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Thread: Token boards...

  1. #1

    Exclamation Token boards...

    Every high level seem to want more benefits from their token boards, like as if the added bonuses aren't enough.
    I like to hunt, but it's not an option until I get that bloody 1k board.

    So... how do you keep every blinkin sod happy then, including me?

    Allow players to trade in 2k tokens for a reset point, then high level players get to try out different skills every now and then as a reward, or they can keep up with patch changes/nerfs and it doesn't make the other players feel like they "have to" get more than 1k tokens.

  2. #2
    thats a very very very good idea, cept 500 tokens sounds like a nice number
    Witeboog - Soldier RK2
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  3. #3
    They should add more perks for getting tokens, I can't speak for myself cause I haven't hit the first thousand yet, but I know a few friends who are up to 2500+ tokens and there's no point in the board holding them. so yeah they should get perks, the extra reset points is a plus, or maybe if we had a story, characters with insane amount of tokens could be up for titles, let's say executive for omni tek, and maybe X name for clans as I have no idea how their ranking system would go. The titles would come with benefits, maybe increased weapons skills, special nanos, you could throw in anythng.
    "Did I tell you that you could speak?....then why are you still talking?."

  4. #4
    How about more tokens = a higher minimal PvP title, or reduce the amount of XP lost on death. Or the ability to toggle those freakin' PvP titles off your displayed name and only availible when the person's info is veiwed. Just thoughts.
    -- Falling never killed anyone, its always the landing.
    Telgi-61 Solitus Enforcer
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    Saruzi- -=128=- Opifex Nano-Technician.
    Manstien-44 Solitus Soldier

  5. #5
    Really, just about anything would be a nice little bonus. I have 3026 tokens at the moment... it would be nice if they were useful for something.

  6. #6


    they should make a 2k board that adds to nanoskills

    Don't Think to much about the life, you will not survive it anyway
    "E. Hubbard"

  7. #7
    then after every 1k tokens it would add moore and more to to the skills up to 6k tokens or something, maybe add 10 to all skills per board to a maximum of 50 skillpoints, maybe then MA's could selfbuff ffok

    Don't Think to much about the life, you will not survive it anyway
    "E. Hubbard"

  8. #8
    Screw that. Like getting 1000 isn't painful enough, to even myself up with everyone else PvPing.

    1k for bonuses is enough. After that, IPR points is a good trade. 1 IPR for 500 tokens seems reasonable.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  9. #9
    Buying IPR points for surplus tokens is not a bad idea...

    Might even induce neutral players to take a stand
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
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    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  10. #10
    Bad idea is the IPR.. Ok So when you have 5k tokens and like 25 total IPR, then you'll start having excess IPR and then you'll whine about that one.

  11. #11

    Red face Err...

    Well the idea with IPR points is that you should use them, maybe to try out new skills/tactics... not collecting them and hope for something you could trade them for! (doh) >.<

  12. #12

    Arrow Tokens are fun, give us more

    1k hard?

    Lol I had 800 tokens soloing to 75 and would've gotten 1k before 100 if I hadn't powerleveled in teams. (this was before team missions, after token change, with no farming)

    Everyone thinks 1k is "hard" and "takes forever" until they get it. Then they break past 2k and more even faster.

    I don't think there should be huge life/nano/etc bonuses (small increases ok) but I could really go for some tradeskill bonuses. Maybe 500 swimming too just for the hell of it. Some vehicle bonuses might make the new ones less painful.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  13. #13
    If they hadn't altered the way tokens were awarded none of this would have happened.
    If it had stayed at 1 token = 1 token and not 1 token = 7 tokens then it would have taken most people quite a while to get 1000.
    You wouldn't see everybody running around with their 1000 boards.
    I wonder how many people who are moaning about everybody getting the 1000 board or feeling it is an inbalance or simply not wanting to see more boards because they would be "forced to do more missions????" were all for the token change?
    The 1000 board is currently a "When I get" not "If I get"

  14. #14

    Anything would be good...

    4k+ tokens here and it seems more and more silly to recieve tokens for each mission. I assume I will have close to 4.5k by the time I hit lvl 200..... Gaaaah!

    IPR points, I havent used any yet so I am pretty well off, but it seems like a decent idea.
    Unfortunately I am an Atrox AND a soldier so my options are very restricted. How many times can I be bothered to change from Nova to CHS to Hellspinner to Tellus....x-3 and so on....

    Profession specific bonuses at each 1k tokens would be nice. Something that actually useful for that profession (the band of dog molars did help me as a trox, but I doubt my solitus brethren had much use for it).

    Happy hunting Omni warriors!

    and a whole litter of bearcubs ...

    "Only the dead have seen the end of war." -- Plato
    "You see me now, a soldier, of a 1000 psychic wars...." -- Blue Oyster Cult

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