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Thread: PvP related suggestions! (Sticky Please?)

  1. #1

    Exclamation PvP related suggestions! (Sticky Please?)

    I just wanted to make a summary thread of all the suggestions made to the PvP system, so many posts, and they are likly to vanish, as well as many good ideas.

    • The arenas:
    • Removal of Title Points in the arena Link
    • PvP in the arena is broken? Suggestions of new arenas. Link
    • 2 suggestions for implementing Dueling Link
    • Bad title for gankers Link
    • Low level PvP'ers and their trainers (underlings) Link
    • Fix Prenerfed items Link
    • Profession (Breed) Related PvP issues:
    • Counter Mezz/Root In PvP Link
    • Pet attacking? Link
    • Enforcers Suck? Link
    • Healing beeing winning factor in PvP (nerf heals) Link
    • More problems with rooting Link
    • Balance the breeds Link
    • Engineers .. Link
    • War Zones:
    • War Inside the cities Link
    • More War inside cities Link
    • Killing your own Link
    • Getting flagged for npc kills Link
    • More on duelling inside the cities Link
    • Clan needs their own 2ho Link
    • Toggle 25% on/off (25% Zone Events) Link
    • A warzone out in Newland desert, and some PvP chat channel ideas Link - New
    • Other PvP suggestions
    • Bored players take up PvP as a last solution Link
    • Add a new bracket for levels 75-129 in PvP Link
    • Guild vs Department wars (poll) Link
    • PvP Server? Link
    • Promoting team PvP Link
    • More ideas on a PvP server Link
    • Top 10 list does not reflect the truth Link
    • More on PvP server Link
    • Proffesionals talk about the bracers, what should they do (we all know what they are gonna do.. ) Link
    • The perfect PvP system for AO Link
    • CTF Ao? Link
    • PvP chat channels Link

    Id like people to add suggestions, and links to this thread, and most of all bump, so we can get a real sticky one for all the PvP issues. (50% of all the bugs/suggestions are pvp oriented.. :/ )

    I'll keep updating the list as I find more posts

    Last edited by Frakk2000; Sep 14th, 2002 at 01:18:35.
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
    Apprentice Frakk2001 // Doc - Rk2

    Frakk2000's guide to twinking -> link <-
    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  2. #2
    Maybe i'm on the wrong thread for this but, PvP is of little or no interest to me because i have nothing to gain from it.

    Why don't i get XP for a pvp kill?
    Kissysuzuki 220 - 24 - 60/70
    Minisuzuki 205 - 9 - 13/70
    Riders of the Lost Org

    "Enforcers are being nibbled to death"

  3. #3
    Take out ranks. If you want to implement a ranking system, then start some gm mediated pvp contests. Only those should add any weight to your pvp rank.

    Make the world much more political. No zones should be 75% or higher except the major cities. No loss of xp at all when killed in 25%. Loss of xp and all items lootable regardless of save in 0%. Doing this would make pvp a much more inclusive aspect of the game then it is right now.

    Shoot the crybabies who cry against pvp. Setup a chat client with 'cute' happy faces and the /moon /adjust socials, and let them have their fun.

    Realize that pvp isn't about dueling. Concentrate on mass wars/team pvp/etc, and stop catering to the idiots who've never seen the outside of Tir or Ent.

    Modify arenas for duals. Since the game can already spawn missions, then spawning an arena for people who want to duel each other really shouldn't be that hard.

    Anything at all that will switch the focus of pvp from the arena to the outside world of Rubi-Ka where it belongs.

    Setup a text filter that will automatically delete and ban anyone who cries about being ganked.

    Hire some GMs who can handle mediating a war on this planet. That last omni hq 'fight' has shown the utter incompetence of the current crop.

    Change the pvp brackets. Pvp downwards should be dynamic much like your team spread. Pvp upwards should not have a cap.
    (Though the most successful pvp game I ever played had no limits at all.)

    Oh, the reason why you can't implement gaining xp in pvp is because someone would just farm all their xp quickly this way. Though there could be limitations put in against that, and it could all in all be another interesting aspect of pvp.

    *bump* for any pvp ideas.
    Last edited by Zylina; Aug 26th, 2002 at 02:37:19.

  4. #4

    I feel the same way about crybabies, pvp is a part of the game, if you don't want to duel, then don't but there are other ways of pvping Like hiding/assasin style, or just the good old war way, where multiple groups go together and fight it out. Fix it so that we can do it like that
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
    Apprentice Frakk2001 // Doc - Rk2

    Frakk2000's guide to twinking -> link <-
    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  5. #5
    Dont forget to add this to the list.
    "There is a storm coming! Our storm! - Paul Mua'dib"
    Randomize argument in scripts!

    The magical pony, scene1-5,6

    Im glad there are trolls and whiners, gives people something to compare with. Makes the rest of us look better.

    "Spam is not just something you do, its a way of life."


  6. #6

    And bumping at the same time.
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
    Apprentice Frakk2001 // Doc - Rk2

    Frakk2000's guide to twinking -> link <-
    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  7. #7
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
    Apprentice Frakk2001 // Doc - Rk2

    Frakk2000's guide to twinking -> link <-
    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  8. #8
    Bump! Because this needs to be sticky
    "There is a storm coming! Our storm! - Paul Mua'dib"
    Randomize argument in scripts!

    The magical pony, scene1-5,6

    Im glad there are trolls and whiners, gives people something to compare with. Makes the rest of us look better.

    "Spam is not just something you do, its a way of life."


  9. #9
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
    Apprentice Frakk2001 // Doc - Rk2

    Frakk2000's guide to twinking -> link <-
    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  10. #10
    solo bump ... *
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
    Apprentice Frakk2001 // Doc - Rk2

    Frakk2000's guide to twinking -> link <-
    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  11. #11
    There are many reasons why I think the current implementation of PvP is lame:

    The level restrictions. Either make the spreads go up to 150 or just make it free for all.

    Not enough 25% zones. The only zones that shouldn't be PvP are the home city zones like Tir, Athen, Omni-1 Trade/Ent, NLC, and the various newb pits.

    Titles being the form of reward is lame. The reward of PvP should be the ability to loot an item of choice from whatever the person has equipped in terms of weapons or whatever the person is carrying outside of backpacks. After all...what's your dead body going to do to stop me from taking your gun after I kill you?

    Political zones and the structures within have no "control" factor. We can't take over outposts. I would imagine having control over an outpost would give you benefits such as being able to use the shops there or being able to access the whoompa / grid at the outpost if you controlled it. Gaining control of an outpost should require the use of a hacking tool on the outpost's central computer system (with the B&E skill to match)and controlling an outpost should grant skill boosts to those in the vicinity of the outpost (like the way the Crat speeches work I would imagine).
    .: Naraya :.

  12. #12
    Oo, haven't bumped in a while. Gotta stick some more suggestions to the list.
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
    Apprentice Frakk2001 // Doc - Rk2

    Frakk2000's guide to twinking -> link <-
    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

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