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Thread: 14.6 Weapon recharge times

  1. #21
    Wow I think some are Looking far into the wording fo the patch notes. From what I would gather they have basicly just fixed inits. IE. all Buffs and implants and debuffs all affect your init. Since it was only the recharge that wasn't workting they just mentioned recharge being fixed as the attack portion of it already was working properly.

    I see this as a great stride in getting game mechanics up to where it was inteneded to be, and not what ended up happening. Now all those weapons with sick 5s/7s attack/recharge will be the weapon of choice as they deal out mad dmg and can be brought down to 1s/2s attack recharge with maxed init/implants/ and buffs. We will see the Hammer weilding enforcer retrun to the high end of the game and Look out. Those things are nasty. Also the Nova's will return to the high end as well.

    Of course this is only if they fixed them. I don't play on test as I barely have the time to play on a live server these days. I'm just looking forward to seeing what will become of this. I'm hopeing something else isn't getting broken with this fix.

    As we say in the Military. "Fix it till it's broke!"
    Maglin Opifex - Enforcer
    Kandra Solitus - Keeper

  2. #22
    "my own test of Burst refresh on a MCS vs. Kalinkalov (1.0 vs. 0.7 recharge) have same 30 sec refresh. No one is sure if skill lowers refresh. "

    Statecraft - Remember that recharge is min capped at 1.0. If you want to test this you need to use weapons which have a high recharge rate taking into account any Range Init skill you have.

    Right now Implants, Scopes, Buffs, etc.. do not affect Recharge Rate. Patch should fix it.

    With my Init skill maxed at level 168 I can get a Burst every fight using a Novaflow which has a 2.5 sec Recharge. Using a Div-9 which has a 1.5 sec Recharge I can get two Burst shots in every fight.

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