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Thread: Social Wear ...

  1. #1

    Arrow Social Wear ...

    I am a perosn who loves to wear social wear, considering I am a femal Solitus but hats beside the point

    THe thing is like most people on rubi ka i buff and get buffs, ietsm etc to put on my combat armour and back armour, its impossible for me to wear social armour/non social flag but look sociable, whiel weraing my main armour because id have to get all these buffs agin to get it back on.

    Can we not have some sort of system that allows us to wear socail armour without seeing our main armour ? I wore a web cloak on my agent so that u cud see my full suit of obtru steel ribbed cus it looked dam cool ^_^

    I think this is the main reason why social clothing is so under used. I look so dam sexy in my alvins pads a pair of shades and the Mirr white band clothing .

    It justs dispoints me at guild events that i can be 'social' cus im tied to keep my main armour on so much.

    This game is meant to be fun and social armour has no modifiers so whats the problem of wearing it as the visual armour but have your combat armour still on underneath it?

    E.g. Have an armour and a visual status tabs under the paperdoll menus.


  2. #2
    While I agree totally about being able to wear what you want out there, I think folks felt it interferred with PvPing.

    Such as wearing a bikini whilst out PvPing to cover up your armor so folks couldn't tell what was protecting you and such.

    To me, that's somewhat valid, but if that person wants to PvP wearing less protection just to wear something that looks nice or wacky or ridiculous, I say let 'em.

    Too many clothing rules in the future. Can't wear this with this or that. It's unfortunate in my humble opinion.

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    Yeah good should really be easier to put on social armor. Instead of finding some nice looking clothes in Miir Fashion, I always put on a Omni Coat instead...not so fun,but there are armor I cant get back on if I remove it...

    ....and that should not be the reason for not using more clothes. Imagine how cool it would be if we could blaze thru a mission, guns blazing in pure Matrixstyle with Black boots and Coat and Sunglasses..and still have the armor beneath. fix this..
    I'm a runaway train on a broken track,
    I'm a ticker on a bomb that you can't turn back this time,
    that's right, I got away with it all and I'm still alive

  4. #4
    I think it is a grand idea! You could just hit like a button and it would show the real armor.
    . : Oldskule - 87 Martial Artist RK1 Kung Fu Fighter! : .

    . : Ternak - 112 Soldier RK1 *Dead* : .

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  5. #5

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