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Thread: Make Wen-Wen's automatic

  1. #1

    Make Wen-Wen's automatic

    Wen-wen's should work automatically. Just make em fire when your attacking someone and they are in range.

  2. #2


    Excelent sugestion ... the wen wen is a helper and should be helping all the time as good as it can ? at least let us put it up in the quickbar when it is equiped ? or is it just me that cant ?

  3. #3
    now correct me if im wrong ,
    but arent wen-wens an area of effect weapon ?
    I know that when iv fired mine amongst lots of mobs , more then once several non-aggro'd mobs have turned on me.

    Putting it on auto would be very very bad, also it works fine to put it in the quickbar.

  4. #4
    Haven't met any NPCs with really nasty damage/reflect shields, have you? An automatic wen-wen would hurt, a lot - you do miniscule damage, you get far larger damage back in return.

  5. #5
    then make it time based . ? u click on it and it goes in a attackmode for about 60sec or something ! ? or and on/off function ?

  6. #6
    Think about if you really want an area effect weapon that even at the highest level does a tiny amount of damage, but can cause adds and really quite massive damage to you when it lands to be automatic in any way at all.

    I can't see the upside to making it automatic, but I can see some downside. Maybe I'm just not understanding what would be good about it.

  7. #7
    I use the wen wen offten when we are out hunting in a good team it brings u a lots of mobs and if it will be to many someone calms them and then u dont have do go after them because they come to you ! it's teriffic

  8. #8
    But, that's not automatic. You can pick and choose the moments when you use it. If you could not, you'd get those masses of mobs when you want to heal/recharge, go afk, whatever.

    That is my only point. I'm not arguing against using it at all, I'm simply saying that letting you control the use doesn't have the penalties that an automated version does.

  9. #9
    Hmm i get your point but since i use it so often i would rather se it time based as an NCU where u can disable it in that case. verry well many points of view it always better then one

  10. #10
    Make it automatic. If you are affraid of mirror shields, then unequip it.

    Wen wen wasn't area of effet at the origin, then after 14.6 it became area of effet. Now, I don't think it affects anyone but your target. I've tried.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Malevol
    Make it automatic. If you are affraid of mirror shields, then unequip it.

    Wen wen wasn't area of effet at the origin, then after 14.6 it became area of effet. Now, I don't think it affects anyone but your target. I've tried.
    It's easy fix. If its area affect take that out and make it single target. If the target has a reflect shield active then have it give a message like sleeping. I hate to ask funcom to keep making more and more complex data structures but hey it's the 30,000th century we need a bit of intelligence in the game.

  12. #12
    lol, the wen wen is so frikking completely and utterly useless I couldn't care less if they made it automatic.

    55 damage offa my ql 200 wen wen, it's not even worth the effort of moving my finger over the keyboard and pressing "8". In fact I took it off my quick bar and put in a macro "/macro phear /s phear me!"
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