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Thread: High Level Camping in Low level dungeon

  1. #1

    High Level Camping in Low level dungeon

    I know this comes up probably often but I dont hang out here on these forums quit often. But I was camping TIM for the HUD scope and spent a good hour there and 5 minutes before the spawning a team of 2 come in, which if were level 100's I wouldnt minded but since they where 189 MA and a 150ish enforcer and nailed tme in like 10 hits...then gets the scope a non-ranged profession...oh give me a break. Some people need that a bit more....wheres the lvl limit to a dungeon's, that could have and shouldnt have happened. But oh well I will go on and camp it again and hope that the scope will fall some day before he turns grey. Sorry I guess this is more of a venting then anything else.

    General of The Mockers

    Time - It requires Strength, Love and Devotion.
    For the record - Im not a Keeper, just know that I am much older then all those other Keeper's and for that matter the entire profession.

  2. #2
    Poor little baby please dont cry

    Just face it.... Call in some of your friends and KS it yourself.... Everyone is doing it.... Peer pressure.... Dont think just do it....
    . : Oldskule - 87 Martial Artist RK1 Kung Fu Fighter! : .

    . : Ternak - 112 Soldier RK1 *Dead* : .

    . : Jenerik - 8 Enforcer RK1 Just another generic Enforcer : .

  3. #3
    Originally posted by Brandon
    Poor little baby please dont cry

    Just face it.... Call in some of your friends and KS it yourself.... Everyone is doing it.... Peer pressure.... Dont think just do it....
    That everyone is doing it is no reason YOU should do it. It sickens me what people can do to get some pixels.

  4. #4
    Any item in the game that is "valued" enough that some level 189s will come to a dungeon FULL OF GRAYS to get means only one thing:

    The LOOT IS USEFUL or has a HIGH TRADE VALUE. Since the TIM scope is gaining in popularity (and is NO DROP hence everyone has to come kill and get one), due to its crit increase and really nice RI boost, you will see more people (like myself some time this weekend) going to a low level Quest dungeon just to get item X.

    If FC wants to make things "better" then they should make TIM spawn on a 10 min. timer.

    PS - Sorry to hear about you getting "kill stealed" but waiting in lines is just as gay in my book. As soon as I start accepting that camping lines are acceptable, I’ll buy EQ and go play there.

  5. #5
    Peer pressure, don't think just do it? I hope that's a joke.
    Ernest "Zane0" Bunke - Equipment - Perks
    Obsidian Order

    Fix 200+ Engineer Slayers

  6. #6
    So you're saying that i should not be allowed a item which is going to make my character significantly better because its in a low level dungeon. yeah right.
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Intrepid
    So you're saying that i should not be allowed a item which is going to make my character significantly better because its in a low level dungeon. yeah right.
    Not saying you "should not be allowed" but when FC puts something like the TIM scope in the game AND makes it NO DROP (hence you need to get one on EACH character that you need it for - instead of sharing it) then you will have to compete when the spawn timer is some ridicules number like 1 hour+.

    If anything, be "upset" with FC for adding an item that drops off only 1 MOB with a multi-hour timer. This isn't suppose to be EQ!

  8. #8
    MA probably wanted it to boost ranged init to use crossbows.

    MA's really need to get some viable bows back after the (correct and needed) crossbow changes.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

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