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Thread: Paintjob on other than yalms

  1. #1

    Cool Paintjob on other than yalms

    Seeing alot of people want paintjobs on their yalms, I thought about something else:

    Let us be able to paint our tank armors.
    Today, you basicly see everyone running around in a red tank....thats everybody, except Fixers

    What about Funcom makes us a paint tool, that alows us to change the colors on our tanks? This would be bought in the armor\tools shop, and when used on the tank, you get a selection of colors. Whenyou select a color, the "red" color of your tank, changes to the color you selected.

    I know this isnt a "big" deal, as it wont make a uberitem, or change stats on items, but it would create a bit of variation ingame, as people would make their tank match the rest of their armor, or have their fav color etc. Like if your wearing a OT forrest armor, you paint your tank green to match the forrest, or yellow for the desert..or pink for that matter

    That would make it more "personal" for me, as I like looking good, and with just having a choice of white(OT tank) red(regular\Albrecht) leaves me with little choices to look good........Ever tried matching a forrest with a albrecht? eewy

    Make it cost a bit too..10k-100k for a toolkit...I know I would burn more money on that than I have ever burned at Miirs on just paint (maybe the females wont burn more money on paint than they did\do at Miirs....memorys of taking a girl shopping at Miirs still haunt me in nightmares)

    Now I just have to figure out a armor combination that would make my new(soon ) pink tank armor fit with the rest of the armor

  2. #2


    i seam to think that is a great idear
    mind you u whould like pick black and get blue nowing funcom

  3. #3
    While I agree this would be very very cool, remember that what is normally perceived in AO as LAG is actually TEXTURE loading.

    And such a paint tool would actually be customizing textures.

    This would increase the varieties of textures to be loaded and increase "lag".

    If it could be pulled off with no big performance hit, however, I'm all for custom paintjobs
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

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