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Thread: changing professions

  1. #1

    changing professions

    think about giving players the ability to change profs within the game, perminently (not like agent)..

    your skills would stay the same, but you could use IPRs to change your skills...i see a couple downfalls,, if i were to get GA4 tomorrow i'd change to fixer (duh!)

    well, give it some thought everyone

    Pre-14.6 Freshman Boycott "Toolboxau" Canada - Legend 200 - Unit Member of Reborn - Proud American and Proud Conservative

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    Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right
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  2. #2
    Dont sound like any good idea. Will be exploited very easily.

    Ppl woould play something up like an MA to a high lvl, then shift to Fixer or another type of proffesion when thay have "gathered" the items thay need for thier new profession.

    I dont like the idea at all
    Minister Randal Moscadelli
    Callsign: Kryos
    Office closed down, for an unknown time

  3. #3
    This would be absolutly terrible. The skill sets on different profs are different for a reason. Yeah the dark blue nano skills on a fixer suck. I can just see people turning into NT's or MP's everytime they needed to raise nano skills. And then changing back to their old profession.

    Spizmack - Fighting the mission monotony through submission

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