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Thread: NTs problems with 14.7

  1. #1

    NTs problems with 14.7

    1. The new nanos have ridiculous reqs. This root debuff is impossible to cast: Rend Constraints ql 139 pm/ts= 850. A lvl 139 debuff with reqs a lvl 200 nt cant selfbuff to cast? whats the justice in that? Lower the reqs for the new nanos.

    2.The new calm nerf is needs more tinking. My mez gets resisted by grey mobs now. The inherent resistance of the nanos dwarf any dependence on skillz reqs of the nano. The entire inherent resistance nanos have should be changed so that nukes are dependent on mc, calms dependent on pm/si, roots affect by mc/ts. The affect that these have is virtually nonexistant. Guns are affected by AR and never jam. At least make fumbles occur less frequently with high skillz. A soldier will never miss a mob thats grey, but a Nt can fumble? Either lower the fumble rates with having high skillz or make these nanos harder to resist if skillz are high enuff.

    3.Make outdoor bosses smaller. The animations of these huge melee bosses cause a sync bug that does not allow nanos to refresh when they are attacking you. It does not happen if the mob is far away(root and nuke works) but does occur even if the view is changed. Being a nano reliant profession, this is most noticable with us, but affects all professions hunting outdoor mobs. This is one of the most frustrating and annoying bugs in the game. Please make bosses small until they fix this.
    Last edited by Necrofiliak; Nov 25th, 2002 at 23:44:15.

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