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Thread: Engy Pity Collection of FC's Blindness Encyclopaedia

  1. #1

    Engy Pity Collection of FC's Blindness Encyclopaedia

    Engy Pity Collection of FC's Blindness Encyclopaedia

    Engineers "TEH SUCK" campaign

    This is not my signature, it's an actual post. There are some quotes that are a little hard to read (I know nothing about HTML coding so, bear with me hehe), so, please read a bit carefully.

    I'm putting this here in the PvP forum, because it's one of the most visited ones, and well, If I put this in the engineer forums only it will just get dusty and old and no1 will see it...(yes, there is one, I know, I know, OMG OMG, surprise...)

    Hope some1 at FC reads this one.

    And btw, DO NOT even think about nerfing this post Cz!!


    on the contrary .. as i saw in backyards todays :

    75% Enforcers (!) *irinical tone* "i dunno why"
    25% Fixers

    No NT , No more MP .. talk about Engies ?? they stop playing before lv 50


    From a trader point of veiw - True! But I think engies need more improvment in many other areas then just the amount of trade skill content alone


    Soldiers and enforcers were so angry they had to find a trader in order to buff into their weapons that FC gave them buffs for their key weapon skills. They made these buffs self only, so that only that profession got the luv, and therefore balanced them.

    Engies were so angry they they had to find traders and metas in order to buff into their weapons (bots included) that FC said tuff luck, you gotta have some interaction between classes.


    How can my bot tank....
    When it can't even hit a primus mob once over a 5 minute fight. Something needs to be done about our bots and something needs to be done NOW.


    How would the rest of you feel if your primary attack in team missions wasn't available at least half the time?

    This is not a tweak its a serious issue for 3 classes - I pity the engis the most


    Engineers lose even more. Is this an intentional plan to make engineers quit so you don't have to fix pet pathing or the attack rating, aggro-holding, and trimmer problems with robots? Now Engineers can either use a Home Defender, or a V3 to do some decent damage. The robot, you say? The robot's on the other side of the mission area, humping a table leg; but even if it was right with the team, it misses too much, attacks too slowly, and doesn't really do that much damage when it hits anyway.

    Originally posted by Cemetarygate

    Engineers have the best MA buff (+300). Even when/if FFoK is self only, Engineers will still be able to obtain higher MA skills than Martial Artists.

    edit: fixed typo

    Yes, and we aaaaall know engineers are sooooo much more powerful than MAs. Just look at how many people are quitting their MAs to make Engineers!

    *snicker* If Engineers had crit buffs, green evades, evade buffs, and heals maybe you'd have a little credibility there. But you don't, and you get absolutely no sympathy from me. FC continues to make it so that choosing Martial Artist as a profession is playing on 'easy mode' and keeps ratcheting up the problems for everyone else.


    Guess we'll see engineers with X-3 rifles after 14.6 then.



    Originally posted by Cemetarygate
    Jynne, the point of my post was to state that Engineers will not lose the most. Which I thought I did. I'll rephrase. The ones that will lose the most are those that don't have martial arts buffs of their own to make up for the loss of FFoK.

    Okay... I probably overreacted a little, but it kind of burns me to see anyone implying that Engineers, of all professions, should be nerfed.

    I take 'nerf cries' for my own profession, Doctor, more easily than for Engineers.


    The 4-fists nurf on top of the LLTS modification is going to be a real kick in the nuts to all the phys INI scope using MA attacks. Docs, Engys, all are going to be really pissed.

    Just wondered if you were actually a programmer for Funcom Cemetary. If not you would make a great one cause you actually share the same ideas as the rest of the game developers at Funcom which is that Engies are fine and they dont need any attention at all who cares if they all die out we dont need them.

    Answer me 3 questions honestly.

    1) What can an engineer do that is totally unique that no other profession can do and is extremely useful.

    2) What are engies really really good at?

    3) If all engineers left the game would they be missed or could all other professions easily manage without them?

    After answering all of these questions you should see our point. Us engineers keep getting the short end of the stick and we are not getting any serious attention to fix our problems. If you still believe we are ok the way we are try playing an engineer up to level 160.

    Bureaucrats and Engineers are at the bottom. Very few nanos that are usefull in PvP.


    As for the rest of the profs (other then MA) who are complaining about FFoK becoming self only, don't. Even with FFoK, MA does not compete damage wise. It IS cheap to raise. This is a direct NERF to engineers, regardless of whether or not it was a bug fix. Funny, I distinctly remember Gaute saying he would never fix a bug that detracted from gameplay. *shrugs*


    Think of this YOu nerf criers. You take away Crit scope for ma users. You take away FFoK. What does a engi have left. NOTHING. A attack ratting of 1200 means OH BOY WITH MOP I may crit A MOB 2x In a battle.


    Higher ATK isn't everything.

    If any MA of comparable level says an engineer can outdamage them with "uber higher MA skill", you really really need help building your char. Its either that or lying out your ***.


    I'm using a 8% LLTS and happy with it, but I can't enjoy that in 14.8

    In 14.6 they are going to take away 4FoK so I can't use that either, 2 patches in row with nerfs to my MA Engineer, I can't believe it...


    But then Engi's suck on so many levels :-p

    I started multiple professions, almost every one in game, and have to say that Engies suck the most.


    Hell yea Tribes rocks. Look for {RI} Railgundan on the T1 or T2 servers. Hey in tribes engineers are actually godly instead of gimps!


    There are serious problems with the engineer profession and while I don't play an engi, I understand that when this many folks complain, they must have a pointin htere somewhere....

    The problem is this: When funcom nerfs something, they don't look at the big picture. the dev team, while talented in some aspects, have a very narrow vision of the game......

    The scope changes are meant as a nerf for MAs, yet they will end up nerfing MA using engis....
    ffok made self only: BAD nerf to engis. yes, they do have the best MA buff in the game, but it sure doesn't seem to help them in the gimped department

    Lucid Flow

    Literally for the last 10 or so patches they have gotten new toys where other professions such as the Engineer or Crat have literally gotten nothing new to play with....
    Start working on other professions who need tweaking like Engineers, Soldiers and Crats.

    Lucid Flow

    Why don't you look through your patch notes and find information on Engineers in that series of patches? All you will find is Beacon Warp, that is it.

    Why must +++++++ ++++++ continue to get more and more and more to a ridiculous amount of fun stuff to play with with professions such as Crats and Engineers are, save for a few nanos, the same profession or actually worse off then they were when the game was released?

    The people that pay are the non MA Maers


    Give the engies and the soldiers serious love (and 14.6 is NOT soldier love).
    Fix pet pathing.
    Especially engies. I feel bad for them.


    I wish a year ago when i started my engie i knew they sucked as much at this level as they do.

    My engie got boring after 125. my trader just hit 144 and is fun as hell to play and can usually find teams within 5 minutes. Where as engie is lucky to find them in 1 hour. Yes i am pissed off i wasted so much time on my engie.


    And ya got a right to be mad - Engies are gimped.=[


    To reach the top of your game with drains at lvl 117...Engineers are just wishing for a MP and a trader to be in the same place at lvl 117 to cast a slayer.


    Funny how MAs start screaming at this thread. This in no way nerfs them. Merely gives some other professions a chance to see the light. And omg, Engineers being the prime example. People in my teams actually tell me hell no if I mention recruiting one.

    Lucid Flow

    Quote: Originally posted by Peisinoe
    Over 198 MAs over level 175 on RK1. I'll leave it to all of you to see what the figures are for the other profs.

    31 Crats, not including myself (i'm 174)

    35 Engineers.

    The World

    well eng and crat is so poor, get no love but don't shout ma get too much ...


    I'd like to see a lot more content for people like Engies. I really would

    And hell yeah, of course Engies, NT's, Crats, MP's etc need more fun things.
    A lot of the discussion on the scope nerf from an MA point of view has been "gawd, that hurts the engies"


    What next then? Getting some good Engi content in would be my first priority. But then, it's up to Funcom what they do next, not me


    The one point I do agree on in your rambling is that some professions need loving fast... engies and high-level mp's come to mind.

    Ohh and you didn't state who wanted FFOK changed and the advantage it provides MAs other then nerfing engies.

    Nice to have a little something each patch for my martial artist, but I too would like to see some stuff for my doctor and engineer.


    With ffok being self only and crit scopes being ranged only, it make slayer transferrence, the high lvl engi's only good nano, quite worthless. They are in a busted spot right now. Even high level MPs have it better than engis atm
    Most MAs are pretty happy. Both of my MAs are quite happy. Yet every last engineer on the planet is miserable and that tells us something right there :/

    In fact, the engi ranks have thinned out more than I care to think about. We used to want them in teams back when we all hunted outside. Having an engi was a big boon to a team's desirability. But nw, with so many other classes having neat stuff, engis get left in the cold.

    Fix engis ffs...i hardly see engis anymore...


    I honestly dont remember the last time any of my characters teamed with an engineer
    Engineers are pretty much totally broken at the moment.


    I do think that FC should definitely give more attention to the classes that need it badly, like engi's

    Engineers...that speaks for itself.


    And engis. Please god do SOMETHING for them...that's getting obscene how bad they are (please don't take offense to that anyone). Give them a friggin heal pet and nukes for all I care, just do.....anything. This is worse than how bad fixers used to be imho


    Is TIM is foremans or SD?

    If its foremans apparently a team of 50's can do it.....oh if only I could find a team of 50s who want to go there AND want an Eng :-)

    Nah, you guys rock!
    You're the best at giving me tips for TS/MC masteries.

    Uh oh... you meant fight, did you?

    I really feel for you.


    Ehhhh, What are engis good for then? Except spending cash...

    What about the use of trimmers on the pets? Crats can use trimmers, but not the highest ql, right? A trimmer engi pet versus crat ninja bot then?

    Bottom line... Engis dont have the best pets, not the best ac buffs, not the best tradeskills/buffs... ehhhh !?!?
    Sounds a bit wierd to me....

    A bit on mIRC channel:

    <Xanio> no but for real .. what can engis do except lvl themself to 200 and kill 100's in arena?
    <Toolboxau> i killed a 90 engi when i was 70 =-)
    <Demi> hmm
    <Toolboxau> i earned my title killing an that title farming?
    <Xanio> YES!
    <nana> OMG OMG

    Personally FunCom, I think you are being a little unfair here, at least throw us a bone for gods sake, itn's this proof enough of our gimpness? Or should I just go around surfing the forums looking for posts like this? WE NEED A FIX AND WE NEED IT NOW!!!!

    If in case you are wondering, what is this guy talking about you have +300 MA, we still lack the Heals, Crit Buffs, Evades Buffs, Scares, Green MA/Brawl/Dimach/Parry, Green Evades and Greens Init, so, please think about it before wanting to nerf Transference.

    If you are wondering what are we asking for, go to the Engineer forum and read just a tiny little bit...

  2. #2

    Re: Engy Pity Collection of FC's Blindness Encyclopaedia

    Originally posted by Engydoggy|Test
    And btw, DO NOT even think about nerfing this post Cz!!
    Read and nerfed. And do not even think of reposting it, Engy.

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