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Thread: Cz, any ETA on emergency patching?

  1. #1

    Cz, any ETA on emergency patching?

    Obviously, there has to be some fixes coming soon.
    Got any idea when some of those will start to go in?

    (And people, lay off a bit. FC got overambitious and tried to do too much in one patch. Give them a little time to fix it. Then lay into them if they don't.)
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  2. #2

    Re: Cz, any ETA on emergency patching?

    Originally posted by Kenlon
    Obviously, there has to be some fixes coming soon.
    Got any idea when some of those will start to go in?

    (And people, lay off a bit. FC got overambitious and tried to do too much in one patch. Give them a little time to fix it. Then lay into them if they don't.)
    They may have gotten over ambitious, but at the same time it appears they didn't do any testing. Or if they DID test, they completely ignored the testers, because these problems are obvious to a blind man. This thing has been on the test server for a couple of weeks, we have to guess that they were told they broke some essential things.

  3. #3
    Well by doing this rather than patching right before the booster, even with the obvious bugs, they can test it on us and find the really weird bugs and fix them before the booster is out.

    This way they have no surprises and hopefully they will have a good booster launch rather than an evil one like their original launch. I bet having a stable booster launch is VERY important to them and I bet it's top priority.
    Fear is the Mind Killer.
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Bonk
    Well by doing this rather than patching right before the booster, even with the obvious bugs, they can test it on us and find the really weird bugs and fix them before the booster is out.

    This way they have no surprises and hopefully they will have a good booster launch rather than an evil one like their original launch. I bet having a stable booster launch is VERY important to them and I bet it's top priority.

    That first part would really seem to follow FC's pattern.

    That second part would be an astonishing and unprecidented break from FC's pattern.

    Been watching thier pattern from day one. Don't hold your breath

  5. #5
    Considering FC's patch history I'm not surprised at the state of this patch, all big patches have more or less screwed up a lot of things in the game.
    We all know that 14.7 and the booster will screw the game up even more, there is no way they will manage to integrate such big changes into the game without messing things up royally. I'm confident in saying this, being here from day one and lived through several bad patches that weren't even close to being done.

    And since when did the main AO servers become a testing ground for known bugs, Bonk?
    Member of THM

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