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Thread: Kid Gloves Come off

  1. #1

    Kid Gloves Come off

    The Kid Gloves come off...

    No more Mr. nice guy. Omni-Pol has gone over the line. Taking credit for my Good Freind Lupohs Death is beyond what even I can handle. I am done with playing games of being a foolish plaything for people to laugh at. It is time to learn the real truth. It is time for the games to stop and the Real Truth to come out.

    Watch for it Omni-Pol.....the storm is coming....and you wont be prepared for it.

  2. #2
    Well.. i am sorry, but nowhere does Omni-Pol take credit for what happened to Lupoh. Looks like he just got his insurrance revoked and then the accident happened. However.. Omni-Pol did not kill him
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  3. #3
    Best talk to your "comerades" seems quite allot of them are taking blame...doenst matter anymore. I Tire of these games. If you can't control your children...perhaps I need to.

  4. #4
    1) Omni-Pol members are not my children. They are my employees (since they are employees of Omni-Tek RK).

    2) I only read what Templus posted here and a bit of what Lupoh posted here. I am not fully aware of all the circumstances that lead to his death.
    From what i can see it went like this:

    Lupoh decided to have a break from Rubi-Ka and wanted to return to earth for a vacation (i guess).

    His shuttle was manipulated by some mechanican who in the end turned out to be a person (cant remember the name but it is posted somewhere in the posts by Lupoh). He had a bomb in Lupohs shuttle.

    Lupoh was out of range to grid out of the shuttle and his insurance was revoked by Omni-Pol as he left Rubi-Ka to earth (common practice since earth is not under the jurisdiction of Omni-Tek and insurance for life only works on Rubi-Ka so far).

    As soon as he was out of orbit, the mechanican informed Lupoh that he had a device in his shuttle, which in the end detonated and killed Lupoh, causing some sort of minor injuries on Rubi-Ka, as the shockwave of the shuttle was too bright.. etc.
    I also read that an explosion in PW took place, though it did not say why exactly and what had exploded.

    Bottom line is, Omni-Pol is not responsible for Lupohs death. The person who planted the explosive device in Lupoh's shuttle, is responsible for his death.

    Omni-Pol does not take credit for killing Lupoh. Since Lupoh died outside of Omni-Pol jurisdiction, there is nothing we can or will do to investigate the matter.
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  5. #5

    Seems you need to come out of your Office more often..and not belive what you read.....

  6. #6
    Well after all.. Lupoh just wanted to leave AO, decided to leave it with a bang and poof, there we go. He perma-dies and OP happens to revoke his insurrance and he is gone. Quite nice and good story.. but i dont want to go much further down this path, since Lupoh is gone and i dont want to have OP be responsible for some permadeath without me knowing about it.
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  7. #7
    Tell that to Templus, whenever she shows up from whereever she got off to...
    Legitimate businessman
    Board Member | The Black Company
    Founder & Former President | The Mockers

  8. #8
    I will.. if we get her alive that is... Damn bastards.
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

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