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Thread: Request: Mission stats

  1. #1

    Request: Mission stats

    Request: Mission stats

    I would love to see stats at the end of a mission.
    Things to show could be:
    * Who took the most damage
    * Who gave the most damage
    * Who healed the most
    * Who took the most loot
    * Who died the most
    * Who got the most xp
    * Who got the highest token chance (or in other words fought the most monsters)
    * etc

    Also would love to see stats somewhere about how many players there are on the server at the moment.

  2. #2
    Could be nice !

    Circle G Inc. - Your safety is our business.

  3. #3
    That would rock, though I'd sure love to see inits fixed first :P


  4. #4

    Ohh, that would be fun :)

    Then I could see my nick in all its shining glory..
    oh.. wait.. I'm a crat... hmm..
    cant do much damage..
    pets sux,my nukes sux (Yeah, hear that NT's!!) , and my weapon sux.. (pistols the only NON Dark blue skill, and its still dark)

    RETIRED:Cassondra "Hotsy" Magistrale, Proud General of OPEC
    And a gazillion other chars

    Member of the Grumpy Old Crat Bunch
    Bureaucrats, Broken as intended
    Chilled:The crat community.. bitter but entirely supportive, kind of like coffee.
    P.S. i didn't proof read this, or check for spelling, I wouldn't want to Nerf my post by actually Fixing the problems.

    This post is fucntioning "As Intended" that means i don't have to fix any problems with it. (Snipped from pooncrat).

  5. #5

    Re: Request: Mission stats

    Originally posted by Dyna18
    * Who got the highest token chance (or in other words fought the most monsters)
    Isn't the percentage equal for everyone in the team? I've never experienced some people getting a token while others didn't (except when someone joined the team after the mission was aquired, but that's intentional).

    I'd like to see such stats implemented though, but it's not exactly on my top-10 list, to put it that way
    Archelan, Ancarim Iron Legion

    Vandreren (Adventurer) - Arctech (Engineer) - Egori (Fixer) - Sherringham (Bureaucrat) - Kurtwood (Trader)

  6. #6

    Re: Ohh, that would be fun :)

    Originally posted by Hotsy
    Then I could see my nick in all its shining glory..
    oh.. wait.. I'm a crat... hmm..
    cant do much damage..
    pets sux,my nukes sux (Yeah, hear that NT's!!) , and my weapon sux.. (pistols the only NON Dark blue skill, and its still dark)

    Am I the only one that have a crat that is powerful, oh wait I compare to my NT
    Winterizer lvl 213 Solitus Keeper
    Alien level 14
    Date of registration 2001-06-28
    Played in beta 4
    Unit leader of Ragnarok

  7. #7

    Knowing Funcom.....

    Knowing FC this idea will probably be implemented Next patch while

    *Soldiers are still endlessly gimped (what new weapons and armor?)
    *Initiatives are still FUBAR'd
    *Pet Pathing is STILL not fixed! (i would so love to level my engi)
    *NTs need Love
    *Trade skills remain a joke
    *Engis need...... well lets not go there
    *Traders still own all

    Am i right FC???? Pleaaaase tell me i'm right !

  8. #8 rather not see this in game. Considering its laggy enough i dont want it to have to track more crap thats not really important.
    President of Midnight Reveries

  9. #9
    good idea i think

    but limit it to damage and time spent fighting
    then you can get avg dmg/sec and compare weaps in a real situation
    Kalashnakof [Over 170 LvLs Served]
    The Few, The Proud, The Unendowed
    The Troxy Soldiers of Pax Romana
    [!]AR/RE 80/40 from 66/33
    [!]Nophex drop off Notum Trainie
    [!]Still waiting for AirStrike MK1-10...

  10. #10
    Not gonna happen.

    I'd love to see it but I can't see FC ever implementing anything like that - if profession xyz could actually prove how much les damage they are doing than other professions FC would no longer be able to ignore the enormous imbalances.

  11. #11
    • RK2: Dyna2 Enfo Dyna18 NT Dyna666 Keeper Dyna4000 Fixer Dyna27012 Crat
    • RK-Test: Dyna0002 Meta-Physicist Dyna90210 Fixer ( 05-02-2003)
    • Check my QL200 Enforcer implant designs at 1HE 2HE 2HB
    • Best custom map: Raiko's Map (based on Dovve's AO Enhancements)
    • Best custom skin: Notum DovveTech HUD upgrade (based on Dovve's AO Enhancements)

    Omni-Tek is your friend!
    Elnertz: "I spend all my time making all the loot mine, all because there is no ****ing storyline!"

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