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Thread: Something for the docs, and the tanks

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Something for the docs, and the tanks

    First off, I don't know if this has been posted before, but I'm going to post again away.

    I have an idea for an item that isn't NEEDED but would make teaming more effective/easy:

    Aggression Detector: When in a team detects what the current fighting targets aggression is aimed towards.

    Basically, something that detects who in the group has aggro on them. This would be extremely helpful for the healers and the tanks. Instead of constantly watching the team health window or trying to read the same colored text as the mob switches from player to player to see who it is attacking, a person with this item equipped would see in red text who was being attacked (EI after mob switches to Cyronic chat window would send a message "Cyronic is being attacked!!")

    This helps out greatly because Healers see who needs healing immediatly, and tanks know who to get the aggro off of. Of course that's a bad tank if you can't keep an aggro :P

    Just a thought.
    "Even if your minds confused,
    then this is what you need to do,
    you need to get that mixed up feeling upside in from out of you" -Mr. Bones

  2. #2
    /assist is your friend.

    Spam it, and it's simple to track aggro.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  3. #3
    As a Doc, some aggro message on the chan pane isn't going to help me. I'm in a constant cycle over all team members watching their health so I know what their status is. Its pretty obvious who's getting aggro. If I get aggro, the team knows about it pretty fast too, because I tell them.

  4. #4
    peronally I don't have a doc, so I really haven't figured out the techniques for tracking aggro. So I thought that this would be a good little item for convience rather than nessecity.

    :P maybe I should go play a doc before suggesting items for 'em
    "Even if your minds confused,
    then this is what you need to do,
    you need to get that mixed up feeling upside in from out of you" -Mr. Bones

  5. #5
    Tracking aggro is pretty easy, the person who has the aggro gets pounded into the ground.


    Besides, your suggestion would get all messed up when there's multiple monsters.
    Alex "Cado" Portello - Atrox Enforcer
    Lakisha "Sheelai" Thompon - Solitus Doctor
    Al "Asdur" Orender - Solitus Martial Artist

    I have no nose .. I peeked on Ani while she took a shower!

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