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Thread: Is 900 pts in Grenade skill wearth it. To use Grenades? Take a look

  1. #1

    Question Is 900 pts in Grenade skill wearth it. To use Grenades? Take a look

    Ok, If grenades work like MA special attacks then we can expect it to hit for min. nearly every time.

    The HSR Hedgehog 23 Throwing Grenade does 120 of damage. The May Fly Throwing Grenade does 200 - 1000, but if it is like MA special attack we can expect it to hit for 200 9/10 attacks.

    I love the idea of Grenades. Funcom did a great job coming up with this one. Good Job Funcom, But is it wearth the implant and IP cost to use them? 900 in grenade and 1-3 implants is a heavy price to pay for 200 pts of damage on an avg.

    Some people say its an additional attack, so it doesnt need to be that good in damage.
    "My comments to that is it a completely separate skill that has to be maxed. MA special attacks are rooted in MA skill and use skills that the MA already puts points into like brawl and parry . "

    Its a grenade, it should do good damage for 900 pts in genade skill. think about what a grenade is: "explosives surrounded by metal"

    The following is the grenades.
    straight 120 points of damage

    damage: 200-1000

    I would also like to see flash grenades, which would also be cool.


    Back to the original question.

    Is 900 pts in grenade and 1-3 implants wearth it?
    Omni Trader on RK2

  2. #2
    Well depends is it going to be like a weapon you use or is it going to be like a MA special attack which doesn't affect your fighting but gives you a extra attack?
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  3. #3
    Also important, do you actually see your guy throw the grenade or does he /wave like with bow special attack ? If I look goofy then it's not worth the IP

  4. #4
    Its an additional attack... Its like a small AoE, does damage to everyone around u, and u see small grenade fragments flying around....
    Jamesdum President of Ragnarok
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    Because we have spy's in EVERYONE's guild so we can plan the attack while you sleep !! yeah ! hmm we clearly need to rename the guild to "nordic echelon"

  5. #5

    Not to burst your bubble..

    But unless these grenades work in a completely different way than grenades on live, they will not work (unless grenades have some special way to use that I have never figured out)

    On live, you equip a grenade then attack something and ... you instantly unequip the grenade and attempt to use your mighty martial arts on whatever instead.

    Obviously, grenades should be fixed or the hand grenades should be removed so as not to confuse people (or I should figure out how to actually use one if there is some special secret method that I do not know of).

    Anywise, as grenades work now I would say that putting any IP into grenades (unless you want to use the uber launchers out there ... yes, those blunderbus type ones that have a maximum clip of 1) is a complete waste of time.


  6. #6
    for 900 and 1-3 implant investment, I would concider it if it did 1000 - 1000 damage. That way in pvm, you get an extra 1000. In pvp, you would get 500.

    That would make it wearth the investment.

    Cz, if you read this. what do you think?
    Omni Trader on RK2

  7. #7
    Rather than an MA special attack it'd probably be best to compare it to the fixer cluster bullets or the bow special attack. I think these grenades will be most useful to engineers and possibly soldiers and traders.

    It will work very well for people who use the OT 12 (me ) since 900 grenade is a pretty steep requirement. Just to give a reference, I'm an opifex engineer, triple implanted for grenade, title capped at lvl 162, and selfcast Extreme Prejudice (+120 grenade/pistol). With all that and general buffs I have something like 970 grenade. Very cool for me, but for most everyone else it's just another item to add to your junk pile.
    Ionicdude - In it to win it no matter how you spin it

  8. #8



    Do normal hand grenades work?

    I tried to get both a fast chocolate surprise and a normal flame type grenade to work with no luck at all.

    Seeing as how I have encountered a number of types of weapons that just don't work in AO, I assumed that they just don't work.

    If they do, could you help me out and tell me how to use them?

    Many thanks,

  9. #9
    The current grenades in the game don't work afaik. By all accounts the grenades introduced in 14.6 functon completely differently.

    Old grenades use buggy or never finished game mechanics so that you have to equip them but once you hit 'q' they unequip and move into your inventory rather spraying your opponents entrails all over the place.

    New grenades, like I previously stated, work like the bow special attack or fixer cluster bullets. I guess you could also compare them to first aid stims as well. You don't equip them, there's a skill req and, it locks a skill on use with a timer.

    Here's another thread I made with some other bits of info:
    Ionicdude - In it to win it no matter how you spin it

  10. #10


    Thanks much for the explanation.

    I bumped grenade up to around 100 on one of my characters the other day because I wanted to start using fast chocolate surprises Silly me...

    Before the IP reset I bumped up one of the energy skills to use the Hot Air Sticks...130 ip later only to find that they didnt work. =(

    It would be nice if they would fix such weapons or just plain remove them. Not so bad now with IP reset points, but it still sucks to have to use them just because certain weapon types arent implemented.


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