deep blue of his eyes reflecting againest the moonlight. He sighed, slowly turning his head back to the humming machine to his right. Words burned on the screen, something he had read one hundred times over.

    He lifted himself from the cold floor, taking slow steps that slowly increased in speed as the blood recollected in his legs. He stopped at the machine, his hand extended, and pushed a button, closing the window that was on the screen. He walked back to his CommLink, "Insurance" flashing on it as began to push a few buttons.

    A prompt simply asked him are you sure. He looked out the small fragile window once again, his eyes slowly closing and he pushed one last button on the CommLink. It flashed to a solid color, and seconds later, the words "Records Successfully Deleted" flashed on the screen, the CommLink giving off a simple grin of its own.

    He walked to the door, shoving his hand across a panel of buttoms, a few beeps, and the door slid open. He stepped out, inhaling the not so fresh air, and slowly began his journey to the grid access terminal. Five minutes passed and he had arrived, the broken symbol of Omni-Tek covered by a crudly written "Tir". He nodded to the city, and entered the grid.

    Time doesnt exist in the grid. One can become forever lost within it. He roamed aimlessly for a quarter of an hour, perhaps more, until he had made up his mind. He glaced to the Omni-Entertainment exit, and slowly slipped onto the platform.

    "You shouldnt of come here, Monilith". He heard the words, sweat dripping from his eyebrow, as he began to walk forward. A nanosecond, a burst of energy, and he fell face first onto the cracked pavement. One last breath of air, one last sigh, his nanoprograms terminated, his health slowly slid down, frantic warning beeps coming from all around. His nanopool slid away into nothing, and his eyes closed for the final time.
    Reynaldo "Monilith" Griffel

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