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Thread: Please fix handling of link dead team members

  1. #21
    I think the problem is AO can't tell if Link Dead = Server/ISP/whatever burp. Or Link Dead = hitting Alt-Tab then closing AO (skipping the logout sequence) then logging back in.

  2. #22

    or at least

    let the corpses be looted for chrissakes!

    the xp i could care less about since it stinks compared to the time and effort to waste these buggers anyway.

    bosses are not killed for the experience or the cool challenge of seing how long it takes for 6 people to fire at something until it drops (uhh what happened to tactics and crowd control?) but for the loot.
    sept 03 - the day ao was keeled by sl.

    gone now. byebye.

  3. #23


    Originally posted by Losobal
    I think the problem is AO can't tell if Link Dead = Server/ISP/whatever burp. Or Link Dead = hitting Alt-Tab then closing AO (skipping the logout sequence) then logging back in.
    That's because there isn't a way... all the server knows is that its lost communication with the client. It therefore has to assume that the person disconnected on purpose and act accordingly.

    But that isn't relevant to the situation, its *how* it acts that is the problem. At the moment, what its doing has all the trademarks of a classic bodge rather than a well thought out mechanism to eliminate an exploit.
    "Do not try and catch the hamster... that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth... There is no hamster, only a deadbeat rollerat..."

    [Social] Means: I don't think we removed any bosses because of bad pathing...there wouldnt be any left if we did :P

    AO Character Skill Emulator and Character Parser and AO Implant Layout Helper

  4. #24


    If some numbnut is willing to disconnect and log in for every single mob to powerlevel exploit a twink, who cares. You have any idea what a pain in the butt that is? Its likely they could level much faster by legitimate twinking and doing hard mobs while using the alt to heal/root/buff/aggro etc.

    Making everyone suffer because they can't code the fix right is not the answer.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  5. #25
    bump to this serious issue....

    Last night we didn't get tara loot because of this
    • RK2: Dyna2 Enfo Dyna18 NT Dyna666 Keeper Dyna4000 Fixer Dyna27012 Crat
    • RK-Test: Dyna0002 Meta-Physicist Dyna90210 Fixer ( 05-02-2003)
    • Check my QL200 Enforcer implant designs at 1HE 2HE 2HB
    • Best custom map: Raiko's Map (based on Dovve's AO Enhancements)
    • Best custom skin: Notum DovveTech HUD upgrade (based on Dovve's AO Enhancements)

    Omni-Tek is your friend!
    Elnertz: "I spend all my time making all the loot mine, all because there is no ****ing storyline!"

  6. #26
    Well, since FC just loves the new "can't add people to team when team is in combat" code then why didn't they just extent the code a little?

    Common exploiting team setup:
    1 NT - level 120+
    5 XXs - level 10ish (all within exp range of each other).

    NT AoEs a group of level 50 MOBs until they are at 25% health and then leaves team.

    *change!* What if instead of leaving the team and the team getting credit for the kills, the team keeps the NT in the team until aggro is off the team for 10 seconds? So instead of messing with how damage is delivered and XP is given out, you just need to extend the time of leaving a team. This way the NT gets 8 exp and the loobies get 8 "You were in a team with a too high etc.."

    If someone leaves a team while fighting an uber boss then it's no big deal this way. After 10 seconds he's out of the team and can join another (LD or not). Remember, the exploit is all abut the timing of team changes at the END of combat. Of course, I think the "highest level in team" trait should carry over for a slightly longer period of time (undisclosed) and the players should be aware, that teaming with someone too high a level will require you to wait about a minute before your team will earn exp based on its members again. This stops the "I’ll start my leaving team timer 10 seconds before I kill them" exploit loop that might in rare instances allow for the exploit to work.

  7. #27
    Cz, is this being worked on?
    Bima, Golly, Whatsamatta, Laslingis and an army of sub-100 alts

  8. #28
    It's so funny. Neocron has got the problem of LD team members licked with a simple timeout. Basically, when a team member loses connection, he stays in the team for about 30 seconds. If the team member logs back in before the timer runs out, they remain in team. Took Reakktor about 1 week to get a patch with that feature in it. Funcom has yet to figure out how to do the same thing.

    People can say all they want about the difficulty in implementing this or that. After seeing how efficient Reakktor's programmers are compared to Funcom's, I feel I'm pretty accurate in saying Funcom's programmers suck.

  9. #29
    Posted :
    Originally posted by Cz.
    A corpse will no longer become impossible to loot when a member leaves the team during the fight.

  10. #30
    That's a nice start, but doesn't address all of the issues.
    Bima, Golly, Whatsamatta, Laslingis and an army of sub-100 alts

  11. #31

    Wink well it addresses the most important thing

    after all its about the loot we are talking here not the xp.
    sept 03 - the day ao was keeled by sl.

    gone now. byebye.

  12. #32
    No, Blackwing, we are talking about both. Experience for a boss we took 15 minutes to kill does make a difference to some of us.
    Bima, Golly, Whatsamatta, Laslingis and an army of sub-100 alts

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