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Thread: Omni Quests?

  1. #1

    Question Omni Quests?

    How about implementing some Omni quests? I started playing a clan character, and the amount of quests and rewards there were unbelievable compared to what I had as Omni. Lets throw out a few examples:

    Commander Brock - Ring of Tir: A really nice ring that can be worn and upgraded as you level. Not only that, but you can wear the ring before the one you already have, so thats two really nice rings.

    Genghis Pan: A quick run for some credits and xp.

    Tirbo Ratcatcher: This one surprised me the most. I can keep my character in armor right up to level 20, and maybe higher (I never tried after that), just by killing rollerrats. I can get a full suit of metaplast armor from this guy, by handing in a few rat tails. Theres nothing like this on the omni side.

    Inventor Bobic: Another quest in clan territory. An omni character can do this, if they want to risk the travel out to the clan areas. And some of those areas are pretty dangerous, especially for the level this reward is offered to.

    Nodda Greg: And yet another clan quest, centered around Tir.

    The only quest we do have that give the same reward are the Dodga/Alvin quests, and thats for higher levels and also not for everyone. I know I don't want my character having spikey shoulderpads, that would look rather odd to me.

    So please, can omni get some quests?

  2. #2
    For the love of god give Omnis some quests!

  3. #3
    Already made 3 threads about this...
    So a bump for this one
    • RK2: Dyna2 Enfo Dyna18 NT Dyna666 Keeper Dyna4000 Fixer Dyna27012 Crat
    • RK-Test: Dyna0002 Meta-Physicist Dyna90210 Fixer ( 05-02-2003)
    • Check my QL200 Enforcer implant designs at 1HE 2HE 2HB
    • Best custom map: Raiko's Map (based on Dovve's AO Enhancements)
    • Best custom skin: Notum DovveTech HUD upgrade (based on Dovve's AO Enhancements)

    Omni-Tek is your friend!
    Elnertz: "I spend all my time making all the loot mine, all because there is no ****ing storyline!"

  4. #4 there really any other reason for being clan than the quests? Look around, loads of omni only gear and cheaper omni shops but all clan has is the silly quests. Not to mention theres only 2 quests for high level players (TK and Brock) the TK is for both omni and clan btw.
    Bill "Rudeboyz" Clinton Nobel Prize Winning Engineer, Crusader for Duct Tape and Reclaim Inspector General of Rubi-Ka Gear

    Freshman Bob "Spookyrudy" Dole Buff Dispenser, Sexy Atrox, Master of The Atrox Monkey Love Arts

  5. #5

  6. #6
    And more Neutral quests, like the Good Time Party Mixer quest for Living Cyber Armor, for all levels.

  7. #7
    Oh btw, did anybody noticed they copied the good time party mixer quest to the party mixer on the trade square?

    Trouble is he's giving exactly the same quests, meaning you have to go to places a neutral can get easy to, but for omni's this turned into the quest from hell (try the body armor quest).

    Quest from hell:
    Go to a mission in athens to get an item
    (don't get spoted by clan guards, because they hit harder then you will have HP on your low level ass for a long time)

    Run all the way to Foreman's for the 2nd part of the mission
    (don't forget to enjoy the wildlife you're running through, like deep red spiders, scorpids and other things that likes you for lunch)

    When you think you have completed the mission, you have to still go and get the reward.
    Just go to Wartorn valley and find some dude to collect your reward.
    (not only is it pretty difficult (or a very long walk) to get to wartorn vally, that dude is very, very difficult to find (took me 1hour jus to find him).

    So where is my t-shirt saying "I completed the quest from hell!"?
    • RK2: Dyna2 Enfo Dyna18 NT Dyna666 Keeper Dyna4000 Fixer Dyna27012 Crat
    • RK-Test: Dyna0002 Meta-Physicist Dyna90210 Fixer ( 05-02-2003)
    • Check my QL200 Enforcer implant designs at 1HE 2HE 2HB
    • Best custom map: Raiko's Map (based on Dovve's AO Enhancements)
    • Best custom skin: Notum DovveTech HUD upgrade (based on Dovve's AO Enhancements)

    Omni-Tek is your friend!
    Elnertz: "I spend all my time making all the loot mine, all because there is no ****ing storyline!"

  8. #8


    Give them more quests, its only fair.

    A variation of hard/easy and solo/team quests for ALL would also be nice. Both lower and higher lvls.
    Opifex MA Legend
    Born 1. October 2001
    Armor setup

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