Hello all,

I have been away for a while, and just like anyone else would know, absense makes the heart grow fonder. I wanted to put an idea out. I think it would be a good idea if we could build up certain skills by using them a lot. Sure Sure XP are a good thing to get when you tradeskill things, but i think it would be better if the skills you used would slowly increase over time. I am not even gonna attempt to show a math example of this, but I am sure you fellow AOers get the Idea. Imagine somthing towards this effect, You have 2 Agents, and both can use false profession ADV. Agent A uses it a lot more than Agent B. So when Agent A uses it he uses less nano or executes it more qucikly, not neccesarily using less Met Matt mind u, but the use of that particular nano for him is faster and cheaper. I think this would make the game a little more Unique for each char.

Let me know what you guys think.......