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Thread: Let us build up our cities

  1. #1

    Let us build up our cities

    Ive been alot inside and outside Old athen. The keyword here is Old athen. It looks like a junkyard (i guess thats why its called that).

    Why cant we build up our once so grand city. I dont know how it should be done, but maybe we get some tradeskills or something. Then FC just implement the changes in the next patch.
    Fixer, MA, MP, Trader, Crat, engie and Doctor.

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  2. #2
    There was actually a project for improving Old Athen.
    The goal was set for few hundred mills and some money was collected.
    Seems unforseen circumstances got in the way.
    (Read: Didn't impress FC enough)

    Personally I'd like to park a ship-based Casino outside Old Athens west gate.
    Last edited by Kaghelion; Oct 31st, 2002 at 10:26:18.
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