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Thread: exploited credits

  1. #1

    exploited credits

    I've been hearing alot of stuff about exploited credits, and i dont know to much about the game, but my question is, are there exploited credits and what would happen if someone traded you them?

  2. #2
    I believe this issue was handles, but you can be sure its being prevented as well.

  3. #3
    yes... there have been billion and billions and BILLIONS of credits exploited out of this game... i dont think you can get banned for accepting exploited credits as long as you had nothing to do with exploiting them and you dont know anything about it... like if you are hanging at the Rampa bar and someone gives you a million credits, its hard to say if they are exploited credits or not and i wouldnt worry to much about it... but if someone gave you 20 million for no reason i might worry... or at least wonder...

    read about the damage done by NikkiDial... only one of the many credit exploiting game destroyers....

    'If you think you finally found the perfect light... i hope it's true' -Belly

  4. #4

    So sweet.

    The only thing better than being an exploiter is being a self-eggrandizing exploiter!

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