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Thread: Gonne???

  1. #1


    well it's been hours since I last heard taht someone killed Uncle Phead. is he gonne?

  2. #2

    Thumbs down Looks like it though it is still halloween in half the world

    After the entire day at work could see ppl hunting Pumpkin heads, I was looking forward to get home to kill some myself, and what happens, not a single head anywhere. Is this a major bug or what, just because the GMT says it 1. Nov, it doesnt mean that it still not Halloween in other timezones

    Used 3 hour searching Street West, Aegean, Wartoon Valley, varmint Woods, Newland and Tir County, and what did I find ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
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  3. #3
    I've still got an hour of work, so i know i've missed it. But i'm not complaining, you can't please everyone. You have to try to please at least 51% of the population. I think FC did that, i commend them on it. It seems like this was a really great and fun event. I'm sorry i didn't have the chance to participate, but i'm glad many others did and had fun.

    Good stuff FC, hope to see more events like this in the future. And hopefully not be working so i can participate...heh.

  4. #4

    Uncle Pumpkin-Head

    Just Alt-Tabing out a little to check the forums.. Im out hunting them NOW, and they still pop. Just because you didn't find them, doesn't mean they aren't there. They are. fyi, I've been in Mort at a spawn there.

    vattav : symbs


  5. #5
    still killing they butt dont find any nice loot

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