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Thread: HOw I made it to level 130 as an adventurer class

  1. #1

    HOw I made it to level 130 as an adventurer class

    I solo QL 185 team missions in Broken Shores as a doc now, without a doc in our team and no one dies... how?

    I used to think I was a great suppport healer.. I watch the fkeys, I refresh the hitpoint bars EVERY ROOM. I solo heal ( 350-800 )
    team heal ( 350-650 )

    Not the highest heals, but I keep QL 110 nano chargers, and my evades are very high so I don't mind pulling aggro to save a teammate cos I can run around in circles like nobosy's business, HEHE

    Anyways, I give everyone in my team major wilderness and all my best buffs, whether they ask for it or not.. why? Cos in these high team missions everyone's got nearly 300 or more NCU and just too busy or apathetic or sleepy to ask for everyone's buffs..

    Now at level 130 I solo doc these team missions,which came to a surprise to me...

    But, being a good doc takes more then 2 buttons, whoever said that, is wrong...

    Fkey resetting takes dilligence
    Nano charging every room
    Targeting for solo and team heals takes constant supervision, you gotta treat your team mates like they are your very own offspring and KEEP THEM ALIVE

    "No one dies."

    That's my motto.

    And we choose one player to open/unlock/ loot chests.. and we have no worry about whats under the lid. people are only paranoid about roller rats because they didnt start the mission with good communication. Any full team in a QL 185 mission can take chests and their share of rats, as long as they know what they are doing.

    Had a team last night where the doc quit, just cos a rat showed up... noiw that's pathetic. Especially since the rat got mezzed in 3 seconds.

    Anyways, the problem is people who open chests while their teammates are AFK . rat comes out, aggroes the unatended toon, and the char dies. That is unacceptible.

    Another thing docs need to do is NOT PANIC! It shoudl be written in large friendly letters upon the doc's manual.
    My gawd man, ( or woman , like me )use disgression, but when you are aggroed, do not panic and chain cast solo heals..

    that is sure to get someone killed, probably you, cos chain casting solo heals at this point is quite possibly gonna draw more aggro to you,

    but you need to know that when you are under attack, first cast a team heal, that might allow someone on your team the breather they need to reorganize, and help you ! The runing in circles prevents you from running into a unexplored mob ahead.

    If you are still being attacked, and you get hit real hard, then throw a solo heal, but I find running around in circles with 350 unbuffed evades works fine so I might throw one solo heal but the rest are team heals and I try to reserve solo heals for my teammmates.

    Anyways, I think that's it.

    I love being an Adventurer, and to all you who want my uber perception buff, I dont have it yet. I used all my IP up til now on getting the best heals money could buy, and everything else I needed, but I promise I'm close, maybe 3 more levels and I got ya covered

    Thanks for reading my post.

    "No one dies."
    Last edited by Orchid; Aug 1st, 2002 at 17:37:05.

  2. #2
    I'm a pretty decent "doc" too. But it's damm stressful. Hate that job.... especailly with such a slow and buggy team health menu. Often have to stare real hard at the combat spam to spot who's being whacked and use the F keys to target quickly instead of relying on that buggy PoS.

    Hmm.. wat's wrong with rollerrats? we love them still! Lots of easy xp. Get someone who can solo those rats, or someone who can mezz to do the chest opening.

    Our ADV teamheal suqs. Recharges too damm slow and are unreliable. Prefer solo heal anytime unless a lot of people are hurt at the same time (eg. whacking mob with shield).

    U're a brave nanomage doc to hold on to aggro BTW, do u use wolf form or tiger form in combat ?

    Perception buff... I wish I have the crystal. I have the PM, but don't have the crystal

  3. #3
    Using the same two heals. I'm not comfortable as the only healer in group. It is a bit easier when having a 120+ team as they are a bit harder to kill... Beeing the only doc in a 90 - 100 team is a lot harder Same QL of missions and people die much faster...

    Seen a list of heals that lists hp/s, and adv are about a 65% doc.

    Secondary healer, now thats a comfortable position

    Forgot one thing... Lick Wounds Thats a lifesaver when your the only healer

  4. #4
    Grats on 130. sent you a /tell. found a 196 composite barrel.
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  5. #5
    ok its a ultra short barrel required and I did find a QL 193 one, still looking for QL 200 though, let me know if you find one

    I did tell Slaggie I would pay him especially well if he is abvle to locate the QL 200 barrel.

    I have the perception nano just can't use it yet

  6. #6
    Emiko, the tradeskill you are looking for is found in shops, I hope you know that?

    And to Ashuras, the doc that feels healing is stressfull. Here is a tip. Make a macro /macro Assist /assist . In fights target the mob you are fighting, and click on your assist macro and you get target on the one taking dmg. Keep clicking to switch between mob and who ever gets aggro. Works great.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Askeladden
    Emiko, the tradeskill you are looking for is found in shops, I hope you know that?

    And to Ashuras, the doc that feels healing is stressfull. Here is a tip. Make a macro /macro Assist /assist . In fights target the mob you are fighting, and click on your assist macro and you get target on the one taking dmg. Keep clicking to switch between mob and who ever gets aggro. Works great.
    Great tip. Thanks. This is certainly more reliable than that dumb team health bar.

  8. #8
    I already do that but thanks

  9. #9
    heh, someone could probably make a nice living in AO, buying the popular tradeskill items in QL 200, and selling them for aprofit. I keep checking everytime I look for my super coolant tube Emiko

    Askeladden, the problem is two spawn per terminal of each kind, at most, and they can be QL 90-200 I believe. I have found that a lot of the time, the third level tradeskill items are the same terminal inventory as the first level. I generally get different clusters almost all the time between the levels. So to find a QL 200, takes a lot of time. In sheer basic numbers, it should take checking 110 times, to find a QL 200 at most. That is a lot of waiting for stores to spawn new items, or traveling to maybe 4-6 stores that you have access to, then giving up and going to get a group. Anyhow, you can see how this would take ages.

  10. #10
    I ended up with a QL 193 ultra short barrel, Yugi, and the requiremnents on a QL 193 river seasons are enough to make ya forget this gun entirely.

  11. #11
    just got this gun equipped today

  12. #12
    Just a little FYI about the rollerrats-chest trap thingy. Considering my main is a Fixer.. I realize this stuff.

    Disarming traps is excellent XP, easily 3x the xp you get from mobs on the mission. So where letting that trap go off and killing a rat, taking time and getting 4k xp, you can disarm that trap, taking far less time and getting 8-10k xp for it.

    Best on solo missions, but hey if people don't mind, disarm in team missions too. Cause if you ask me, traps aren't nearly as serious a threat as they should be.
    "Yea, I've got your information.. you got my money?"
    Proud member of 3305 Local
    A non-GA Fixer, and pround of it!

    Fergus ~ 27 Soldier (after wipe) ~ Test
    "No escaping pain! You belong to me.." Megadeath-Skin o' my Teeth

    Fion ~ 25 Opi MA (after wipe) ~ Test
    "Woh look at that MOB! Think I can take it? *SMACK* OUCH!"

  13. #13
    I agree with you on this post...

    I basically take a psudo-doc role in my "normal" team ever since our regular Doc had to stop playing because of school.

    At level 136, I'm using:
    Flawless Stitching, which is 451-965 for my single-heal, and Greater Encourage Regrowth for my team heal, which is 321-704.

    With my normal team, I can't remember the last time anyone died from anything other than a boss room lag spike or something along those lines. Advy's make great support healers if you have a good team that doesn't "need" heals constantly no matter what.

    Lick Wounds doesn't seem to draw the same amount of aggro as a "normal" heal, so it makes a good emergency manuver.

    Typically, though, I like being able to both heal AND contribute damage. I have a QL 200 The Original Electronicum, and a QL 155 River Seasons XP--with a low-end 4 crit scope and around 450 total init. I can definitely pump out the damage, and often grab aggro.

    Because of Lick Wounds and heals, though, Advents also make resonable tanks as well. Especially if you have a support healer. Our usualy Agent Assume Doctor's with a QL 200 recompiler in, and covers the rough times for me.

    Our regular group of 110-145 (I'm 136 ATM, we have an MA, Agent, NT, and Soldier normally...sometimes another Advent) can take QL 190-200 missions with ease.

    Advent's a fun class...and, especially nowadays, I definitely feel like I can contribute to a team quite well. =)

    Last edited by Jayde; Oct 3rd, 2002 at 09:11:03.

  14. #14
    Hmmm. Question.
    If you can cast Greater Encourage Regrowth, why aren't you using Flawless Stitching as your single heal ?

    Don't tell me I'll be stuck with the same heal for another 10+

  15. #15
    Doh! Actually, that was a mistype on my part...I am actually using Flawless Stitching. Oopsies. =)

    Editing previous post... Hehe.


  16. #16
    Well, im using glorious heal and some uber team heal along with invocation of the phoenix which is a fullheal, 10,001.

    nano init well over a thousand.

    Ive got a 8 crit scope i got carefully blitzing a ql250 mission

    And i weild a River series ql 193 with a offhand 172 kaen.

  17. #17
    "being a good doc takes more then 2 buttons, whoever said that, is wrong... "

    heh.. Any doc can sit and team heal but that doesent make ya a good doc.. as a 145 doc with only a soldier as an alt, i think that its much harder than hitting tab then q =/

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