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Thread: IP reset

  1. #101
    i want full-IPreset. thats all... most of us dont skill wrong. thats not the problem.

    1.) I like to sit there 1hour and skill everything new .it does fun. it s like formatting my HD(and installing new software) . it s like have a new clean char

    2.) and while skilling u ll see maybe that u dont need (ie 900) in Matcrea but 800 . so u can use the rest of the points in another skill.

    3.) and sometimes u have skilled somthin 50 there and 30 there and 40 there in useless skills (month before) and u need these points in other skills now.

    4.) U should be able to FULLIPRESET thats my opinion..

    5.) give ppl a chance ( who hadnt before a totalreset of their skills) to unmake their mistakes in wrong skills.

    i am from germany so i could have made some mistakes...

  2. #102
    lol..i think that there should be no ipr below lvl 50..its just too damn tempting to use them if you are a noob...i guess i was short on iprs was the fact i kept using them when it wasnt necessary...i would definately have a lot more reset points if i didnt spend them all before lvl 50 :/

  3. #103
    Grrrr IPR people. Grrrrr.

    IF you should screw yourself sooooo badly that the 15 IPR you get over the course of the game isn't enough to correct your mistakes, then you should probably reroll, or just live with the mistakes you made. And IF FC should include an IPR, then you weasels will be demanding for one every patch, and we can't have that happening. So please people, shut up.
    Intenseheat: Omni MA, ph33r teh ub3r l337
    Preeminence: Omni crat - hopelessly gimped - lost 180K IP trying to reset skills - ph33r teh ub3r t33th
    Omniwins: Omni soldier, always winning

    I'm just an ass that happens to be smart.

  4. #104
    I say not IPR either.

    When we got the IPR we were told clearly that this would be a one time thing. Folks were given a chance to fix there characters. For some reason many folks decided to continue basing their strategies on things like dark blue skills or outside buffs. Evolution has always taught us that the specialists, though more effective, can't survive change very easily and dies off first. It's us slow levelling, inefficient jack-of-all trades that can survive these big changes.

    I've no sympathy for those that specialized. I've chosen the route of independence. I only wear implants I can wear without outside help and I only use nanos I can cast without outside help (if an MP happens to through a buff my way I'll use it for the bigger 'bot, but I very very rarely ask for it). I can sometimes solo up to ql 200 missions at my level 113 (I've succeded 2 out of 5 times). The cost is that it's very slow and I do very little damage. I'm not very desireable in a team. Others have chosen to specialize and maximize their damage. The cost of that is when things change they become useless.

    I say live with your choice.


  5. #105
    2.) and while skilling u ll see maybe that u dont need (ie 900) in Matcrea but 800 . so u can use the rest of the points in another skill.
    Chances are something will come out that will require 900 in MatCrea, especially with the Shadowlands. Why not leave the points there till then. Otherwise your gonna want your 900 back when some new nano comes out that requires you to have 900 in MatCrea and you'll have spent the IP reset on Adventuring (or something else) for some new uber item that came out. Then all the folks that want to have 900 MatCrea (again) will wine about how funcom nerfed them and they need a reset.


  6. #106
    Thought what we were fighting for here, was Resets earnable by tokens, like for every 250-500 tokens after the 1k board you get 1 reset point, not a full IPR. Im not for a Full IPR I think thats going too far, but if I need to fix my character then I would like to be able to earn the ability to do so, even if I never use the resets.

    As for everyone saying resets lead to cookie cutter chars, as it is everything is a cookie cutter char, no variations all chars the same, only the name of the player is different = Atrox, Beam, Coat. The ability to control ones character better, leads to more customers that stick around longer and not ones that want to experiment quitting cause re-rolling sucks. The way the patches go with more and more new things coming out and more ways to change a proffesion around, means new chars will always be better then older ones, and there goes the older players leaving.

    The object here is to keep customers playing and paying, without making an impact on game play that hurts the overall world. The ability to earn points to change your character around effects only your game play and the way you play your character, ie changing wep catagories. It does not effect anyone else, or the game itself, since the game is made to handle all styles of characters. One thing I liked about Ultima Online is that you could work to change the character completely by dropping skills whenever you wanted and working on new ones, instead of having to make a new character due to mistakes, guess thats why Ultima has been going for 5 years now with older customers and this game doesnt seem to do that.

    So now that Im done ranting, lemme remind everyone what we are fighting for again.

    Total IPR like the one they did before = too much.

    Earnable IP resets by tokens = a fair way to do this.


  7. #107
    well you got a point would be cool to get those ip reset points for tokens i got 2000
    Carmilla - 210 Shade
    Zerosnake - 220 Agent

  8. #108
    a full ip reset is good i used alot of ip to get on my 15% llts now they are nerfing it so i demand a full ip reset

    this is just proof of my point that IPR's create cookie cutters

    And on top of it all, they want a FULL IP restet because of 2 skills for an item.

    Even if I thought IPR's were a good Idea... you should be able to get a full IPR because of 2 skills?

    Thanks for proving my point so eloquently and in so few words.

    Yaz I agree that FULL IPR for such a change is ridiculous request. Nevertheless, Nerfcom really should reward two tokens to reset these trade skills. In this situation most melee characters just lost IP in useless skills and or IPR tokens and will have LESS available than ranged chars. This is in no way their fault.....they didn't gimp themselves.

    A year ago (way before IPR), the handful of MAs who had the guts to try a scope were the ones who were "unique" and walked outside the cookie cutter path. Now those same players and a thousand other bandwagoners are getting hit with the nerf stick with no retribution. They played within the games rules and now the rules have changed. They deserve a chance to adapt their characters to the new rules without having to reroll. If your preciously perfect character were subjected to the same scenario, you'd expect the same.

    You can't stop cookie cutterism, it's a side effect of MMORPGs. Almost everyone wants to be the best and they will take the path of least resistance to get there. UO, AC2 and SWG have figured out how to handle this's only FC in their infinite laziness that has developed such a piss poor system known as IPR. It's too easy and too fast and you are absolutely right, it does lend to template characters. Funcom needs to look at a more flexible skill system that lets players gradually atrophy skills and regain points......not brain dump all over the floor and plug intaskill back in their heads.
    -Zindel- Novice 200 Opifex MA
    -Clematis- Apprentice 180 Opifex Fixer
    -Bushwhacker- 135 Atrox Enforcer
    General of Mecenaries of Kai [TaG]

  9. #109
    I'd like a full IPR because i've messed up my Doc, but i've got so far with him now i dont want to start again ;(
    :: Disco "Strayduck" Duck - Equipment - History ::

  10. #110
    Cazza with the token idea you will still be able to fix ya char, just will take a lil longer. Full IP reset is just asking for too much, its alot more rewarding if a lil work is involved.


  11. #111
    i need this IPR cos i'm using an ithaca with 13% scope ATM , if scopes are nerfed , i'll be gimp :/
    let us switch for an other weapon if u realy want to nerf the scope !!!

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