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Thread: Body of Laws Project Announcements

  1. #1

    Exclamation Law Society Announcements


    ROME - November 22, 29476

    It has been three weeks less a day since I had the pleasure of announcing the launch of the Rubi-Ka Body of Laws Project ("BLP") to the planet of Rubi-Ka. In that short period of time, the Project has received tremendous praise from the community; it has (thankfully) seen the addition of a second lawyer, Reynaldo Monilith Griffel, to the Project; and it has taken the first steps into propelling Rubi-Kan society forward by undertaking the difficult task of devising a judicial structure which is available to all factions - Clan, Neutral and Omni-Tek. As our press release of today's date indicated, we have now released a draft of the overall composition of the system of courts.

    In light of the evidently hectic schedule the BLP was forced to bear, the decision was made to induce an evolution of the BLP from an organization devoted solely to the codification of the laws to a multi-facetted, full-service firm, whose primary goal is the pursuit of justice. In order to effectively accomplish this, the Law Society of Rubi-Ka was created to further work at establishing and administering the Planetary Courts of Justice, and has taken the old BLP under its au****es.

    In addition, the Law Society maintains Rubi-Ka's only law library, which will eventually contain all available ICC legal documentation, "how-to" guides on the drafting of effective contracts, treaties and organization constitutions, and various other legal reference materials. It will also house the collection of analyses, papers and theses prepared by members of the Law Society for review by the general public.

    However, it is our Advocacy Program that truly distinguishes us from standard interstellar legal organizations. Through this program, members of the Law Society will be available to assist any individual or organization in matters of a legal nature, be it in a diplomatic. negotiating, or legal counsel capacity. Our services are subsidized by member contributions, and are provided free of charge to the public.

    Naturally, this task can not be solely accomplished by Mr. Griffel and I. As the Law Society continues to evolve, we will require the services of judges, court clerks, reporters, and undoubtedly more than a few psychiatrists, among others. There is a wealth of opportunity on Rubi-Ka for those bold enough to seek it. Contrary to popular opinion, you need not have any formal legal training to join or to take part. In fact, as one of our essential aims is to make the law more "user-friendly", we are in desperate need of those who have nothing more than a vivid imagination.

    Please visit our gridsite and feel free to contact either myself or Reynaldo Monilith Griffel if you are interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity.


    After discussing the composition of Rubi-Ka's first judicial structure with a number of citizens, we are pleased to announce that the first draft of the proposed court system is now available on the Law Society's gridsite. Please feel free to review this document and, should you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please contact Reynaldo Monilith Griffel or Malcom Alamexis Age. Additionally, you may post any comments directly to the grid by visiting the Law Society's forums by clicking here.

    We are currently seeking the opinions of citizens regarding what they would like to see regarding the filing of court documents and actual procedures in court. Please contact Reynaldo Monilith Griffel with any thoughts.
    Last edited by Ammicus; Nov 26th, 2002 at 05:14:02.

  2. #2
    Mr. Age,

    This is quite unexpected. Actually, I couldnt of dreamed you would release a Judicial Structure Draft. I have nothing to say except its looks quite good, although youll soon be hearing my concerns.

    Reynaldo Monilith Griffel
    Reynaldo "Monilith" Griffel

  3. #3

    Director of Public Relations

    I am pleased to announce that Kiyoko Barlau Grebel has agreed to join the Law Society as its Director of Public Relations.

    For those of you who may not know Ms. Grebel, she is an esteemed author with an uncanny talent with words that few of us possess, and is certainly a tremendous addition to our staff.

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