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Thread: Uncle Pumpkins...Father Christmas?

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Wolfmann

    What about adding to my idea *grins* as im kinda swamped out right now hehe. Think of a gadget, useless but pretty, that are for one profession only.
    How's this for a suggestion:
    Fix the look of the balaclava.
    A non-overpowering, non-1337 idea that would make for a good few happy agents. Perhaps through the use of of a Kevlar Wool Shaping Unit dropping off the elves.

    Might be a tad too much work in it tho'... kinda like in the soldier beret suggestion.
    Buford Hitokage Matt

    Explorer 73% | Socializer 66% | Achiever 33% | Killer 26%

    Don't fear the night...
    fear the ones hiding in it.

    "Jesus is coming - Look busy"

    "Im not Uber. Im your common joe. Im level 178 and untitled. I never had a title and I never really cared whether I got one. All I really wanted was to have fun, learn new stuff and put my creativity to some use." - PhiliosPhreak

  2. #22
    What would an Enforcer get, a straightjacket ?
    Alex "Cado" Portello - Atrox Enforcer
    Lakisha "Sheelai" Thompon - Solitus Doctor
    Al "Asdur" Orender - Solitus Martial Artist

    I have no nose .. I peeked on Ani while she took a shower!

  3. #23
    I forgot Enforcers too?!?!
    jeez...nevah post when you are beat up after a hard day at work

    Enforcer: A "Friday the 13th Jason" mask

    Hmm, enforcers are "mob" men right?..mobster bullys...hmm...what about a toy Tommy Gun? non functional, but a "mobster" Tommy Gun...hmmm.....I can't think of anything... :\

  4. #24
    Hehe, you cant think of anything?

    Tommy gun is teh best Idea you have had, "made man"

    gansta titles...

    either that or a rabbit, that when you do /strong1 (looks like a hug) it says "Ill hug him and pet him and squeeze him and name him george"

    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  5. #25
    Originally posted by Yazule
    [B"Ill hug him and pet him and squeeze him and name him george"[/B]
    I want one. No doubt! I WANT ONE OF THOSE! I'll even call it George!

  6. #26


    Oki, Enforcers get "George" the cuddly rabit *BWG*

  7. #27
    Woohoooo !!!

    I wanna Wabbit !

    (Though having a pinstriped suit and a tommy gun would be kinda cool too - But Nothin' but nothin' beats the cuddly wabbit ! )
    Alex "Cado" Portello - Atrox Enforcer
    Lakisha "Sheelai" Thompon - Solitus Doctor
    Al "Asdur" Orender - Solitus Martial Artist

    I have no nose .. I peeked on Ani while she took a shower!

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