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Thread: It's interesting to see Soldiers/Enforcers get some new buffs, but...

  1. #1

    Thumbs down It's interesting to see Soldiers/Enforcers get some new buffs, but...

    What's the point of removing 1hb/2hb/1he/2he/piercing from the Challenger line, and put it into a separate nano? I'm assuming it will be Sense Imp/Psy Mod requirements?

    Enforcers has nanoskills that would make fixers seem spoiled. Evades nothing near fixers green skills.
    Blue Comp Lit.
    And usually need 3-5 attackskills, where one or two is darkblue.

    I really can't afford to feed Sense Imp IP as well. And STILL not have any 1he/2he buffs like headcracker...

  2. #2
    hmm maybe its to use more NCU? Alter the time that the buffs will last? A way of giving them something and nothing at the same time?

    Just a thought.

  3. #3
    All skill buffs are PM/SI. I put some IP into SI last level, and will dump some more this level, but I look on it as getting something I never had before whatever my SI, so i don't need to pump it all the way just yet.

    Challenger was intended as a combat nano (yep, was a good joke), and it now is just that.
    "Do not try and catch the hamster... that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth... There is no hamster, only a deadbeat rollerat..."

    [Social] Means: I don't think we removed any bosses because of bad pathing...there wouldnt be any left if we did :P

    AO Character Skill Emulator and Character Parser and AO Implant Layout Helper

  4. #4

    Angry ARGH!!!

    Like enforcers aren't IP crippled like it is???
    I'm not Atrox, I don't want pipes like everyone else.
    And with this new 'change' I'm suddenly forced to spend more IP into Sense Imp. Have more nanos running at the same time, and need more comp lit and more ncu...

    Challenger + Buff??


  5. #5
    Just get a wrangle like everyone else.

  6. #6

    Angry Enforcers the most gimped combat class...

    Well the point is that "everyone else" has access to special buffs including the wrangles. Agents, Adventurers, Soldiers, Fixers, Traders with deprives, and everyone else uses Unexpected attack... >_<

  7. #7
    Isn't the point that you would now have two ways to raise the weapons skills (both challenger and the direct buffs), if they hadn't modified challenger?

  8. #8
    weapon buffs give you higher attack rating (and not just for a short while like challenger) and may keep your weapon out of oe. It's no fun to challenge all the time to keep your weapon out of oe, is it? I'm very happy with the change
    Roland "Fingathing" Bunke 208 NT - on vacation
    Peter "Finga1337" Parker 214.16 Adv - My Equip

    Rubi-ka 2

  9. #9

    Re: Enforcers the most gimped combat class...

    Originally posted by Rinale
    Title: Enforcers the most gimped combat class...
    Well the point is that "everyone else" has access to special buffs including the wrangles. Agents, Adventurers, Soldiers, Fixers, Traders with deprives, and everyone else uses Unexpected attack... >_<
    Sorry but I liked the title.

    You'll have plenty of IP after you hit title-caps (The major ones happening at level 81-82 to 9, 125-126 to 149, and 161-161 to 189.

    Things always look glum IP wise in the first 100 levels (And maybe even up till the 125-149 cap.)

    I agree, the challenger change is pretty silly, though, get a wrangle, like most other classes. People get spoiled with self-equipping weapons with a buff (challenger), and then it is "nerfed" and then they whine because now they have to rely on other classes. Some classes, however, have always had to rely on traders, etc. I really don't support the change to challenger, but there are ways to get around it.

    Also, Challenger (Attack rating boost after 14.6) and the +80 or so buffs will be greater than the challenger alone. So it has some pluses and some minuses.

  10. #10
    I really don't understand why anybody can not support the changes to challenger.
    Before today's patch it's one and only use was as an insane buff to get into much higher QL weapons.
    Now it will actually have a use in combat, will actually make life easier for Enforcers as theya re able to deal more damage and with a really low 15sec of nano shutdown.

  11. #11
    Agree with Red.

    The change is Challenger is a good one, and certainly welcome.


  12. #12
    Megabio, enforcers have SERIOUS ip issues, at level 181 I have no problems at all deciding where to put my IP.

    But regardless of that, challenger change = good, people who say otherwise don't know what they're talking about
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  13. #13
    Posted By Arinia
    But regardless of that, challenger change = good, people who say otherwise don't know what they're talking about

    Challanger change = tooo good in my humble opinion....

    But i'm just a soldier
    215 Solitus Soldier RK1
    Advisor Midnight Reveries.

    Do politics exist? Yes.
    Who's involved in them? Anyone who wants to be.

    If you spend your time worrying about what everyone else is doing in their lives, you'll miss what's happening in yours.

  14. #14

    Re: It's interesting to see Soldiers/Enforcers get some new buffs, but...

    Originally posted by Rinale

    Enforcers has nanoskills that would make fixers seem spoiled. Evades nothing near fixers green skills.
    Please show me how much better a fixers nano skills are compared to an enforcer...One line is more expensive to raise than an enforcers and all the rest are dark blue as well...

    SO very tired of people thinking fixers have everything
    Queen of the Ninjas

    Slyyk - MUHAHAHA! Old Fixers never die, they just take a different grid exit.

    Cosmik - And don't worry, Jorji. We've got FC love for everyone. It's stockpiled and going out the door.

    Jorji's art page (some mature content )

    zomg she finally got myspace lawls

  15. #15
    Please show me how much better a fixers nano skills are compared to an enforcer...One line is more expensive to raise than an enforcers and all the rest are dark blue as well...

    fixers have items that boost ALL YOUR NANO SKILLS, and it grows with you.. there is "how much better for you". (items, ie plural, ie more than one).

    But regardless of that, challenger change = good, people who say otherwise don't know what they're talking about
    nods in agreement
    Well the point is that "everyone else" has access to special buffs including the wrangles. Agents, Adventurers, Soldiers, Fixers, Traders with deprives, and everyone else uses Unexpected attack... >_<
    when they change callenger it is BECAUSE YOU ARE GETTING BUFFS... so NOW you get buffs adding to your attack AND challenger adding to your attack. So you get MORE attack, AND buffs. You just need to get a wrangle to arm a weapon.

    as a side note, weapons that are "33% melee energy" or whatever, challenger adds DIRECTLY TO ATTACK RATING now so that "gimp factor" of not having your melee energy, heavy weapons etc... not part of challenger is removed (for attack rating only, but that is what it is FOR).
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  16. #16
    I personally think the change to challenger is a good idea, now all I need to do is find the unbuyable 1he nanos and I'll be all set. I've been ingame since a month after release and have waited patiently for a buff comperable to Thugs Delight.

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Arinia
    Megabio, enforcers have SERIOUS ip issues, at level 181 I have no problems at all deciding where to put my IP.
    hehe now that i find hard to believe. Your core fighting abilities should have been maxed long ago and now you should be in discresionairy IP. Or are you one of those players who wants to have their cake and eat it to and if they can;t use everything that any other specialized enf could use they get mad and whine their prof is gimped.

    For example i just loaded up AO emulator. Set it to atrox and enf level 181 with a typical beam setup.

    maxed all abilties body dev and nano pool.
    Brawling Dimach 2hb all maxed.
    melee init, all 3 evades and runspeed all maxed.
    comp lit maxed of course
    psychology as well.
    all 5 nano skills(not TS) first aid and treatment.
    also maxed nano resist(for pvpers)

    I would consider those the essential and even some not so essential skills for a enf. Now could you tell me where the 300k extra IP which is left over went that has meant that you are in such a IP crunch? maybe your one of those people who wants to do tradeskills with their enfocer as well?

    Someone did a check earlier and enfs had the 3rd or 4th cheapest skill total of all the profs. I will try and find that post and reference it here for you.

    I am not saying its impossible for a enf to run into IP problems but please why don't you post exactly what skills you have maxed and what ones you are trying to max because some people posting their profs fictional problems are making the profs which really need some loving get pushed back farther.
    Last edited by Intrepid; Nov 7th, 2002 at 09:22:34.
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  18. #18
    Found the 1he DISC, actually found two. Gave one away already.

    Edge of the Bucaneer.

    Found another one.

    Force of the ThunderClap.

    Gave it away also.

    Hey, Intrepid, quick question:
    Wasnt there a problem with the AO emulator in that is gave to many IP or didnt use them correctly?

    Just askin cause I thought I saw that some time back, or was it fixed?

    3Evades? No Parry? No Vehicle?

    No B&E, perception? MAps?


    I dont know but not everyone was able to get/ do / did (knew that there was a chance of a mistake doing it) the Full IPR, so unless they did or are just UBER RIFFIC, they probably have minor misplaced IP that totaled could hurt them, but not enough IPR points to reclaim them all. Not everyone started their Enforcer saying '10Million for a BEAM'
    Last edited by GreyBear; Nov 7th, 2002 at 10:57:44.

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