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Thread: Agent and sneaking issues

  1. #1

    Agent and sneaking issues

    I have ideas of some _very_ small improvements for agents.. They're not all even improvements, some are trade-offs. These will not make agents uber, just will ease their (hard=) everyday gaming=) I don't mean that all these ideas should be added, and don't mean that all of them even make some sense. They're just ideas.

    Make faster sneaking possible for agents.

    Because sneaking is only (good) way for agents to solo missions. Other characters can blitz, calm or just smash their way to cash and equipment. Why is sneaking weaker then? Because it takes more time and doesn't allow us to open chests if there is mob in room. So doing missions without killing mobs takes more time for us agents and we get less stuff/cash sa we can't open chests

    Make an item/nano or something that allows agents to sneak at least bit faster, so doing those sneaky missions won't take AGES to complete. Or allow us to trade concealment for faster sneaking with slider like agg-def [full conceal: 100% sneaking, movement speed same as now, full speed: 90% (or something) concealment penalty, normal run speed]
    Allow us to open chest while concealed (having temporary penalty to concealment for 5 secs equal to twice ql of chest?).
    Last but not least: Lower the skill lock after being concealed, or remove it. I suppose it's in the game to prevent us from opening chests while concealed, or something... It's not realistic (how stopping sneaking and standing immovable for a second can prevent starting sneaking in next 9 secs???). As mobs will aggro after 2 seconds, it'd be enough to lower it to 3-5 seconds. It'd still be as functional as now, but far less irritating.

    We don't get to use AS too often, make AS work even when in fight, but make it do only regular criticals then (and work normally when mob is unaware). AS is often only special attack for agents, as most other professions oftenly have 2-3 (burst, fligshot, full-auto, brawl, fast-attack, dimach..) special attacks, which they can use whenever they want..

    These were my ideas.. I really hope that at least one of them would get some support from other players (or devs=). Feel free to comment them, support them and flame them...

  2. #2
    Enforcers can't sneak.

    Enforcers are too slow to blitz.

    Enforcers taunts and scares don't work against red mobs.

    No-one can open chests while they are in a fight.

    Stop whinging.
    Kissysuzuki 220 - 24 - 60/70
    Minisuzuki 205 - 9 - 13/70
    Riders of the Lost Org

    "Enforcers are being nibbled to death"

  3. #3
    I guess I am stumped as to why FP advent or fixer isn't enough to help with either sneaking or blitzing.

  4. #4
    Pounded into the floor by Kissysuzuki
    Enforcers are too slow to blitz.
    One: Get a fixer buff.
    Two: Rage.
    Three: . . .
    Four: PROFIT!
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Kenlon

    One: Get a fixer buff.
    Two: Rage.
    Three: . . .
    Four: PROFIT!
    Pretty much what we are doing.

    Rage isn't all its cracked up to be as a run buff though. only lasts 20 seconds.

    5 of which are used zoning. (on my crappo machine anyway)
    Kissysuzuki 220 - 24 - 60/70
    Minisuzuki 205 - 9 - 13/70
    Riders of the Lost Org

    "Enforcers are being nibbled to death"

  6. #6
    good post dude

    The purpose here is not to say all prof could sneack/bltz it s a specificities to FIXER and AGENT that s all .

    But to say that s sneack is unbalanced vs blitz for the same goal !!!

    On that s point of wiev i agree sneack should be link to run speed.

    For the chest yes i d like it
    but is it reallistic considering the value of the stuff we can find fast !!


  7. #7
    Guess what?


    1) Get a fixer run buff.
    2) Get a fixer long HoT.
    3) Go fulldef.
    4) Blitz.

    As a fixer, I get two advantages: I can run my short HoT too, which docs can do as well, and I can evac out at the end instead of running the gauntlet back out.

    That's IT.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  8. #8
    As an agent I'm really not sure I can agree with this. It really doesn't take that long, and is really easy, 3 hours usually to get a full set of armor, which i can then sell for 6mill creds.

    Use a fixer run buff, and as you sneak, also sidestep. You will move very fast concealed.

  9. #9
    Right, you still sidestep at regular speed, and if you sidestep+walk forward at the same time, you get awful close to your running speed. And yeah, someone seems to have forgotten wher their FP:Fixer icon is, because agents can still use the runbuffs and the short hots. So stop whining. You think calming through a mission is faster than sneaking? It's not.
    Intenseheat: Omni MA, ph33r teh ub3r l337
    Preeminence: Omni crat - hopelessly gimped - lost 180K IP trying to reset skills - ph33r teh ub3r t33th
    Omniwins: Omni soldier, always winning

    I'm just an ass that happens to be smart.

  10. #10
    Jeez, what is your run speed at? 2? lol.

    I've already suggested this a while ago, that they make it possible to sneak at 1/8 or 1/2 or 1/4 of your run speed rather than have a constant value. It'd give me a reason to up my run speed more.

    And yes, any profession can blitz. Like Kiryat said, just get buffs you need to be able to do it. There are a ton of nanos and buffs you could use to make it possible for you to blitz easier.

    IE: MK shield (for soldiers), Gridspace Freedom, Doc HP buff, Essense of Behemoth, Quickness, are a few prime examples.

    Don't whine about us actually thinking of something useful for everyone because you're too dumb to know what to do with your own.
    Rocco "Naels" Capone
    Atrox Martial Artist, Atlantean

    Enforcer Is The Nerfest Prof <-- The dumbest thread in the entire forums!

  11. #11
    Leave sneak ALONE!@

    Get a fixer run buff, HoT and RUN!

    Heck, even sidestepping in sneak is fast.

    Get Missions in BS, they are easy to navigate in.

    <---lvl200 Agent
    - Cyrus Cyblade7 Crown
    - General of Redemption

  12. #12
    Sneaking IS broken. The longer you spend in the mobs presence, the more chances to spot you. Whereas I have had characters run past a mob with it's back turned and out the other door without it reacting.

  13. #13
    Sneak is not broken !

    Many things in AO are broken but conceal in sneak missions

    Lokgen RK2
    Last edited by Lokgen; Oct 17th, 2002 at 18:17:10.

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