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Thread: Music suggestion for next patches

  1. #1

    Music suggestion for next patches

    I'm quite tired of ingame music, which hasn't changed since day one: post here any suggestion of the music you would like to hear in game....

    Here comes mines: I really love, and think it would well suit the game; the "Tiranny for You" album from front 242 (released in 1991), songs like "Rhythym of Time" (instrumental) would sound great in game.........

  2. #2

    Further suggestion

    Perhaps you could add CD control into the game, that would not be difficult. I turned off game music a long time ago, and have been listening to something more suitable ever since.

    Perhaps you might want to consider using winamp as well, as there are a few people out there with MP3's that might go well in the game.

    Listening to Holst, Astralasia and Opus III
    PLEASE, give use a simple YES or no answer as to whether or not the CoH chests can be opened

  3. #3
    I prefer Radiohead for playing AO, and I've got my Winamp and AO in window-mode for that. :-)

  4. #4 radio stuff i ripped from the audio cd
    Spewing truth from every orifice.
    Fixanox - Member of Eternal Fury.

  5. #5
    Also, it wouldn't hurt to put in more than a repeating 4 beat song in the clubs. A DJ wouldn't hurt the club scene I haven't been involved in many social gatherings, but the ones that I have been to have been enjoyable. After an hour or even a night at Reets, I have this beat that follows me into my dreams. It wouldn't be hard to periodically change the .wav file reference to a random change-up every now and then.

  6. #6
    Absolutely! The music in the bars is... is... well, my mother would be happy with it. Pick up the pace; turn up the volume.

    Its funny, just around the corner from Baboon's one of the music loops is from Download's (kEven Keys of Skinny Puppy fame) Sidewinder album. That's the sort of thing that fills my groove. Techno-industrial with a sharp edge.

  7. #7
    I want more of that backing music from the latest notum wars video


    Lilnymph - Clan Fixer - RK1
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