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Thread: Individual Team Missions

  1. #1

    Individual Team Missions

    Ok I know the team missions thing are to encourage working together. But truthfully the people in this game are generally
    a.) Devoid of Brains
    b.) really nice
    c.) Just Mean
    d.) Ignore anyone but their uber guild (shouted for 45 minutes where to find the whompa in tir(since they moved some of them))

    Nothing like finally seeing grid armor only for it to be taken be a doctor....

    Anyways I propose you make the team mission booth available to individuals. Some people like me are just tired of these people, and frankly its a pain to find someone to group with just to generate a few missions. Also some people like the challenge of taking on bosses.

    If this is no, then I suggest the following changes to team missions:
    1.) Class specific loot should automatically appear in that classes inventory.
    2.) Auto alpha
    3.) Money is divided upon looting
    4.) if 3 is unviable, make more money drop in team missions

    Thats really all i could generate at this time, thank you

  2. #2


    This has my vote.

    Currently, there are things many people want/need that are mission loot only.

    Let those that want to run team missions solo. Generally they will have to either run lower level missions (lower quality items) or take a lot more risk to get items that they would otherwise be able to get.

    I run team missions solo when I cant find a good team (at least 1/2 the time), dont have time to do a team mission with a team (quicker to solo them), or just want an extra challenge with the possibility of extra reward.

    I get tired of missioning with a doc, a couple enforcers, a soldier, and finding a good item that no one else in the team can use on the boss only to have someone else take it for an alt.

    I get tired of finishing off a boss (and I generally outdamage everyone in the team in addition to keeping them all alive) only to have whoever loots it report 7-8 items when everyone knows well and good that bosses always drop more than that.

    Anywise, bump for more options.

    -Here for a few more days...only time will tell if more than that.

  3. #3
    I really like this idea.

    Allow people the challenge of taking on the bosses and earning the loot they are seeking.

  4. #4

    Not that i care about the loot from a team mission so much... I dont ever team for loot, just exp.

    but ofcourse i want to do team missions solo... its harder. you get cooler stuff... its a challange. challange = good. loot = good.
    Last edited by Listen Mirndt; Nov 1st, 2002 at 04:02:00.

  5. #5
    its a good idea but.....individual team missions just doesnt make sense so i think changes sohuld be made to team and individual mission instead or creating these individual team missions
    -The one, the only, the Borf-
    -Borfinator 107 OT enf on RK1
    -Atrox Pride-

  6. #6

    Why not?

    Why don't they make sense Borf?

    Just change the names of the terminals slightly...

    maybe ..solo recommended missions..
    and recommended missions..

    In order to get many of the wanted items in this game, you either have to:
    a) Get lucky and find them in group missions and be in a group that gives things to those that can use them.
    b) Buy them from those that took them to sell instead of letting someone who can use them take them.
    c) Spend time trying to find someone to group with you for a moment so that you can go get them and run them yourself (and still be lucky enough to get the items).

    I would prefer to just make (c) less of a time sink for no reason. Of course, I also think that anything that can be gotten from a boss mission should be able to found as a random drop while hunting outside...


  7. #7
    unless i was working for tokens, i'd surely go to team missions for soloing instead of regular missions.

    team missions get loot that is more desirable than solo missions and team missions get a very tight mob level range. put these things in regular missions and i wouln't care one way to the other, but as it is, solo missions suck compared to team missions.

  8. #8

    Thumbs down

    I agree trying to get a team together with decent ppl is very difficult and not worth the time usually.

    I just plain refuse to pay a guild. I dont pay for friends in real life and I wont do it on a game either, its absurd!

  9. #9
    An easy fix would be to put a boss at the end of solo missions.
    An easier boss with less items but comparable to the ones we can expect to get in a team.

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